Monday, October 31, 2022


                                                         SHE'S RUNNING IN EVERY STATE!

It was a short ride, but very inspiring. The 64-year-old woman from Minnesota was in town to run a half marathon. She said, "It takes me 2 l/2-3 hours to complete the 13.2 miles". She is running six more in the next three months with the last one being in Hawaii. Her goal, along with her brother and a friend, was to run a half marathon in every state and they will be celebrating in Hawaii when they complete that one. She will have accomplished this goal in about two years time. She retired last year after a long career in social services. I didn't have time to ask her what her next goal is, but I'm sure it will be something special.

                                                             THE INDESPENSABLE GUY

When he got in the car I asked him, "What kind of work do you do?" He replied, "I do all the things that no one else wants to do." Just out of the Army, he came to South Carolina without a place to live. When he interviewed he told me, "I didn't take no for an answer." He works in a restaurant and one day asked his manager if he could do something not in his job description.  He did it so well, she has let him do many other things and he's basically turning the restaurant upside down.  He told me, "They had never done inventory." Another very short ride, but you could tell that the organization and structure that he learned in the Army has already helped him in his next career.  If he keeps this up, maybe one day he'll own the restaurant.

                                                            THE FOOTBALL COACH

My conversation with him began when he told me he lived in Dallas. I asked, "Does that make you a Cowboy fan?" He answered, "No, I don't root for them, but if they played against ISIS, I would." It was a funny and odd comment and then I found out he is the head football coach in The United States Football League. (USFL) Although it is not affiliated with the NFL, it is a place that teams can see other players perform at a higher level than college.  His team, The Philadelphia Stars, lost the Championship Game this past year. He's had a number of conversations with Cowboy Owner, Jerry Jones, and some significant disagreements too. This is one reason he is not a fan of the Cowboys. Not realizing he used to play quarterback and he has coached some very good ones, I asked him, "Who is the best quarterback of all-time?" I was not surprised when he answered, "Tom Brady."  He also told me that he was an Assistant Coach with the Tennessee Titans and was on the sidelines when Tennessee won the game in what is referred to as, "The Music City Miracle." He was talking to his quarterback, Steve McNair, with his back to the game, when suddenly, "He just jumped up and started running down the sideline," when the game was won. It was very enjoyable to talk football with an expert who has had a long career in it.

                                                       THE OUTGOING LIBRARIAN

My ride of the day had to be the woman visiting from Chicago who was absolutely delightful to talk with.  She had a vivacious personality and a great laugh and I could not believe it when she told me, "I'm the kind of librarian that my kids say to me, "shhhhhh." She did say that, "There are a lot of outgoing librarians," but, I can't imagine there are any who are more outgoing than her.  She's been a librarian for over twenty years. She was dishing out so many funny lines and we were getting along so well, I suggested, "We should do a podcast together and call it "Ebony and Ivory." It was not difficult to get her laughing again and I told her I wish had a little recorder to tape her laugh.

Some of her interesting and amusing comments were these: Growing up in LA, she said, "You know mobility is a big issue there, so when you turn five they give you a car." I suggested she would be a terrific Uber driver, but she said, "I hate to drive, but if there was a job I looking out the window at things, I love doing that." She said she could teach diversity at companies, "Just pay me the money spent on it and I would go in and play the video of, "Walk This Way" by RUN DMC and Aerosmith."  She looked at the signs in my car and said, "You would make a good librarian, we love to make signs." She also added, "You should get a Pulitzer Prize," before I told her I had a blog or was writing a book."  She did admit that she could do a talk show and she made our ride together a real joy.

                                              MS. DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON

I have told many riders and other people that woman absolutely love downtown Charleston, even saying that they have, "a torrid love affair with it." It's not an exaggeration with 70% of The College of Charleston being women and constant bachelorette parties, girls weekends and of course weddings downtown. However, this may be the best example of how much women LOVE downtown Charleston:

My two riders are Sunday morning, October 30th, were from Staten Island New York, a place that I know very well. The mother and daughter were going to spend the next three days in town and I first started talking about Staten Island since I used to visit high schools (and my wife), for work many years ago representing a business school and talking about careers. The daughter, a hair stylist in her 20's, was making her second trip to Charleston.

Her first trip to Charleston was on Thursday, October, 20th, ten days earlier, for a baccalaureate party. After a couple days, she loved it so much that had her boyfriend come down and spend that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday with her in downtown Charleston.  She left with him on Tuesday, October 25th, and five days later, she was back again with her mom.

She told me, "I loved King street." Clearly, the shopping and the "vibe" of town was so amazing that she convinced her mom to visit and she wanted to enjoy it with her. We had a lot of laughs as I tried to make sure I understood that she really was making a second trip back in the same week! Hall's Chophouse, which is only one of the amazing restaurants in town, sent her a thank you e-mail or letter for visiting them-something I had never heard a restaurant doing.  She was there twice last visit and had reservations to go there with her mom this week. We did discuss that when the time comes she will probably have her baccalaureate party in downtown Charleston, but she added, "I'm thinking about my wedding."  I'll be looking for her...soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Things You Usually Don't See-Part 2

 Continuing by last blog, these are a few more unusual pictures:

At the wedding I dropped a piece of cheese into my cup of water, accidentally. The cup is sitting on a plate with more cheese on the top right side. It's one thing to drop something small in a cup, but this piece of cheese looks a lot bigger from this angle.

I started walking up the stairs to go into the antique store and something caught my eye. It was not the cat in the picture. Sitting right there in front of the cat was eighty-eight cents in change stacked neatly, which of course the cat is watching. Since I used to pick up a lot of change, I was tempted to collect it, but I was puzzled why it was there. I asked the owner of the store and she said she gave that change to a woman this morning. I guess she was trying to give it back?

Right near the antique place was a chocolate store that had been around for 125 years.  When we walked in I immediately saw this behind a clear window.  There were some women working in there, but what struck me was the conveyer belt in the back on both sides of the picture is very light brown. It reminded me of the famous "I Love Lucy" scene where Lucy is trying to keep up with taking candy off the conveyer belt. I was told they don't use it anymore, but what tourist activity that would be: pay $5 and in a couple minutes try to take candy off the conveyer belt like Lucy. I would have done it and ate the chocolate too.

The wedding was in a winery right next to the cornfields.  Being a big fan of  the "Field of Dreams" movie, I couldn't help but get out of the car and walk up to them and snap this picture.

Finally, if you ever want to get out of a hotel room quietly in the dark when someone else is sleeping, this is the one thing that makes that a "Mission Impossible."  This is a close up look at the lock on the front door, it almost always makes a loud click. No matter how quiet you are sneaking out, this click will wake anyone up.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Some Things You Usually Don't See-Part 1

When I travel anywhere I make it a point of looking for things that are a little different.  Some of these things you may have seen before, but you may not have seen a picture of them.  Take a look: 

When you eat in a restaurant you sometimes wish someone else was sitting near you.  We entered the brewery and it was a little different looking. It was redone inside, but it was previously a very old building. They already had the Halloween decorations up and right across from me was the this guy. I tried to ignore it, but it was right there.

My son and daughter-in-law who were just married, will be driving back to Colorado in this cute school bus. In addition to it saying "Just Married" on the back side window, it also has it on the very back window.  I've seen a lot of cars that say, "Just Married," but this is my first school bus.

The day before the wedding, my wife and I went to a car wash.  It was not one of the real fancy, new ones, but this is the first "real" car wash I've been to in my maybe two decades. I wasn't really sure what to do, but as with many things, my wife got me through it.  This picture looks like a real heavy downpour, but it was just cleaning the car.

How about a vintage pillow of The Beatles? We saw it in an antique store and it was "only" $45. My wife said I should get it and I would of for $25, but not $45. They had a number of Beatle books and also some teen magazines from the sixties which were pretty interesting to look at.

Eating at an Italian restaurant in a small town in Pennsylvania, we all watched this old-style train pull into the station and let people off. It looks like the kind of train that would pull into Willoughby, the focus of one of my favorite "Twilight Zone" episodes.  It would have been fun to take a short ride on it-maybe next time.

I've written many times about how difficult a time I have spending cash, but this was a different spin on it. We had brought a lot of cash to pay for meals, but we found ourselves going out to dinner with a group of people going to the wedding. They wanted to take us to the gun club. I thought it was a steak place. I knew we didn't bring enough cash, but that wasn't the problem. At the last moment, we were told it was, "Cash only." I couldn't believe it, I didn't know places like that existed. There was an ATM there, but we were shocked by the menu. Since it was a club, the prices were ridiculously low. It was mainly bar food. This part of the menu were the appetizers, but the main meals were all $3-$4. We left a big tip and we only spent $20 in cash, which still doesn't make sense to me. We had about $50 in cash we could have spent!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"I Traded Gandhi"

 Over the years I've read about ridiculous headlines. One of the most famous bizarre headlines was many years ago from the New York Post. The headline read, "Headless Body in Topless Bar."  I know that the title of this blog is ridiculous, but it did really happen.

As I've posted before, riders have been giving me currency from their country and I've been displaying them so my other riders can enjoy them.  I've had many people take pictures of the money!  One of the bills I have is from India and it has a picture of Gandhi on it. Many people have recognized Gandhi, including an almost 7-year-old girl from New York. If you look at the picture below, you'll see the bill on the top left is Gandhi. It's a good looking bill and of course the name Gandhi is pretty well known.

About ten days ago, I drove a Mexican woman, who had lived in the Charleston area for a long time. She took one look at Gandhi and said, "I love Gandhi. Would you be willing to trade it for Italy and Argentina?" I laughed because I didn't think she was serious, but she really was.  It turns out that she collects foreign bills and had some with her. She said that she is collecting them so in the future, "I can use the bills when I visit other countries."

The big question remained, "Trade Gandhi or don't trade Gandhi?" It was two for one and I felt that it would be easier to get another Gandhi than it would be to get Italy and Argentina.  The woman was very happy and told me to come into the Mexican restaurant in the future if I wanted to trade more. Later that day I told a couple that I traded Gandhi and he said, "My mother wouldn't have traded Gandhi." Below are pictures of Argentina and below that Italy. The other eleven countries that are represented in my museum on wheels are: South Sudan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Honduras, Jamaica, Canada, Soviet Union, Romania, Thailand, Bulgaria and Mexico. I may have to get a bigger car!



Tuesday, October 25, 2022

My Wedding Toast

This past week I was away celebrating my son's wedding and we all had a great time. The wedding took place at a winery in Pennsylvania.  The ceremony was outside in a beautiful area surrounded by trees and the reception was in a closed tent nearby. Below is the toast I gave on Saturday night after dinner almost word for word.(I left their names out)  I wrote most of it about a month earlier driving very early in the morning going to Charleston.

(About the bride) They say it takes only a few seconds to make a good impression, but it probably took less time when my wife, Monika, and I met her. We knew a few things immediately: she was friendly, outgoing, had a big smile and an infectious laugh. She was full of life. We could tell that she was a strong and independent woman and a joy to be around.  We are very happy and excited to welcome her into our family as our third daughter.

A few fun moments growing up with our son: He loved to run. Before he could speak many words when he was thirsty, he would run around our kitchen and living room, saying, "Juice, juice, juice." The first soccer team he was on, his friend Tim, who is here, the two of them were the only boys on the team.  They would run up and down the field, back and forth-they didn't stop. One day, we took him to the store to get new sneakers and he put them on and started to run and called out, "Mom, they're making me run faster."

He loved the beach and between the water and air and running, he would knock himself out. Once after a long day at the beach at Ocean City, Maryland, we went out to dinner. Before the food came out, he put his head down on the table and he was out. We had the waiter take a family picture standing around him. Lastly, one day I was videotaping him shooting baskets with a bunch of kids his age. He told his friend, "My dad's middle name is Haagen-Dazs." After my favorite ice cream...

For many years my wife has signed cards to our kids that said, "We're proud of you and we love you." It's become a running joke in our family, but it's really true. We are both very proud of you and I'm proud to be your dad.

In 1994, the movie, "The Lion King" came out and sometime later we watched the movie. I used to tease him about the one scene when the King was standing on top of the mountain with his son Simba, looking at his whole kingdom. I would say to him, "One day, all this will be yours." He never thought it was funny.

That day is here. You see my dad's amazing life really began almost exactly 63 years ago on November 1, 1959, when he married my mom. The best part of my life began over 39 years ago on August 28, 1983, when I married your mom. The best part of your life begins today, October 22, 2022, because you married her today.

As amazing as the two of you are individually, you will be better than ever, together as one. They say that the secret to a successful marriage is to find the right person, but it's really being the right person for your spouse.

We love you both and we will always be proud of you. And, thanks for inviting us!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

My "Great" Throw From Left Field

Welcome to the end of the baseball season! Lately, it has been terrific to watch, although I don't have a television.  I've been watching a lot of highlights and between the Yankees and Mets making the playoffs and Yankee Aaron Judge breaking a 61 year-old record, it is a great time to be a baseball fan.

However, I should tell you this-I'm not sure I ever played left field in a baseball game.  The reason is simple, the left fielder is usually one of the best players on the team, because more fly balls go there and need to be caught. How did I make a "great" throw from left field if I've never played there? 

As the infamous TV detective, Adrian Monk, usually said, "Here's what happened:" Monday is my favorite day of the week. Since I typically work Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I'm always up early on Monday to get a lot done. During the night I switched to the second bedroom and then I woke up, looked at my phone, and it was around 6 am.

It was perfect and I was going to get up and start my day.  Suddenly, I was in left field in a stadium. One of the players on my team had moved over from center field and he was almost standing in front of me.  He was big, maybe it was Aaron Judge?  There was a ball hit and he didn't run after it, obviously not Aaron Judge. I ran to my right and picked up the ball and made the throw.

It wasn't a good throw, because I heard a clang and woke up in my bed. I turned the light on to find my phone which had landed on the dresser a short distance away. It was 6:25, I had slept another 20 minutes! The phone worked and it wasn't cracked, I knew I didn't throw it well.

There was a window just to my right, so it was a pretty great throw since it didn't go through the window. But, the big question was, who was I throwing to? Maybe the who was on first?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Can One Flat Tire Ruin A Whole Weekend?

Of course not, but it certainly can change things. This weekend I had planned on driving all three days as I usually do.  Here's a summary of what happened, but the most important thing is not what happened, but how I responded to what happened.  There's an old saying, "When you get a lemon, make lemonade." Here's my weekend lemonade story:

Friday morning: Good morning driving, very good on tips and on target for my goal for the day:

The clock strikes noon, or 12:15: After dropping off a rider, I was driving about 30 mph and I hit something in the road. It couldn't have been very big, I didn't see the car in front of me move drastically and when I looked in my rear view mirror it looked like a few pieces of wood scattering.

I pulled into a restaurant parking lot and it was obvious the tire was shot, or blown and unrepairable.  Meineke, which has taken very good care of my previous car, was not too far away, as was theI guess it was sharp?

2 pm: The tow truck shows up and brings me to Meineke.  The tire is ordered, but won't arrive until Saturday morning. It still made sense to use the same tire and not a substitute.

Saturday morning 9 am: Arrived at Meineke and about ten minutes later they started working on the car. It looked like I'd be out by 9:45 at the latest.  One problem: they can't take the tire off, because there is no key for the wheel.  The new cars have a lock on the wheels so they are not stolen.  We search the whole car and have no luck and Meineke tries several things to get it off without damaging it, but nothing works.

10:00-10:30 am: I contact my salesman at Ford, who is three miles away.  He comes over with about thirty wheel lock keys and none of them fit.(He didn't have the right box, it was in another box) Both Meineke and the dealership are closing around noon. The only other option is to get car towed to the dealership and have them look at in Monday. My salesman orders a new lock for me.

11:00-12:00 noon: Our insurance company is having issues and I can't get a tow online.  I'm calling them on the phone and after over an hour, I hang up and call again. There's no way of reaching Geico today. I call the Ford towing service which is free and first give them my old Vin number and then the new one and  they finally find me in the system. I get a tow and this is the car's arrival at Ford and I make it home after 3 pm.

The car even looks good even on a tow truck! The weekend was not what I planned, but there were some good things and here's a list, going backwards:

1. I was able to tip the same tow truck driver twice with CASH!
2. I found out I was missing something important for my car.
3. I got some extra sleep this weekend.
4. I saved about $100 in gas by driving only a half day this weekend.
5. I was able to get on the treadmill Saturday and Sunday which I never do.
6. I got some reading done and finally finished a book.
7. I got to spend some more time writing my book.
8. My wife and I went out to dinner Sunday night and then walked on the beach afterwards.

Finally, I had just re-written an older rider story where a guy from New York had lost his wallet at a wedding the night before with $300 in it. It had not turned up and he spent a good part of the day relaxing at the pool. He couldn't fly home, because he had no identification. He said, “There’s nothing I can do, so there’s no reason to be upset.” 

I took his advice from over three years ago and I had a pretty good weekend.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Are Microwaves Dangerous?

Of course not and most people know that. However, there are some people who believe that the radiation from them makes them dangerous, but it's only if you are exposed to very large amounts of radiation.  Let's look at some facts: In 1985 only 25% of households had microwaves. There are currently more than 90% of households today who have a microwave.  They are very popular to say the least.  It is expected that microwaves will result in 12.7 billion dollars this year.

It is true that you are not supposed to stand directly in front of a microwave when it's on, just in case there is a slight leak of radiation. The odds of that happening are very, very slim.  But, let's brainstorm here and find out how a microwave could be dangerous:

1. If you turn the microwave on with nothing in it, "none of the microwaves are absorbed. A large amount of energy reflects around the oven chamber resulting in large standing waves that can damage the unit." It will not hurt you.

2. If you put a battery in a microwave and turn it on, it could explode and it could hurt you.

3. If you put a fork, spoon or metal in and turn it on, it could explode and it could hurt you.

4. If you put an egg in and turn it on, it will likely explode and it could hurt you.

5. If you put a plant in and turn it on, the plant will not grow and it will die faster, but it won't hurt you.

Sometimes people don't like microwaves because they think it harms the nutrients in food.  Don't take my word for this, because I don't even know what a nutrient is.  "Food cooked in a microwave oven is as safe, and has the same nutrient value as food cooked in a conventional oven." 

I didn't know this information either: "Using the microwave with a small amount of water essentially steams food from the inside out.  That keeps in more vitamins and minerals than almost any other cooking method and shows microwave food can indeed be healthy."

One final quote which even I can understand: "Microwave cooking is actually one of the least likely forms of cooking to damage nutrients.  That's because the longer food cook, the more nutrients tend to break down, and microwave cooking takes less time."

Sometimes though, people just want to heat up their coffee or tea.  We've lived with a microwave for forty years, but it is completely possible to live without one! However, it's a lot more difficult to live without a microwave than to live without a television and I know that for a fact.

So, if you know someone like I do, who does not have a microwave, share this with them and let them live a much easier life by getting them a microwave.


An image of food burning in a microwave oven.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

What Does TGIF Really Mean To You?

I recently found out that the popular phrase TGIF, may not mean the same thing to everyone. It stands for, Thank God It's Friday, but why do people say it? Are they happy that the work week is ending, or the weekend is beginning, or both?

The phrase TGIF became popular in 1965 with the opening of the restaurant T.G.I. Friday's, but really became popular in 1978 with the movie, "Thank God It's Friday.  The movie starred Debra Winger, Jeff Goldblum and singer, Donna Summer. 

I have never been someone to be looking forward to the weekend and I probably have never said TGIF. However, I thought people were saying it because they were looking forward to the weekend and the weekend starts on Friday night, or does it? When does your weekend start?

I was talking to a friend this week and mentioned that my favorite day of the week is Monday so it would be TGIM for me and he said that he prefers the week and for him it's TGIS, for Sunday. So we discussed what TGIF really meant to most people, but I don't think we have any idea.

I looked it up and found out that some people think the weekend begins Friday night and some believe it begins Saturday morning. (And for some people Friday night may be Saturday morning) I guess it doesn't matter, but you never know sometimes if something you know is really accurate. Have a great weekend, whenever your weekend is!

The Friday's restaurant is pictured below and under Friday's it says, "In here, every day is Friday." I think that's a whole different subject. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022


The bright, almost seven-year-old girl had been in my car maybe five minutes, when she asked her dad, "Why do all the drivers talk so much?"

Talking to the young Jamaican guy about the picture of the Super Bowl ring in my car, he said, "What does the KC stand for?" Me; "Kansas City." Him: "It doesn't stand for witchcraft?" (Another rider told me the initials have to do with voodoo)

The two women had close to ten shopping bags from the outlet mall when I picked them up. I said, "What did you get me?" One woman replied immediately, " A speedo." She paused and said, "Do you know what that is?"

Male: "My 16-year-old daughter just told me that she has a boyfriend.  She didn't want to tell me because she was afraid I would scare him. I just wanted to talk to him about guns and graveyards."

She: "Here in Charleston, if you spit on the street, it floods."

Male: "I'm an animal lover. I've had a pet tarantula, lizard, rats and others. Rats are very smart, you can call for them and they just jump into your lap. I have roommates now, so I only have cats."

Full-time he is a consultant to legal firms, but his passion is a blog and podcast called "Ghost N' Grub." He is a Lead Investigator of the paranormal in restaurants and bars. He said, "Most spirits are grumpy, because they are not happy where they are."

Male: "My real name is River.  My mom named me after a soap opera actor she liked. My last name is Mann, so I'm River Mann. Maybe I'll name my kids Spider and Bat?"

The father of the groom said to me after I brought him to the beach wedding, "I'll give you $100 to go back and get my wife and her child. I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the money doesn't really matter."(1 mile away)

Married for 55 years, I asked the couple from Tennessee, "What's the secret of a successful marriage?" He replied immediately, "Yes, dear." His wife said, "Doing things together."

The female McDonald's manager told me, "Customers are blind" and "Customers are 98% wrong." I suggested they would make great April Fool's Day signs for the store. Getting out she said, "Believe me." I replied, "I do-you're my customer."

After a very entertaining and fun ride, he told me, "You can blow sunshine up our butt anytime. I would have said ass, but I thought I was on Cash Cab."

"My sister loves to eat uncooked pasta. She does it unconsciously at first."

After the optometrist of forty years said, "Not everyone needs glasses" I felt pretty good without them at 62. I asked him, "How many people in their 70's and 80's don't need glasses?" He replied, "None." 

After staying in Morgantown, West Virginia for a short time, a college town, the woman from Australia said, "I think they are known for burning couches."

Air force guy: "I jumped out of a plane and my chute didn't open, but I landed and rolled as I was taught. I was sore, but okay. 12 years later a doctor found that I had a healed vertebrae fracture which had to have come from my fall."

She: "My name is Sharmilia, which is a Hawaiian name. My great, great, great, great, great, grandmother and I are the only two people with this name, which means beautiful flower. She lived to be 119 years old, the oldest Hawaiian to have ever lived."

She works at the supermarket Lowes deli and said, "We normally do $12,000 in a day, but on July 4th we did $84,000. We have a "Chicken bar" and when we bring out the rotisserie chickens three times a day, one us will come out and do a chicken dance with music and we turn around and shake our butt."

She: "I was named Kennedi three weeks after I was born.  I was originally Jordan which is now my middle name. My mom was upset because there seemed to be too many people named Jordan."

Woman who lives in China, "I find it interesting that people here move from the city to the country, because we move from the country to the city for better education and access to resources."

The woman in finance was talking about all the demands employees are making and said, "I think some people have gotten soft since the pandemic."

He told me: "My parents met when my Mom at the age of 21, picked up two male hitchhikers who had been drinking. They hit it off immediately."

He said, "I'm a server at Nacho Hippo. One guy had been drinking a lot and handed me the bill and said, "I can't read it, put in the tip you want." I put it $50 on a $300 bill and he said, "That's not enough." I said I'd take $100 and I did."

She said, "I collect Japanese coins.  They have a whole in the middle of the coin, because a long time ago they used to put a string in their money and wear it around their neck."

The male college student had transferred to The College of Charleston only three weeks ago and discussing the number of women there he said, "If I had a daughter I wouldn't let her go here."

The retired, female cop from New York, was wearing a shirt that said, "If you pinch me, I'm going to punch you." She said, "My co-workers made that for me, because I used to say it at work all the time."

The female bartender told me, "My hobby is cooking. It started as a joke, but I'm cooking one dish from 50 different Asian countries." (She included Taiwan and the Soviet Union)

I asked the couple who were dating, "What kind of work do you do?" She replied, "We're both drug dealers-pharmacists."

The Pastor said, "The world needs more kindness."

The couple was married 36 years and I asked, "What's the secret to a successful marriage and he said, "Tolerance," and she agreed and said, "You have to give your spouse a break sometime." 

Recovering alcoholic who is now a bartender, "I have a lot more fun sober now and I remember it the next day."

Woman: "My mom gave me my middle name first, Molina, from her favorite video game and then she found the name Heaven, because it sounded well together, so I'm Heaven Molina."

The older man said, "I'm juggling 2 or 3 women and it's a bit of a mess."

The woman from Chicago said, "Laughter is food for the soul."

Female nurse: "I met my husband in the hospital, he was my patient. He was in a terrible diving accident which left him a paraplegic We're married and building a house and he has said that he's glad the accident happened."

She said, "My friend here is Susie and she drives me where I need to go, she's "Suber."

He said, "You are one of the nicest Uber drivers we've ever had." Me: "One of the nicest? Him: "You even made the rain stop!" I said, "My business name is, The Sunshine Man."

The 21-year-old girl when asked about her 27-year-old sister, she said simply, "She sucks."

I asked the three guys from Malaysia, "How do you stay looking so young?" He replied, "We eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water."

He was disappointed he didn't have any foreign currency on him from his country and then said, "Have you seen a $2 bill? My aunt gave this to me for good luck when I came here." (My dad used to work for The Federal Reserve Bank and personally would give out $2 bills for years)

He said, "A friend of mine had an idea when he was drunk at a bar to start a dumpster rental business.  We started the business and he's not involved anymore, but it was a great idea."

Young guy, "I collect Pittsburgh Steeler Super Bowl rings.  They only are worth $100 each, but they look real."

She told me, "My friend Mira was a miracle. When her mom gave birth her baby was stillborn, but they didn't know that there was another baby behind that one.  That's why she's named Mira."

He said about his girlfriend sitting next to him, "She thinks everything I say is funny, she's the only one."

Young man, "I was fired from Wal-Mart when I missed four days having COVID since I had called out two previous days. We had several people working without masks on and they had COVID then."

Truck driver: "When I was in Kansas City I saw two signs for free houses to get people to live out there."(?)

I mentioned that the husband laughed a lot and the wife only sometimes, she said, "He laughs for me."

The female corrections officer told me, "It's not for me to decide someone's guilt."

Looking at all the money I have displayed in my car, the six-year old said, "Is all that money real?"

Young man, "I like to travel and I want to live in all of the states.  I already have the east coast up north done."

Pastor: "I found some of the churches more aloof than up north, but people are more aloof up north than down here."

The woman from the north said, "Down here, it's just too slow."

When the young Chicago Bears fan said he had never watched Gale Sayers highlights(The Hall of Fame running back) and he had never seen "Brian's Song", (One of the best sports movies of all-time), he said, "I must be the most disappointing rider of the day."

Woman from New Hampshire: "It's a little weird walking down the street and saying hi to each other here."

Red Sox Fan: "I have a large framed newspaper from when they won in 2004 and it says, "FINALLY."

."We got lucky getting a long ride home from Myrtle Beach to Charleston. The driver said he wanted to free his mind and think. We gave him some advice."

The woman said, "When I get my car back I'm just going to Billie Eiilish my way to work every day."

Taking him to the hospital, he told me, "I may have broken my elbow. I dived into a pool at my bachelor party and it wasn't deep enough and I put my arm up to protect my head."

After a morning of rain, it was a great afternoon.  I asked the local woman, "How about this great weather this afternoon?" She said, "It sucks.(The humidity) I wish it would have stayed cloudy."

The woman in finance was talking about all the demands employees are making and said, "I think some people have gotten soft since the pandemic."

                                                                SOME SHORT STORIES

He was a corrections officer for thirty years in Tennessee and knew James Earl Ray who was serving 99 years for killing Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. (He confessed and three days later said he was set-up) He said, "No one in the prison thought he was guilty. The other inmates could have killed him at anytime, but they only cut him up so he could go to the hospital. He wrote a book about being innocent and he autographed a copy for me. I was offered $500 for the book, but turned it down." (The King family was also convinced of his innocence) 

I said to the three women, "I see you're going to Barefoot Landing." She: "We're going to a concert." Me: "Who's performing." The woman in the back said, "I am." Longtime country singer, Lorrie Morgan, told me, "I've been on the road for 45 years." I asked her who her two favorite singers were and she said, "Keith Whitley,(her late husband) and Tammy Wynette."

He bought a $60,000 Audi electric vehicle and drove it $12,000 in almost a year and a half. Three days before he was going to sell it for a nice profit, a big red light came on saying, "Exit the car. Do not park near a building." The dealership told me to let it cool down and drive it to the dealership, it might explode. They couldn't give me a loaner, (None available), could not get the parts, and finally got the parts in pieces to fix it, but didn't have the tools. It's been four months and I'm going to get it now."

Husband: "My wife has had some really bad luck the past few years. She was in our garage and a bat flew into her head, fell on her arm and gave her rabies. The treatment caused her liver and kidney to fail and had to be removed. Another time we were out on a boat and we hit a wave hard and her back broke. Another time she backed into the open dishwasher and fell and needed her hip replaced."

The army for 18 years loves to do dangerous things and once jumped out of a plane 1,200 feet up when his parachute did not work. "I pulled the secondary chute, but it was so late it just protected me some when I hit the ground. I got up and got my stuff and walked to my troop. They saw I was cut and bleeding on my face and got me to the hospital where they told me I broke my spine."

She said, "At the beginning of the war in Ukraine I had an Uber driver here(Charleston), who was from Ukraine and spoke no English at all.  He had signs up all over his car explaining that he was earning money to send home to his family. I did tip him to help out."

He rents cars regularly, but this experience was incredible. "I rented an Acura from Avis out of the DC. airport, but it was an unusual car with tinted windows all around it. I had all the information to pick it up and when I went to the gate I scanned the info on my phone and left. When I had to change my plans, Avis could not find my reservation, there was no record I had a car. Two days later I went back to where I got it and parked it and left and never got charged. We think it might have been a car that was repossessed, but it wasn't in their system somehow."

Woman: "I went to Fenway Park for the first time and we went into Jerry Remy's(former Red Sox player) hot dog place to eat some hot dogs. As we were eating, suddenly, my husband jumped up and ran over to this guy and got his autograph. I couldn't understand it and asked him, "Why did you get the autograph of a guy selling hot dogs? It was Jerry Remy."

                                                    SOME EXTRA RIDER COMMENTS

Male: "In Nigeria I worked for the US. government as a Program Manager in propaganda, promoting the US. way of life there."

She said, "I don't like being given orders by anyone."

Woman: "My hair has five colors, but I' about to change it to just orange and black for Halloween."

The military couple said, "We enjoyed living in Italy and Germany the most, the culture and the ability to travel."

She: "I used to work at ESPN in the college sports section. It was fun, but I didn't see a future. We used to joke the best part of working there was being able to say you worked there."

Man from Jordan: "We have everything you could want for a country, mountains, ocean, snow. We're small, we just have less of it."

She said, "I work for Stanford University in countries around the world. I teach students how to improve their resources in their country."

Guy from England, "The people are friendlier here than at home."

She told me, "My middle name is really Sunshine." She fit perfectly in my orange car.

From New York she said, "When I first came down here I would go into a gas station and people would ask how my day is going. Up north, people don't even look at you."

Me: "How was your night working?" Him: "It was a long, sweaty night."

Him: "We're going to go to Iceland and Italy on our honeymoon."

Talking about watching small children with the tv on I mentioned Sesame Street teaching how to count and she said, "It was The Count, counting."

The mother from New York, a new Market Commons homeowner, was experiencing her first Uber ride with her future daughter in law who she said, "Has a heart of gold." Getting out of the car, the younger woman said to me enthusiastically, "I love you."

The guy recognized me from the beginning of the year and told his friend before I picked him up, "This guy is F'N cool." (Obviously drinking) The guy said to me, "You're solid, good people." (He's right, but still drinking)

"I love your collection of bills."

The three guys from Malaysia said, "This is the most interesting Uber ride we've had."

She said, "You have a great personality."

Young woman from New York: "I can't wait to read your book."

Saturday, October 1, 2022



I love history and my rider gave me a rare treat.  Driving him and his wife to the airport I heard a fascinating story. It was his first Uber ride and it immediately became one of my all-time favorite rides.  Married for 55 years, the couple from Tennessee was entertaining. I asked them what the secret to a successful marriage was and he immediately said, "Yes, dear." She laughed a little and said, "It's important to do things together."

He told me he was a corrections officer for thirty years, men's prison, women's prison and skid row. He immediately told me that one of the prisoners that he had was James Earl Ray who had confessed to killing Martin Luther King Jr. and three days later said that he was set up. My rider told me, "No one in the prison thought he was guilty. The other inmates could have killed him anytime, but they only cut him up so he could go to the hospital." He told me that he spoke with Ray's son frequently and that Ray had a suitcase with $40,000 when he was finally captured after his plane was delayed. Ray wrote a book and signed it for my rider who was offered $500 for it, but he kept it.  

After looking the story up, I found out that Ray convinced Martin Luther King's family that he was innocent and they tried to get him a trial. Since he confessed immediately, he was never tried for the crime. I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories, but getting this kind of information made it a fascinating ride.


When I picked up the three women to go to Barefoot Landing, I didn't expect anything unusual was about to happen.  It's one of our big tourist locations in Myrtle Beach and they told me they were going to a concert. I asked, "Who's performing?" The woman all the way in the back said, "I am." Lorrie Morgan has been performing since she was 13 years old and said, "I've been on the road for 45 years." Her manager and one of the members of her band were with her and she was going on in a couple hours. I asked her who her favorite singers were and she told me Keith Whitley (Her late husband)          and Tammy Wynette.  Over her career she has had three number one hits and another eleven top ten hits.  She has performed with Frank Sinatra, Johnny Mathis, The Beach Boys, and Dolly Parton to name a few stars. She was very nice and I enjoyed having the three of them on the ride.


He has been in Army for 18 years and they are constantly moving from one place to another one. "Our favorite two places to live were Italy and Germany, the culture and the ability to travel were great," they told me. Their two children have had an unusual, but very valuable education and many adventures.  On one adventure the oldest daughter who was 5 ft. 2 inches tall was skiing with her dad. They had to hike up a mountain to get to the top, but there was seven feet of snow. Her dad put her on his back to get her there. He's had many adventures, but told me just one. He jumped out of a plane 1,200 feet up and his parachute did not work. Freefalling to the ground he said, "I  pulled the secondary chute, but it was so late it just protected me some when I hit the ground. I got up and got my stuff and walked to my troop. They saw I was cut and bleeding on my face and got me to the hospital where they told me I broke my spine." He didn't want to go to the hospital, he thought he was okay.  He's a daredevil and enjoys doing dangerous things. His wife is very supportive and she said to him, "If you're going to die, do it in the next two years so I can collect the extra benefits." They are close and her comment made him laugh-he's probably heard it before. 


My wife and kids have been trying to get me to get my eyes checked for quite awhile and I just haven't gotten around to it. I read a lot and haven't had a problem reading, but they seem to want me to get glasses. I finally saw an optometrist-in my car of course. The optometrist from Utah told me that, "Being an optometrist was the best decision I ever made." He told me that he helps people, "See as best they can and it's very rewarding." I told him that my family has been encouraging me to get my eyes checked and probably get glasses.  He said, "Not everyone needs glasses." When I asked him how many people in their 70's and 80's don't need glasses," he replied, "None of them." I had him laughing when he got out of the car when I told him, "I'm giving you a list of my favorite rider comments, because, how often do you get to give an optometrist something to read?" He impressed me as a dedicated professional and I think he enjoyed talking with me as much as I enjoyed talking with him.


Originally from Honduras, I took the man to the airport for his flight to Denver.  He works in Denver in construction, but his daughters live in Charleston.  They can't get enough workers in the Denver area, so his company has imported many workers from around the country.  Room and board is paid for and he gets paid very well.  He's a hard worker and is usually working 12 hours a day and seven days a week so they can finish their project. He's been working since he was 16, but the 34-year-old man misses his daughters. He keeps in touch with them every day and is saving money to take care of them and open up a restaurant in the future.