Saturday, May 11, 2024

What Is A Mom?

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers out there.

I'd like to tell you that I spent a few days laboring over this and trying to find the right words, but the truth is that I wrote this pretty quickly with the words that came to me.

Everyone unfortunately is not lucky enough to have a terrific mom like my sister, brother and I had.  She seemed to always have a big smile on her face and she was constantly doing something in the house.

She didn't have the easiest childhood growing up in Newark, New Jersey.  I think she probably kept her childhood in her mind as she raised three kids in Edison, New Jersey.  I think she wanted our childhood to be better than hers and it was.

For those of you who had very difficult relationships with your mom, you probably kept that in mind when you had children-you wanted your relationship with your children to be so much better.

(As I'm writing this I have some music on.  Albert Morris just sang "Feelings" and Eric Carmen is now singing, "All By Myself." That's not helping me write!)

What is a mom?

She's someone who does everything for you when you're a baby and wants to continue doing that as long as she can.

She's someone who dresses you "the right way," or at least how she wants you to look.

She's someone who will make your favorite food maybe chicken, or her incredible cranberry bread.

She's someone who takes care of you on good days and bad, in sickness and in health.

She's someone who was always proud of you and would brag about you to anyone and everyone.

She's someone who loves you.

I've watched my wife Monika, be a great mom for our three kids. I've tried to compliment her and help her as best I could, like my dad did with my mom.  Happy Mother's Day honey.

Below is a picture of my mom and dad a number of years ago.  I like to think that the past three years they've been together again as they were for over fifty years.  Happy Mother's Day mom!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

What I Learned On My Fabulous Weekend

 Some random things for you:

POOPED ON THREE TIMES:  I have done a lot of driving, but on this trip I experienced something I've never seen.  My wife was sleeping and a bird pooped on the front window.  It wasn't a lot, but it doesn't happen very often.  I ran the wipers and it was almost gone. Five minutes later it happened again and I was really surprised.  Ten minutes later, the bird that had to be following us, did it again.  I'm very confident that will never happen to me again.  Maybe, it's your turn?

KNOCKOUT ROSES: My wife educated me about the above flowers.  They were pretty, but I don't think of roses as being knockouts. 

THE GENDER REVEAL: We were at the baby shower for our daughter-in-law, when all of a sudden someone said, "It's time for the gender reveal."  I watched almost everyone walk out of the room and had no idea where they were going.  By the time I got outside I was in a terrible place to take pictures, but I did it anyway.  This is just before our son kicked the rugby ball which produced the pink smoke which meant they were having a girl.  

A PORPOISE PLANT? This was hanging at my wife's aunt and uncle's house.  They do look like a porpoise or fish, but it's still a weird name for a plant.

420 FRIENDLY: My wife educated me again by explaining that this means that you are a person who accepts people who smoke pot.  Is that the best they could do to explain it? Ok, I guess I am, but I didn't know it until she told me.

KFC SIGN: We made a stop and I looked over and saw the message on the building of the KFC.  It said, "MADE THE HARD WAY, MADE BY HAND." I've never seen that before and I thought it was an odd message. But, they have been doing it since 1940 and it's chicken so that's okay with me.

A COMPLICATED SHOWER: Maybe it's just me, but when I go to take a shower I like it to be easy. This was one of our hotel showers, but it reminded me of a pinball machine.  Was the water going to come out of both places? Which spray was better? Do I remember how it works now? Of course not, but I just wanted you to see this.

WHERE DO PIMPLES COME FROM?  My wife of course told me it was fast food like burgers, hot dogs, French fries, and sodas that are to blame for pimples. It makes sense, but I don't think I've ever heard it before.

THE BIG BURGER: The Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey advertises a few big burgers. The Zeus burger has seven pounds of meat and feeds up to 14 people.  You can order the kit for $144 to make this burger yourself.  The Mt. Olympus burger is a total of 50 pounds and the Eighth Wonder is 105 pounds total.  If you and your group can finish it within a certain amount of time, it's free.  I have not tried this and I will not be trying this.  It would be fun though.

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Head On Collision

I like to post about positive, unusual, and uplifting things, but sometimes it's challenging to do that with some stories. Last Tuesday afternoon I did some food shopping in my wife's Subaru, since she was not feeling well.  It went very smoothly until I pulled up to a red light to make a left turn a mile from our house.

I had just arrived there when all of a sudden a small, blue Nissan appeared in my lane and hit me head on.  The picture below is our totaled car.  It's important to note that the impact was in the middle of the front of the car and not to the right where the driver should have been driving in his lane.

The best part of the story is that my chest is very sore, but okay.  The air bags all came out and our emergency call system came on and I had someone calling 911 immediately. Two people stopped to help me and one got my phone so I could call my wife.  My legs are fine and one arm had a bad cut which is healing well.  I didn't hit my head or my legs and my back and neck are okay too.

I did go to the hospital to get checked out.  In the ambulance with me was the 74 year-old man who was driving the blue car.  He seemed to be in even better shape than I was.  At first he said to someone he was hit from behind, but that wasn't true.  He then said he didn't know what happened.  You know it's never a good thing when you clearly see the entire face of a driver right in front of you.  His car also hit another vehicle after hitting mine.  It's possible he moved into his left hand turn lane and then drove right through the light into me.

Everyone I came in contact with was terrific.  They were very helpful, professional, and thorough.  The State Patrolman interviewed me in the hospital and told me that the other guy was given a ticket for running the red light.  He also said that the air bags come on when a car is going 35 mph or more.  I wasn't surprised, he looked like he was shot out of a cannon. The officer actually drove me home and I got to sit in his front seat with his computer pictured below.

Finally, our food was saved by my wife.  Some of the containers were bruised, but not as much as I was.  She had some blackberries all over the car and told me, "I got them all, except one on the ground I left it there." I had a little box of pop tarts that was open and I thought one of the bags of pop tarts had actually "popped" out of the box, but they were all there.  The best news is that the rotisserie chicken was not bruised and it tasted great the following today.

Almost a week later my chest is still sore, but improving.  I have some beautiful colors spread across my belly from the seatbelt.   The car is totaled and our claim is being processed-Geico has been terrific.  A couple of rules for everyone to follow:

1. Always wear a seatbelt

2. Never run a run light.

3. Always be very aware of your surroundings when driving.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

My Most Memorable Rider Comments From April

They were talking about this great special at Outback Steakhouse. I said, "You have to stop, I'm going to have cottage cheese for lunch today." He said, "It's about time you went on a diet. You're pushing the weight limit in this car."

"When you head back to the North (From the South), your friendly battery runs down quickly." 

She texted me, "I'm on the beach side, rockin' cool black pants and a sunburn." 

I told the couple who knows me, "I've been married for forty years." He said, "It sounds like a life sentence. I think 25 years is legally a life sentence.  You could have killed her and have been out already."

She definitely had enjoyed herself on the beach with some alcohol and pot. She pulled out a dollar bill, turned it over and wrote, "Be safe going home and be particular."

The college student was not drinking when she came up with this creative story, "I'm an old man in disguise. I'm really 82 years old.  My name is Bob-it's short for Bobby. I worked for Kroger for fifty years and never got a raise. The spirit of the old man will always be in this car."

She: "When I was eight years old my dad was a nursing administrator. For two years I worked nine hours a day, five days a week, doing some inventory and payroll."  I asked, "Did you get paid anything?" She: "God no."

When I told them I was going to give them a gift, (My list of comments) he asked, "Anthrax?"

He and his wife live in Florida with their two kids under ten, "To celebrate my 50th birthday we're doing 50 states in 50 weeks with our flexible work schedule."

One day after a Canadian assured me that some Canadian bills DO NOT smell like maple syrup, (which several people have told me), two Canadians said, "The $100 bill definitely smells like maple syrup and they were impregnated into the bills." (It is a real, fourteen year-old myth)

 He: "My friend became a truck driver across country and put on eighty pounds in ten months. His favorite stops are Burger King and Arby's. I offered to buy him a small fridge to put healthier foods in it, but he turned me down."

When she just retired people would ask her what she was doing and she would say, "I'm enjoying my front porch."

He: "Charleston is like an interactive museum."

He: "In The South you have to work to live, it should be you have to live to work."

After having several people from Boston who did not say "car" with a Boston accent, the woman from Boston told me, "I think the accent is dying out."

She: "I had an Uber driver who had about 50 green, Christmas air fresheners hanging from the ceiling. They were all identical."

Minnesota has been voted the friendliest state in the country in the past.  From Minnesota, she said there is a saying there, "People will give you directions to anyplace but their home."

He: "I learned from my grandfather when we were hunting deer. When I said it was hard to do, he said, "Nothing worth doing is easy." I always say, "Is anything easy worth having?"

She has around thirty clients for her cleaning business. Me: "Do you work with someone else?" She: "No, no, I need all my money!" (Eleven children ages 1 to 26)

She: "I used to be a lawyer. " Me: "What are you now?" She: "A lot less stressed."

He gets off of his security job at 7:30 am. I asked, "What do you do when you get home?" He: "I grab a couple beers and decompress, it's my happy hour."

He knew someone who had a business that his kids had been stealing from him. "He told me that he wants his ashes put in the toilet since his kids have been shitting on him his whole life."

When I asked the little boy, "How old are you?" He quickly said, "10!" His mom laughed and said, "He's four."

"Bringing her "Southern Charm" (her boyfriend from the South) to New York for the first time to LaGuardia Airport, the young woman from New York told him, "Don't look at anyone, don't smile, follow me, keep your head down and pick up the pace. If you can't pick it up, go in front of me and I'll move you and don't pet the police dog. I don't have time to go to the hospital because he bit your hand off."


The bar manager said, "I had three job offers, The Ozarks, Martha's Vineyard, and The Rockies. I'm leaving next month for the Rockies."

I said I had a library of over 400 hundred books and he replied, "You have to do something when you don't have a TV." (We do now, after five years)

He: "Myrtle Beach is the Northern Florida."

His wife left Iran a long time ago and he says, "The best way to visit Iran is not to buy a ticket."

His name is Jesselee and he said, "I've researched it and there are only two people on the planet with this name and the other one is a comedian in California."

When I asked her how it feels to be retired, the accountant said, "I don't have to think anymore, you just don't care."

He said, "Charleston hasn't changed in 35 years, it's refreshing."

Taking the couple from Canada to the International Film Festival, I asked them, "Are you hear to see any film in particular?" She answered, "His."

Young military guy: "I was just hanging out, carrying around as a kid in high school, but the military gets that all out of you."

She: "We've been dating four years. If it takes him ten years to propose, he's my man."

I asked the man, "What do you?" His wife said, "He's a man of leisure." (Retired)

She said, "My weakness is shopping and seafood."

Restarting her life and considering missionary work, she said, "I want to make the world a better place, I want to make a difference."

She told her southern boyfriend, "This is Newark, a different king of hell."

The two best friends are getting married in August and one who is going to Italy and Greece said, "I'd rather go with her than my husband."

An elite high school basketball player in New York, "I played against Dr. J, Connie Hawkins, Dave DeBusschere, Nate Archibald, and Willis Reed gave me a chipped tooth."

"I'm not a bartender, because I'd rather have a life."

"I'm in Yacht management."

She moved out of New Orleans recently and said, "I think they recruit out of jail for the city government."

From Pennsylvania he said, "The country's largest buffet is Millers Buffet in Lancaster, Pa." (It really is)

"My name is Cyncerie and I have 13 Kids."

She: "My real name is Oz, it's a Turkish name."

"Life is so delicious."

She told me, "I have a 210 pound dog."

I told him I saw a school bus run a red light recently and he said, "Someone at work today told me they were hit recently by a school bus that ran a red light."

She: "I tattoo brows and it usually costs $600-$700 for the four hours."

He is convinced about this, "All sports is run by the Mafia."

The social worker said, "Some people don't know their lonely."

I asked them how they met and he said, "Playing kickball, we were on opposite teams."


"My mom has 15-20 mannequins, each with a different hair style. She puts them in a case and carries them to clients she has."

The college student from New Hampshire explained, "My mom bought a mannequin head and put it in our refrigerator and asked my younger sister to get something for her in the fridge.  We move the head around the house scaring each other all the time."

"You have hell-like security. Tell your girlfriend to stop looking in the back of the car."

"My mom has five mannequins that she uses for clients.  I have one that I call Susan."

"The head got me."

He said, "I thought she was a reminder of your wife, some men are very attached to their wives." Me: "I've been attached for forty years."


He said, "This is like a time traveling machine."

He said, "This gives me more faith in humanity."

She: "I'll remember this forever."

"I've never seen anything like this."

She: "This was a great way to start my morning."

The bride to be said, "You're teaching me more than I've ever learned in my life."

"This feels like the best Uber ride ever."

"You made my day great!"

In the mental health field, I asked her if she had an analysis of me and she replied, "I would need to ask a lot more questions."

The social worker said, "You're like an undercover social worker."

The young guy was getting out and said, "This is one helluva car sir."

She: "You may be the best Uber driver ever." Me: "May?"

"I love this."

"It's beautiful, I love this."

"You should be in the papers."

"So cool I got to see you(the car) in the daylight."

"You're the most interesting driver I've ever had."

"What a great ride."

Giving me a big tip, the man from Brazil said, "You are a very nice man."

"You're the best."

"I've been in a lot of Uber's, this was my favorite Uber."

"This was amazing-it was so much fun."

He said, "This was fabulous."

"This is so cool."

"This is the best ride I've ever had."

Monday, April 29, 2024

My Favorite Riders In April



There were two women from Barbados that I was driving and when they saw my collection of bills, one of them said, "We don't have any money from Barbados."  A couple minutes later after entertaining them, I was handed this bill for my 50th country represented in my car.  The windmill on the right is on the back of the bill.  I think when I said I had 49 countries represented, they wanted to be #50.                      


There is a first time for everything and these young women are both getting married this August.  They are best friends and definitely had a good time the night before.  On the way to the airport, they entertained me as much as I entertained them, maybe they entertained a little more.  One of them did say, "You're teaching me more than I've ever learned in my life." One bride to be is going to Hawaii on her honeymoon and the other is going to Italy and Greece. I'm not going to say which one, but one did say about her honeymoon, "I'd rather go with her than with my husband."  They are not getting married in the same place.  I wished both of them forty years of happiness and I'm still waiting for the picture they took of all of us at the airport.


She is from New York and the longer the ride went, her inner New Yorker kept coming out.  She met her boyfriend in South Carolina and she calls him, "Southern Charm." I laughed a lot when she told me about taking him to New York for the first time.  She kept giving him instructions and directions on what to do.  At LaGuardia Airport she told him, " Don't look at anyone, don't smile, follow me, keep your head down and pick up the pace. If you can't pick it up, go in front of me and I'll move you."  He loves dogs and she pointed to the police dog and said, "That is the police, do not pet him.  I don't have time to go to the hospital, because he bit your hand off."  She is clearly in love after four years, because she told me this: "If it takes him ten years to propose, he's my man."  


It was a great way to start my day with an inspiring success story.  My rider who was in distribution, received a promotion in Maryland to move to New York with only a small increase in pay. After turning it down, he later accepted a very good severance package from the company.  He called a friend who had a cafe on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md. and a small brewery next to it.  The friend was selling iced tea with 4% alcohol and they decided to get serious about the marketing of the product, Hoop Tea.

The head of Anheuser-Busch found Hoop Tea in a local store and loved it and called the two entrepreneurs.  Hoop Tea is now an Anheuser-Busch product being run by my rider and his friend.  The drink can be found in around twenty different states and it is growing well.  I received a little swag from my rider and it now sits with my hats in my car.  Congrats to them and a great future.


The Florida couple are celebrating his 50th birthday by doing a 50-50.  No, not a raffle, but they are going to take their two kids to 50 states over 50 weeks and continue to work at the same time.  They were both former Uber and Lyft drivers and she has been with the Walt Disney Company for ten years and works as a server in a restaurant in Disney's Hollywood Studios.  He runs their Etsy business and with flexible schedules they have this adventure planned out.  As a big Disney fan myself I was surprised when he told me that he has been to Disney World around 2,000 times in his life. What a great way to celebrate a special birthday! I enjoyed driving them in Charleston and helping them with their fun quest.


I mentioned  to the three college students that I write about my favorite riders each month and their favorite comments and one of them wanted to know if she could be on the blog.  She then told me a story that started, "I'm really an old man and I'm 82 years old. My name is Bob, which is short for Bobby. I worked in a Kroger for fifty years and never got a raise." For a good five minutes she added to the story and told me that it all started, "On the beach when I saw a big X." I was driving and having difficulty following the story, but she ended it by saying, "The aura of the old man will always be in this car."  It was a terrific performance.


Sometimes there isn't enough time to talk to a rider.  I spoke with my passenger for twenty minutes but did not get to talk about living in Alaska.  She's only the second Alaskan I've driven and the other was not a permanent resident.  As a scientist, she is working on environmental clean-up.  She told me, "I've been a chemist and a biologist." She also owns a Ford Transit passenger van like I do.  What does she put in the van? How about a 210 pound dog? Her dog weighs seven times the weight of my dog, but I didn't have time to discuss her dog. She had a great laugh and we had a good time talking, but ten more minutes would have been better.


She needed a new start and decided to move from Ohio to Mt. Pleasant in the Charleston, South Carolina area. She works in finance and being a number's guy, we got to talk about some numbers and we had an entertaining ride.  She's thinking of maybe doing some missionary work, because she, "Wants to make a difference in the world." When I dropped her off, she handed me a folded up $100 bill.  I was speechless and she said, "I want to make a difference in people's lives." I think she's off to a very good start in her new life.

Friday, April 26, 2024


I have blogged about my favorite day of the year before, but here's a summary.  When I was a kid I used to go into bookstores and look at the sports section and history/biography section and pick out the books that I'd like to buy.  On more than one occasion I would think that when I got older I would buy a bunch of books and spend $100 in one day.  I did not know about inflation.  I also thought about how cool it would be to actually write a book and I did publish, "Driving On The Sunny Side With 10,000 Strangers" this past October.

In 2001, at the age of 40, I found out about The Hunterdon County Book Sale and I absolutely loved it.  I probably went home with 25-30 books and spent $30-$40.  There were several years my kids went and at least one that I took my dad to this event.  Between 2001 and 2017 I bought 25-40 books here each year except one.

Below is a picture of the large room filled with books, including the boxes and boxes of books under the tables.  It is an extraordinary scene....for a reader.  I want to thank The Friends of Hunterdon Library for their incredible event that has meant so much to me and thousands of other readers.  I will be sending this blog to them.

In 2017 we planned on moving to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and my library of 800 books could not all go with me.  It was difficult and painful to do, but I packed up over 500 books in boxes by subject and donated them back to the library. Below is the picture of what my vehicle looked like with 30-40 boxes of books.

This past Sunday morning I pulled up for half price Sunday at 9 am, an hour before the doors opened.  The woman I parked next to thought it started at 9 am and she wanted to know where she could go so she wouldn't sit in the car.  She had only been to the book sale once and I encouraged her to stand in line with me and we had a great conversation.  She turned out to be Jewish, from Edison, and also an author and a writer.  The third person to show up was from Edison and also an author.  It was the most fun I've ever had in a line in my life.

Usually it would take me only thirty minutes to find the books I wanted, but on Sunday I took a whole hour and had a great time.  Below is the picture of my 38 books which cost $39.  I'll mention only four of the books, because of how unique they are:

1. The journals of Henry David Thoreau will be a more difficult read, but he was a very special individual. Of his most famous quotes has always been one of mine: "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."

2. "Milton Berle's Private Joke File", is one of the largest books and who knows how much I'm going to laugh while reading it.

3.  A biography on Thomas Edison is something I have never read before. Growing up in Edison, New Jersey, this will definitely be a fascinating read.

4. Last, but not least, I did buy four books on former President Donald Trump.  One book is for Trump and two are definitely not and the fourth one is entitled, "The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump." I laughed when I read the title and I have to guess this is a tongue in cheek, analysis or samples of how he talks.  It will be different to read for sure.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Everyone always wishes you a good weekend and let's face it, we've had a lot of good weekends in our life.  However, what about those fabulous weekends we've had? It could be the day you were married, or the birth of a child, or when your team wins the Super Bowl. There have been some really fabulous weekends.

This past weekend was a fabulous weekend for me. My wife and I spent most of the day Friday driving to Pennsylvania and most of Monday driving home to Myrtle Beach from New Jersey.  But, in between? Here are the highlights:

1. In those 48 hours from Friday to Sunday night I managed to eat a bunch of my favorite foods: chicken parmesan, a roast beef triple decker sandwich, a corned beef and pastrami sloppy Joe, a Jim Dandy sundae at Friendly's with coffee ice cream, and chocolate cake. I enjoyed them all immensely.

2. We had a very nice Italian dinner with our son and daughter-in law on Friday night and my wife surprised her with a gift, a Brahmin purse.

3. On Saturday, we were at the baby shower for our daughter-in-law.  Below is a picture of the cake which was chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.  Below that picture was the "Gender Reveal" which involved the mother-to-be kicking a rugby ball. (Since she plays) However, the pink smoke did not come out until my son kicked it. The third picture of course is the pink smoke.  The baby's name will be Riley Constance, named after my dad, Richard, and my daughter-in-laws favorite aunt, Connie.

3. Early Sunday morning my best friend, Larry, was celebrating his 64th birthday.  After I treated him to the free breakfast at my hotel, he decided to play his guitar, which he did in the pool room.  It was a short concert and I was the only witness.  In the parking lot I gave him a pizza box with candles and a little song I wrote inside to the tune of The Beatles song, "When I'm Sixty-Four." He didn't read it, he sang it with a British accent.

4.Sunday morning: I drove to the big book sale I haven't been to since 2019 and in an hour picked up 38 books I'm looking forward to read. It cost me a total of $39 which is ridiculous. I think it was my 18th book sale there since 2001, but who's counting.  I had a great time, more on the book sale coming soon.

5. Sunday afternoon: We drove down to the Trenton area to spend some time with my wife's aunt and uncle and we went out to an early dinner before heading to our hotel for a few hours of sleep before heading home at 3 am Monday morning.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Where Did My Package Go?

It seems like every other week someone in our neighborhood is looking for a package they had ordered. I'm sure with Amazon's popularity, this is a common thing in many neighborhoods.  There are many different companies delivering, including some packages coming through the person delivering the mail. Sometimes, the package never appears, but never can be a long, long time.

For example: what if you're a carpenter and you live in the Faroe Islands and your name is Niels. Your wife decides to send Mr. Ladsen's fiance a red sweater in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Did I mention that it is 1807? Your package doesn't arrive because it is seized two weeks after being mailed. The British Navy grabbed it during the second battle of  Copenhagen.

It sounds far fetched, but below is the package that was finally opened 200 years later. The United Kingdom's National Archives finally opened the package and found a red dress in pristine condition, pictured below. It looks more like a blouse, but maybe the fiance was very small or it shrunk?

You know that package that never arrived at your door? Maybe someone else will be opening it 50-100 years from now? 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Is There A Chocolate Crisis?

I don't want to alarm you.  There are a lot of serious things going on in the country today, but if less chocolate is going to be available, THAT is really serious.  Maybe you read the story about how the price of cocoa recently went up by 25% in one week? 

Chocolate is produced mainly in four West African countries, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria.  They have 75% of the world's production of cocoa. The problem is that production will be short 374,000 tons this year, (300,000 more than the shortage last year). The shortage is a result of not enough new trees being planted, bean disease, and bad weather.  

There is more demand than ever for chocolate and whose fault is it? All of us are guilty-The Mars Company, Hershey, (The town and company) and The Girl Scouts too. What would happen if there were less thin mints? How much would a box cost then?  What about M & M's? What about Valentine's Day?

This is a list of the top five chocolate companies in the world:

#5 Lotte, a Korean Company- 2022 revenue was $10.62 billion

#4 Ferrero, an Italian Company-2022 revenue was $1.94 billion

#3 Mondelez, operates in 160 countries-2022 revenue was $31.50 billion

#2 Mars Wrigley Confectionery- USA-2022 revenue was $47 billion

#1 Nestle SA-Swiss-2022 revenue was $108.13 billion

I think the whole world really likes chocolate. Supposedly, the chocolate companies are saying that consumers will have to pay more due to the shortage.  Will Kelloggs start taking "The more cocoa" out of the Cocoa Krispies? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

On Vacation I Saw Four things I Had Never Seen Before


1. What is that? What does it look like? How about the end of a Q-tip? We have cleaned our ears hundreds or maybe thousands of times in our life, but this time was different.  I cleaned one ear and cleaned the other one and looked at the Q-tip and the part pictured above was missing. Where was it? In my ear? Try looking inside your ear-it doesn't work well.  It was in my ear and I threw it out without taking a picture.

When I got home from vacation I realized I should have taken a picture.  I took another Q-tip and used it and then I took a scissor and tried to cut this piece off.  I tried and tried and tried.  Finally, it snipped off this piece, but the rest of the Q-tip shot across the room. I looked all over, but I couldn't find it. It may be behind the bookcase? Don't tell my wife-we'll find it one day.

2. How many different sodas are there in The United States? How about 450 brands? Have you ever heard of Dr. Thunder? It's a soda, not a doctor. What does it taste like? It is like a cola, "With a subtle twist, featuring caramel notes and a refreshing fizz." My sister-in-law bought it-it didn't look real.

3. When you start driving north from South Carolina you notice right away that the speed of cars increase considerably. Driving on the New Jersey Turnpike I saw something I've never seen.  There were cars zig-zagging in and out of lanes, but one car wasn't satisfied with the lanes on the road.  Not once, but twice, the car got on to the right shoulder to pass someone. A day or two later in New Jersey, a car passed me on the right shoulder.  Keep your eyes on the road and off of it!

4. I love chicken and I love bagels, but chicken on a bagel? No, it's not chicken on a bagel, although I am told that it is delicious. It's a French toast bagel which I had never heard of. It sure looks like chicken or egg on this, but I have been assured it is just a bagel.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Tips For Driving Across Country

Have you ever considered taking a drive across the country from the east coast maybe in New Jersey and going out west to a state like Colorado? What if you took your time and did it in two weeks? How would you do it? What would you do? Just in case you have that urge, here are some simple tips:

1. If you fail to plan you're planning to fail.  It's an old phrase, probably older than me, but it is true.  In the old days you would take out a map and look at the states and figure out what hotel you want to stay in and what you wanted to see.  Today, the most important thing is to make sure you have your phone and a phone charger, that's all that matters. (And two credit cards)

2. Avoid hitchhikers and especially one like this: If you see this old guy and he looks like he's from "The Twilight Zone," you don't want to give him a ride.  If he's in black and white like this picture, do not stop, do not slow down, you want to make sure that your next destination is not in "The Twilight Zone." 

3. Avoid pizza places: If you're from the east coast, you have probably been in 47 pizza places and you know some of them are the very best anywhere.  You might find some barbecued pizza, but go elsewhere for food, like Joe's Barbecue in Kansas City.

4. If you're not used to driving long distances, take many breaks.  If you're not stopping at a rest stop, make sure you see how many miles it is until the next one.  Rest stops on mountains or with mountain views are much more enjoyable.

5. If you have back problems, buy a cushioned backrest like this below and strap it to your seat. This will help your back get to the next rest stop.  Get the one that says, "Everlasting comfort", it will last longer and your back will too.

6. Snacks: For a great road trip, you need a lot of snacks.  Sure, do some of the healthier ones like raisins, grapes, apples, cheese, food bars, sugarless gum, etc.  But, it's your road trip and you need to make your belly happy too.  Chips, (no dip), pretzels, and there's nothing better than having a dozen or two chicken wings or drumsticks in a little cooler with some ice packs.  (One roll of paper towels for each way and plenty of wipes too.) You may need one case of water for each way also.

7. When you need to stop, do it.  Throw some cold water on your face, take a ten or fifteen minute walk, and talk to some strangers that don't look like the hitchhiker above.  Take plenty of notes on your journey and start writing your blog about your road trip of a lifetime.

Bon voyage Larry-have a great trip!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


The young Jamaican cashier said, "My co-worker told me if I don't wear green tomorrow for St. Patrick's Day, someone will pinch me.  I wish someone would pinch me, because I want to punch someone." (Laughing)

She: "I didn't want to go see "Mean Girls"; we have some of them in our neighborhood."

I asked the grandmother of eight children, "How do you watch them all at the same time?" She said simply, "Melatonin."

She: "I once had a tour guide who handed out envelopes with his name on it and then he told us how much we should tip him. A lot of people were angry."

The male in his 30's who studied film in college, admitted, "I love horror movies, but I'm afraid of dolls." (including my mannequin) I asked him, "What's your three favorite movies?" He replied, "Grapes of Wrath,"  "Citizen Kane", and "The House of a Thousand Corpses."

She: "When I first saw him I thought, "What an idiot!" (Married 25 years) "That's the only question we got right when we were on the Newlywed Game."

He told me, "When I was seventeen I was diagnosed with Leukemia, but I've been cancer free now for thirteen years."

The young musician who tours the country said, "There are songs of the times and there are timeless songs."

I asked how they met and she said, "We met in Myrtle Beach on the beach New Year's Eve and we've been back here celebrating on New Year's Eve for twenty-five years."

He said, "I created a new app that just went into the app store.  It's called BOTI, it's a boating social network.  If you want to hang out on a boat and meet people, it's like a dating app."

I asked how they met and she said, "I cleaned his house and never left. He didn't want to lose me."

The GI doctor in his own practice said, "Hospitals are going bankrupt and doctors are leaving private practice because they can't get insurance companies to pay.  We write off 1-2 million dollars each year because they won't pay, sometimes 70% of claims are not paid."

I asked him, "How did you get the name Lucky?" He said, "My dad named me, because I almost didn't make it."

He's a hydrographer and told me about his work under the Ravenel Bridge, (Between Mt. Pleasant and Charleston) "There are still large amounts of debris from the two bridges that were blown up in 2005 and they will be removed."

He was trying to say something else, but this came out about his girlfriend, "She keeps my blood pressure going." She added, "I am your cardio."

After telling him my old story where a rider told a Hitler joke that wasn't a joke, he had a better line that he delivered laughing, "You really have to land the Hitler joke if you tell one."

I asked the accountant, "Do you like numbers?" He replied, "It helps me feel like the world is in order."

She: "When we were getting married our pastor sent us to a class and we had to each answer 150 different questions.  Our answers were put in an envelope and we were told not to open it until we were married 30 years. It's 32 years now and we want to open them with our kids who are in their 20's so they can get something out of it too."

He: "Many years ago my dad was offered a great job at a Harlem Hospital.  My mom had gone to a psychic who told her that my dad should not take the job because he would be murdered.  He didn't take it and within a year, the person who took the job was murdered in the hospital parking lot. The same psychic advised Richard Nixon to get his eyes done after he lost the Presidential Election in 1960 when he looked badly in the television debate. He got his eyes done and was elected President in 1968.

I asked the couple from the Virginia area, "How did you meet?" He: I'm a full-time Uber driver and I accepted a scheduled ride a week earlier.  I thought about canceling during the week, but I felt badly for the rider." She: "I was going to a winery in the middle of  nowhere so I scheduled it early.  My friend was going with me, but canceled. I would have canceled the ride, but I knew the driver had accepted it.  I was hoping he would cancel, but he didn't." (Getting married in two months)

                                        SOME MORE COMMENTS

He is the only rider so far to say that he thought I should show Saddam Hussein's picture on the Iraq bill in my car.  His explanation was thought provoking: "We have a front mirror and a rear view mirror and it's important to be able to look through both of them."

The author was doing research at a plantation on Easter Sunday and found information she never expected to get and was ecstatic, "Such a great Sunday."

She sells men's clothes: "It's the lowest title I've had, but the most money I've made."

I  asked her, "What does your name Alanud mean?"  She said, "Stubborn, actually strong willed and independent."

He: "I own a sandwich shop in the Boston area and all the sandwiches are named for radio people."

I asked her, "How did you adjust from moving from a cold weather climate to the South?" She: "I was sweaty for a couple years. My blood did thin out."

She had a few drinks, but every time I got to the end of  a rider comment or story, she yelled out, "Shut up!" 

"Rice taste better in Japan."

I asked the woman who has been married 32 years, what's the secret to a successful marriage?" She said, "Respect and talking to each other. I never saw my parents fighting, I don't know how they settled their differences."

Fireman: "There aren't as many fires as there used to be. We use an ambulance a lot more."

I asked the spinal surgeon, "How long were you in school?" He: "I think it's been a ten-year journey."

She: "I fell in love with being an ER nurse."

"I left Sweden because I couldn't take the weather anymore."

Originally from New Jersey: "People don't give New Jersey enough credit, it's absolutely gorgeous.  There's a reason it's called, "The Garden State."

He: "In Ukraine, they have different sized money to help blind people."

I asked the server if she knew what next week was, "It's St. Patty's Day-we're going to make hundreds of dollars!"

Running late for church on Easter Sunday, she told me, "I'm going to have to bike to church."


Looking at my female mannequin head, she said, "I thought there was a camera in there, I was waving at it."

When he saw Lily as he got in the car, "I almost jumped out of my pants."

He was laughing as he got in the car and I said, "It's good to see you laughing at my mannequin, not everyone does." He: "That's because not everyone has a sense of humor."

She: "You're beautiful."


After a great ride the young woman from Pennsylvania said, "God was speaking to me this weekend to bring cash so I could buy your book. This was the greatest Uber ride I've ever had."

She had a beautiful first and middle name and when I told her that my wife and I named our youngest daughter, "Marisa Ciara," she replied, "You and your wife have great taste."

One of my riders I've driven several times and I quoted him twice in my book. He said, "I'm honored to have met you.  Your two lists are in frames on my nightstand. This one will go up on the wall."

"So glad I met you. You're the best Uber driver ever."

"I like this car a lot."

She: "You were meant to do this."

He: "I appreciate the conversation."

The female college student said, "This is genuinely maybe one of my favorite Uber rides ever."

"It' wonderful that you enjoy doing this so much."

Telling him it was a great story and it would have been in my book, he said, "What's wrong with a second book?"

The Uber driver said, "You're my favorite Uber driver."

She: "I canceled two rides before yours. I'm so glad we got you."

Nurse from PA. she said, "This is the best ride I've ever had."

She: "I'm almost crying, I love being in your car."

She: "This is the cleanest car I've been in some time."

She: "You're amazing."

She said about my rider money museum, "It's beautiful that you're doing this."

She: "I have to give you a hug."

She: "I've been in a lot of Uber's and I've never seen anything like this."

She: "This is awesome, you're in the right field."

"This is the best Uber I've ever been in."

She: "This the best ride I've ever had."

She: "This is the most colorful ride I've ever had."

Giving me a $2 tip he said, "I'm sorry it's not foreign money." (For my car)

Monday, April 1, 2024


 I met some incredible people this month and here they are:                                                                  


It was an unusual ride from the start.  She needed a two-hour ride to Hilton Head Island from Charleston. I was around the corner and when I picked her up, she said goodbye to her three girls. They had all been in Charleston for the oldest daughter's bachelorette party.  They had grown up mostly in the Las Vegas suburbs and their mom was originally from Hungary. Married for 32 years, her and her husband always took their four kids with them on vacation.  She has visited more than half of the 48 countries represented in my car. 

I asked her what the secret was to a successful marriage and she said, "Respect and talking to each other. I never saw my parents fighting." We talked about many things including how we eat cereal.  I eat it like her husband does and she drowns her cereal as my wife does.  At the end of the ride she gave me a very generous $50 cash tip.  Moments later, she tipped me $27 on the app and for some reason the following day she tipped me another $10. (Only the second person to ever tip me three times for the same ride.) Driving her was a great way to end my day and she will be one of the best rides I have in 2024.


On Easter Sunday I had the pleasure of driving a very compassionate 32 year-old nurse.  He works in an assisted living home in South Carolina and he is treasured by the female residents because he treasures them.  Some of them are dealing with dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease.  He explained to me how he cares for them and is constantly praising and complimenting them and telling them, "You're beautiful."

I was impressed with him before he told me he was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 17 growing up in Texas.  He said, "I knew it was serious when I had 40-50 doctors in my room." He was told that they caught it early and a couple years later he was able to get a stem cell transplant from a woman overseas.  He's been cancer-free for 13 years.

He also told me he was born with cerebral palsy.  He has a little limp and he constantly needs to exercise his left hand because the muscle will get stuck if he doesn't.  Apparently, both his hands are super strong and it appears to be something that he manages and doesn't prevent it from living his life to the fullest.  He's very compassionate about his life and he's clearly a winner-he was a joy to drive.


She currently lives in Florida, but she's a history professor at a college in New York City.  Once a week she flies up to New York to teach classes for one day and visit with her sister. She flies back to nicer weather in Miami which she loves.  She was in the Charleston area doing research for her next book.  She has written 15 books and published 8 of them on many different topics.  She was a lot of fun talking to, but she asked me a question no one else has ever asked, "Are there snakes here?"  When she toured a plantation her guide took her shoe off and placed it on top of a small hole on the floor in a building.  The tour guide said, "The last time I gave this tour a snake came out of that hole."  My passenger was not amused by her story.


Where does inspiration come from? Sometimes a great idea can come to you sitting at a bar.  My passenger was doing just that when someone showed him a dating app. A girl said on the app, "I'm not looking for a boyfriend, just a boat to hang out on." He created an app for people to do just that, hang out and have a good time on a boat.  Just recently his app, BOTI, was put on the app store. It's a social network for people who enjoy being on the water.

I asked him and his girlfriend how they met and he said, "We were both docked on a different boat and I saw four beautiful girls on a boat and I went over and said hello." Recently they enjoyed throwing a big party on a boat for 500 people for the beginning of his new venture. I'm  wishing them both blue skies and smooth sailing personally and professionally.     



It was the perfect ending to a great day in Charleston.  The three women were heading downtown to celebrate one of them getting a new job as a flight attendant.  She is also a realtor which is an unusual combination unless you were her friend sitting behind her.  Two of the three women were "flying realtors" and the third one was "just" a realtor.

How unique were these three good friends?  They met in Oklahoma where there husbands were all pilots and friends in the Air Force. Today, they live 30 minutes west of Charleston and they each have three children.  The oldest child is nine years old and they co-parent together since they regularly meet with the whole crew.  We had a terrific time on the ride.  The woman who ordered the ride said, " I canceled two rides before yours, I'm so glad we got you."


After fifteen minutes of entertaining them and having a lot of fun, I asked, "How did you two meet?" He said, "I'm an Uber driver in Virginia and I accepted a scheduled ride a week earlier in an area that is over and hour from my home, but where I regularly dive. I thought about canceling it during the week, but I felt badly for the rider." She: "I was going to a winery in the middle of nowhere so I scheduled it early.  My friend was going with me, but canceled. I would have canceled the ride, but I knew the driver had excepted it.  I was hoping he would cancel, but he didn't."

He said, "I wound up an hour and a half from the winery, but I decided to pick her up anyway." They hit it off and she gave him her number. They are engaged and in two months they will be married.  I think destiny was on their side.  They have a terrific story and I wish them at least forty years of joy and happiness.


I drive friends regularly to and from the airport as the couple goes back and forth to the Boston area for doctor appointments. They normally put them all together, but this time his dentist appointment was the only one. He said, "We're going up for a teeth cleaning and we'll be back in two days."  They've been going to the dentist for thirty years and the dentist felt, "Honored" they traveled from Myrtle Beach just for his cleaning. Below is the picture after his teeth were cleaned. He said, "I'm not shy."  His dentist does the cleaning and it lasts close to an hour and he said, "A lot of dentists up north don't want to do cleanings."

We also talked about some of the foreigners who have clothing attire that they are wrapped up in.  He said, "I'd be pretty bummed if I had to be wrapped up." I would too, he's too funny to be wrapped up.


When I published my book, I couldn't wait to stop in to the Trader Joe's this guy worked in.  He was my 6th favorite rider out of my first 11,000 rides and I told him I was going to give him a book.  I wrote a nice note to him and signed it, but when I went into his store, he had moved from Mt. Pleasant, near Charleston, all the way back home to the west coast.  I left my name and number with a manager and asked if they could contact him. Unfortunately, I never heard back from him.

He used to work there as a greeter at Trader Joe's.  He told me, "I rap there and get people in a better  mood to shop." His story was incredible.  In high school over twenty years ago, he was in a tragic accident and his parents were told he wasn't going to make it or he'd have to live in assisted living.  After brain surgery, his parents gave him a lot of positive reinforcement and he recovered to help researchers help people and kids recovering from serious injuries.

On the day I hit 13,000 rides this month, one of my rides was Aaron, who greeted me with a hug.  I was thrilled to sign his book and he was excited to read it.  I wrote, "To Aaron, one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. Thank you, on behalf of all the people you've inspired." When you ask him, "How are you?" he will say, "Amazing," and he really is.