Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Writing With a Southern Accent

In South Carolina you immediately notice how great everyone sounds with that accent and I'm not sure I'll ever sound that good.  A month or two ago when the family was around, I tried to talk with a southern accent and it was very bad and very funny. But, can you write with a southern accent?

My friend, Larry Osman, of the infamous Uncle Larry's Schlumpia, e-mailed me yesterday saying he "couldn't wait until I was writing southern."  I'll give it a shot.  Do I write about college football which I don't like? Or, do I write about race car driving which I know even less about? I already wrote about grits which I knew nothing about. I could write about chicken which I know a lot about, at least eating it.

But writing with a southern accent? How many you'all's can you put in a sentence? I'm pretty sure that's not even spelled right.  My favorite Democratic writer, James Carville, talks a lot about mama's cookin' and growing up on a farm and he has some really odd phrases.  He's know as "the Ragin' Cagun" but I think you really have to be a southerner to talk and write with a southern accent.

Sorry Larry, family, and friends, you'all gonna have to wait awhile for dat.