Wednesday, May 9, 2018

People Say The Dumbest Things

April 30th

I know there’s a TV show called, “Kids Say The Darndest Things”, but you could have a weekly show called, “People Say The Dumbest Things.” It’s seems it’s almost a daily occurrence these days that someone will say, tweet, or post something on Facebook that is really dumb. The people are from every age group, race, religion, or occupation.  Even The President of The United States does it once in awhile.(just going for some laughs)

Why does it happen so much? I think there are many reasons.  People don’t think too much before they talk, tweet or post.  Many people feel that everyone else wants to know what they think and of course we don’t.(unless someone’s writing a blog, that’s different) People come from different backgrounds and experiences and they think differently and you can tell when they say something dumb. Sometimes people are tired or angry or not feeling well or they are just having some fun and want to get a reaction.  Or, occasionally, what they say really fits who they are.

I usually don’t say too many dumb things.(still going for some laughs) However, it’s embarrassing to tell you what I said recently as I was delivering.  It was a very hectic and a little frustrating morning and I finally got out of the warehouse and was making my first delivery.  When I asked the guy for his last name he said, “Gentile like Christian.”  Trying to be humorous I blurted out, “Sometimes us Jews have trouble spelling that.” He was surprised and so was I.  I should have apologized for something so bizarre and I probably will if I see him next time.  I have no idea what I was trying to say, but it clearly didn’t work.

Saying something dumb can happen to just about anyone, I think I proved that.

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