Saturday, June 9, 2018

It Really Is A Small World

I've never gotten tired of the Disney song, but the phrase "It's a small world, " is more real than ever since we moved down here to South Carolina.  Back in February. we went into a doctor's office and the nurse recognized our 908 area code as New Jersey.  She was just as surprised as we were when we found out that we were all from Phillipsburg. 

Meeting people from New York and New Jersey is pretty common here.  This past week I was at the recycling center and I guy was talking and I could tell he didn't have a southern accent.  He lived in Edison, NJ for many years where I grew up and my parents had a house for fifty years.

A few days ago, I was delivering to a beautiful home in a development attached to a large golf course.  The guy was very friendly and I could tell he came from up north.  Sure enough, he was from New Jersey and when I asked his where, he said, "have you ever heard of a small town called Phillipsburg?"

I told him that I had and that I lived there for 19 years and have been down here only five months.  We had a nice conversation, but it made me wonder how many people will  I be meeting down here in the next ten years who are from Edison or Phillipsburg. 

One person who we haven't seen down here is an older man named Bob.  My wife met him a year or so ago in Phillipsburg.  He was standing outside a store waiting for a ride and my wife started talking to him.  He wasn't from Phillipsburg, but he said he was from a beautiful place called Murrells Inlet in South Carolina.  My wife was intrigued by his description of his town and said goodbye to him and said, "see you in Murrells Inlet."

Our house's address is Myrtle Beach, but the land is in Murrells Inlet.  Maybe today's the day that we see Bob again-that really would be a small world.

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