Friday, August 17, 2018

Tales From The Road(updated name change)

I'm not sure what stories will be funnier, the ones from when I'm delivering boxes to people or the stories about me delivering people as an Uber driver.  I don't think the below stories can match my last post of Uber stories, but you decide:

I was delivering some large boxes to an outlet mall and I went behind the store and rang the back door.  When the door opened I laughed because the entrance to the back was almost completely blocked.  How am I going to squeeze these in?  I struggled a little and as I pushed my hand truck into this tight spot, the manager said to me, "Sir, is there anything you can't do?"  I said, "no you're right, but don't ask my wife." I did get a laugh and another delivery done.

Ms. Wilson: As I approached Mrs. Wilson in the hospital to sign for my delivery, she was standing with someone in her department. I looked at the other lady and said, "did you know Ms.Wilson here is famous? When her husband, President Woodrow Wilson was sick, she took over and was the first woman President of the United States!" Ms. Wilson of course, was laughing and once again she enjoyed me making her delivery. The other lady probably didn't quite know what to make of what I said.

Ms. D: I'll call her Ms. D, so you don't know if her real last name is Davenport or Davis.  She is the die-hard New England Patriots fan who awhile back told me that the Patriots lost the Super Bowl because they ate too many fatty food that day.  As much as she made me laugh then, she actually topped herself last Friday when I delivered to after the office had closed for the day.

I reminded her about her Super Bowl comments and she shared this story with me.  Her favorite Patriot player was the wide receiver, Julian Edelman.  One game when she was watching with several of her women friends, the Patriots were struggling.(it doesn't happen often)  She stood up and got her friends standing and put her two hands on her chest. She then started shaking around and had her friends doing what she called, "The Edelman Shake."

Her 24-year old son happened to be walking down the stairs at the time. He looked at the group of middle aged women shaking and holding their chests in front of the football game, said nothing, and turned around and went back upstairs.

Ms. D demonstrated "The Edelman Shake" to me and now I understand why some kids think their parents embarrass them.

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