Monday, November 5, 2018

"Make Your Own Kind of Music"

Driving in the car today I heard a song that brought back some fun memories.  For the two or three of you out there who were fans of the television show "Lost", you know that this song was one of those unusual moments in the show.  We watched the character Desmond get up in the morning and go about a normal routine like everyone else does in the morning while he played the record, "Make Your Own Kind of Music".  The only difference was that he was underground inside a hatch on a mysterious island that moved.  If you're confused I won't explain the time travel or the polar bears on the hot island.

However, it made me think about how unique we all are and how important it is that we be our own person.  Some of us have some of the same genes, but we're still very different.  I may like cold hot dogs and blueberries in my sour cream and you might love peanut butter.(yuck)  When you eat your cereal you may may drown all of your cereal and I might like to just put enough milk in(not orange juice), so I have a little well that I can dip my cereal in and get it wet before I eat it.

We can have very different opinions or views about every possible subject.  Sometimes people hold back on what they like instead of accentuating who they really are and what they really like.  On my iPod I have country songs, rock songs, ballads, Disney songs, show tunes and a bunch of Christmas songs I listen to all year long.  No one has a collection of songs like me and I'm good with that.

So, as we go into the holiday season it's a good reminder to be your own person and make your own kind of music.  The song below was sung by The Mamas and Pappas in the 1960's and although their aren't many words, they are meaningful.

  Make Your Own Kind Of Music
Nobody can tell ya;
There's only one song worth singin',
They may try and sell ya,
'Cause it hangs them up to see someone like you.
But you've gotta make your own music
Sing your own special song,
Make your own kind of music even if nobody else sings along.
You're gonna be knowing
The loneliest kind of lonely,
It may be rough goin',
Just to do your thing's the hardest thing to do.
But you've gotta make your own music
Sing your own special song,
Make your

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