Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Different Kind Of Life

I know from time to time people will think to themselves-what if I had a very different life? What if I didn't have to go to work, didn't have to pay my mortgage, what if I had all the time in the world to do what I want to do? It reminds of the classic Twilight Zone episode, "Time Enough At Last," starring Burgess Meredith. He's a bank teller who loves to read so much he can't put books down.  He's probably been fired from many jobs and his job situation and his personal life is in jeopardy, because he can't stop reading.

His life changes drastically when he is in the bank vault and a nuclear explosion occurs and he survives.  He's the only survivor and he's depressed until he find the town library and thousands of books that he plans on reading.  He has hope until he steps on his glasses and he has all the time he ever wanted, all the books he ever wanted, but he can't read them.

It is one of the great episodes in this series with a classic shocking ending.  What does that have to do with us? For some people this virus crisis has given them a lot of extra time, but there's no place to go since most things are closed.  In some cases, mortgage or car payments don't have to be made right now, but they will at some point in the future.  You would like to visit people, but that's the one thing you can't do in person.

I'm still working a shorter schedule as a courier delivering to two hospitals and Wal-Mart and some other medical offices.  I now have more time in the afternoon and my weekends are free, it's a very different kind of life right now.  One of my friends, an Uber/Lyft driver, had one of the funniest comments about his life, "I've been training my whole life for this lifestyle of staying home, sleeping a lot, watching TV, and eating bacon."

I'm actually not doing any of those things, but the important thing is what I am doing and what you are doing.  There are always things that we can't control, but there are always things we can control.  Focus on what you can do.

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