Wednesday, January 26, 2022

It Took Seven Years!

We all know that sometimes things take awhile to happen.  Some examples: I'm now waiting for my new car for nine months, some people have been waited over a year for their car due to the chip shortage.  I once had a rider go through a hiring process for a full year for a government job as a chef. My wife just received a medical bill for her Mom for something that happened at the end of January last year.  One of my favorite stories is that Walt Disney had to wait for 20 years before he could get the rights so he could make the movie "Mary Poppins."

Have you ever waited a long time for an idea to come to you?  Seven years ago, when our youngest daughter was in high school, I would frequently drive her to school. When I did, I would refer to each day with a special name- Magnificent Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, and Fabulous or Fantastic Friday.  It was my way of getting her to start her day in a positive way.  The problem was always Thursday, since we already had a "T" day in Tuesday. We never came up with a good name for Thursday.

I got the answer this morning and it's perfect. It was so easy, how did we miss it? I just read a one page, new newsletter that is out about Myrtle Beach.  I had the idea, what if I was able to write something for the newsletter each day, maybe "Sunshine For Your Day?" I thought back to how I used to name the days and when I got to Thursday I said, "Thankful Thursday." We should be thankful for every day, but the one day we all celebrate being thankful of course, is Thanksgiving Day, always a Thursday.

So, today is Thankful Thursday and it's a great day to thank someone for what they do.  It can be a worker in a store, someone who provides a service for you, a friend or neighbor, or someone in your family.  Imagine if I wrote for this newsletter and on Thursday people could thank someone publicly and send or show them the newsletter? Wait until my youngest daughter reads this!

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