Thursday, May 9, 2024

What I Learned On My Fabulous Weekend

 Some random things for you:

POOPED ON THREE TIMES:  I have done a lot of driving, but on this trip I experienced something I've never seen.  My wife was sleeping and a bird pooped on the front window.  It wasn't a lot, but it doesn't happen very often.  I ran the wipers and it was almost gone. Five minutes later it happened again and I was really surprised.  Ten minutes later, the bird that had to be following us, did it again.  I'm very confident that will never happen to me again.  Maybe, it's your turn?

KNOCKOUT ROSES: My wife educated me about the above flowers.  They were pretty, but I don't think of roses as being knockouts. 

THE GENDER REVEAL: We were at the baby shower for our daughter-in-law, when all of a sudden someone said, "It's time for the gender reveal."  I watched almost everyone walk out of the room and had no idea where they were going.  By the time I got outside I was in a terrible place to take pictures, but I did it anyway.  This is just before our son kicked the rugby ball which produced the pink smoke which meant they were having a girl.  

A PORPOISE PLANT? This was hanging at my wife's aunt and uncle's house.  They do look like a porpoise or fish, but it's still a weird name for a plant.

420 FRIENDLY: My wife educated me again by explaining that this means that you are a person who accepts people who smoke pot.  Is that the best they could do to explain it? Ok, I guess I am, but I didn't know it until she told me.

KFC SIGN: We made a stop and I looked over and saw the message on the building of the KFC.  It said, "MADE THE HARD WAY, MADE BY HAND." I've never seen that before and I thought it was an odd message. But, they have been doing it since 1940 and it's chicken so that's okay with me.

A COMPLICATED SHOWER: Maybe it's just me, but when I go to take a shower I like it to be easy. This was one of our hotel showers, but it reminded me of a pinball machine.  Was the water going to come out of both places? Which spray was better? Do I remember how it works now? Of course not, but I just wanted you to see this.

WHERE DO PIMPLES COME FROM?  My wife of course told me it was fast food like burgers, hot dogs, French fries, and sodas that are to blame for pimples. It makes sense, but I don't think I've ever heard it before.

THE BIG BURGER: The Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey advertises a few big burgers. The Zeus burger has seven pounds of meat and feeds up to 14 people.  You can order the kit for $144 to make this burger yourself.  The Mt. Olympus burger is a total of 50 pounds and the Eighth Wonder is 105 pounds total.  If you and your group can finish it within a certain amount of time, it's free.  I have not tried this and I will not be trying this.  It would be fun though.

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