Sunday, August 25, 2024


1. THE COSTCO WEREWOLF: I saw a bunch of interesting and unusual things on vacation, but I might as well start off with the scariest one.  Costco has 4,000 items on sale in a store.  A minute into walking into a Costco in Colorado I saw this below and it would look great in front of anyone's house, all year long. It's only $250!

2.  DIESEL FUEL PRICE: How is it that diesel gas is cheaper than regular gas at many stations in Colorado? I'm not sure I have an answer for this. The below picture would be great if I was showing you water on the window, but this is a 7-11 station showing diesel gas significantly less. (about twenty cents)

3.  HIGHWAY SIGN: The unusual sign on a major highway said, "Kill Relativity, Don't Kill Babies."  It's obviously an anti-abortion sign, but it was in a pretty odd place.

4. WINDOW SIGN: I've never seen this in a car back window: "Always Stay Away." It's probably good advice.

5. GOOGLE MAPS INFO: I have used google maps for a long time, but it had pictured on the map a 7-11 and it said, "As busy as it gets." How would they know? Who's counting for them?

6. CHICKEN PARMESEAN PIZZA: Do not look at this picture below if you are hungry.  My future son-in-law made this and I can assure you it was absolutely magnificent, even better than the picture. Look at the size of the chicken parm under the pasta-W0W!

7. GREEN GOO ANYONE! I was taking a walk in the morning by myself in the beautiful scenery of Colorado and saw this on the sidewalk and had to show it to you know so you can lose your appetite.  I don't know what this was, but I wanted to call "Ghostbusters."

8. THE CORVETTE: I wish I had a picture of this bright yellow corvette, but I was taking a walk with several people and dogs and it was too fast.  Did I mention that the battery was sticking out because there was no hood?

9. THE PICK-UP TRUCK: I was a passenger in a pick-up truck for the very first time.  My future son-in-law had this huge vehicle with a bunch of accessories inside that I have no idea what they do. It was very comfortable, even in the back seat.

10. ELLIE THE ELEPHANT: On the morning of our granddaughter's birth, we humans were not the only ones waiting for the birth to happen. Ellie, the elephant, was a gift at the baby shower from the new mom's best friend.  She looked a lot more relaxed than any of us.

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