Friday, September 13, 2024

Ralph The Tic?

Have you ever been driving at 75 mph in your car and you notice something in your car? In the corner of my eye I saw a ladybug on my window just to my right. It was about 3/4th of the way up the window and it wasn't moving. I decided not to do anything. I was leaving it up to him and I decided to call him Ralph. (Yes they can be male or female according to Mr. Google.)

After about an hour of staying put, he moved down the window and then back up it.  I noticed it had eight legs. A ladybug doesn't have eight legs, does it? (Mr. Google said six legs.) Whatever it was, it did get a lot of exercise.  This is how it looked on my window-it's right above the big tree.

I'm not sure if it was trying to get out of the car or just get its steps in.  My wife woke up and said that it looked like a tic.  Does a tic have six legs or eight legs? I am keeping Mr. Google very busy today and he said that tics have eight legs.

When we stopped at a rest stop, I opened the door and swatted at it.  My wife said, "What did you call it?" I answered, "Dead." The tic was dead, but here's a better picture of it below.  It looks like a drone or a small helicopter and now you've read my first story on our vacation.

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