Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Locked Doors

I'm not a fan, really. I don't like locking doors or ringing a door bell or knocking on a door to get in.  Maybe it just slows me down.  I used to park my car on my driveway and leave the car unlocked.  Years ago we think that someone took a small cassette player from my car when I left it unlocked.  I still left my car unlocked.  Occasionally, I have locked my car door, at a mall or when I'm going to be gone awhile, but I really don't like the idea at all.

A couple years ago my wife told me that there were some robberies of unlocked cars in the neighborhood and asked me if anything was taken from my car.  I answered no without giving it a second thought. The next day I went to get some change in my car and found only one penny stuck to the change slot and I knew what happened.  The other morning I found a penny on the ground outside my car and I knew that all my change(a few dollars) was taken.  I didn't mention it to my wife, but it got me thinking that I do keep my GPS in the car also and I didn't want to lose that.  I hated locking my car, but I did it.

Doing a lot of deliveries in NJ and PA I would sometimes come across an office that was locked in the middle of the day.  I always found it amusing, maybe they have a lot of money in there or they are CIA inside.  In South Carolina, I've found more offices locked during the day and I asked someone why the door is locked.  "There are a lot of crazies out there," she said.  "In South Carolina?", I replied.  It's hard to believe that some people feel it's necessary to lock their front door in a place where people are so friendly.  Maybe they have some loose change or a small tape recorder they don't want to lose?

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