Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Some people enjoy flying and fly a lot. Some people hate to fly and avoid it.  I don't fit in any of those categories, I just rarely fly.  I did fly this weekend up to New Jersey and I could not remember the last time I flew in a plane.  I think it was only the 6th time I've flown back forth on a trip.

It was pretty much what I expected.  I walked into the airport in the evening and no one was there, or hardly anyone.  My flight was delayed two hours.  When I went through the scanning process there was no one in line in front of me and there were 14 security people watching me.  It was easy and quick, I think everyone has had that experience.  I walked around a bit and saw parts of the airport that were completely empty.  I had a whole bathroom to myself which was nice.

On the plane it was packed and I needed lots of air to breathe, but it was a quick flight.  I missed the stewardesses instructions since I had already dozed off.  The best part was when I got off the plane in Atlantic City and it was 12:30 am.  All of a sudden, I was in a horse race.  Everyone was walking fast, I mean really fast.  I love walking fast, but it was totally unexpected.  I could hear the call at the Kentucky Derby-"It's Hoenig on the far left in the Giants hat, just inside is a twenty something girl who suddenly puts on a burst of speed, almost collides with Hoenig and passes him."  She must have been hungry, because she really raced past me.  I guess they had people waiting for them or they wanted to make sure they got a rental car?  I had no idea where I was going so I just followed them.

My return trip was not as exciting.  There were crowds in the airport, people in line to be checked and I had to through some bubble like machine and raise my hands up in the air while holding on to my shorts since they took my belt.  Then, I had to sit down and get dressed again, in public.  I'm not used to that kind of attention.  It was another quick flight and I had a few short naps on the way.  I had two sets of air blowing on me which made it feel like I was outside.  I arrived on time and completed my 6th flying adventure in 58 years.

I did make a couple mistakes though.  I had my small carry on and I put it on top which was only for big carry on bags.  I heard them say that after I was seated, so on the way back I made sure to put it under the seat, my seat.  I didn't realize it had to go in front of me until they said it and I had already jammed it under my seat.  When I returned the rental car I didn't see the box on the side of the desk to put the key in.  I sat there waiting for someone to come in and then I saw someone do something on the side.  These are two reasons I need to have a wonderful wife like I do, she knows these kinds of things.  Next time I won't make those mistakes-I'll find other ones I'm sure.

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