No, I'm not turning 60 yet, but I'm starting to prepare for it. This Tuesday, the 19th, is my half birthday and I will be 58 1/2 years old. This means that in around 500 days I will be turning 60 years old, a big milestone. How do you prepare for turning 60? I'm glad you asked, but I will warn you:
WARNING: Do not read this if you are hungry or just had a big meal.
How do you celebrate turning 60 years old? I want to do something different, unique, maybe something no one has ever done before. It has to be something I would really enjoy, but what?
What if in a twenty-four hour time period I attempted to eat/drink(digest) 60 of my favorite foods or beverages?
You may need to read that one more time. Really? Wouldn't that be unhealthy? Sure, but I could pretend to be on a one-day cruise without the ship and just spend the day eating and drinking.(and of course visiting the bathroom)
You think I'm joking, but I'm not. August 19, 2020 is a Wednesday, I already checked this out. I will probably need to be off work for this, but here's my preliminary plan:
1. The week before my 60th birthday I will eat considerably less than usual. Yes, I will probably be starving by the time I turn 60, but so what.
2. The best way to eat/drink a lot of food in 24 hours is to go to all you can eat buffets. Down here in the south, breakfast is a must for a lot of eating. I think I'm going to need one dinner the night before, one lunch that day and top it off with another big dinner on my birthday. (if I can fast one day a year I can certainly eat like a pig on a special day, right?)
3. I'm going to start making a list of what I want to eat and also start planning on where to do my eating.
4. This will cost a few dollars to do, but you only turn 60 once, so I'm going to make it count.
5. If I eat lightly the week after I'll probably go right back to my regular weight, I think.
I'll share some more details and some of the food and drinks I will be eating that day when I write a blog on my 59th birthday. Now you have something to look forward to in six months, my all you can eat blog.
I'll see what I can do to join you on your "all you can eat" journey. Regardless, I'm Looking forward to the blog!