Sunday, June 2, 2019

Good Morning and Thank You

Imagine that we were on the television show, "Family Feud" and the question was: name the most popular two words that are said together.  You know that "good morning" and "thank you" would certainly make a top ten list and maybe one of them would be the most popular answer.

Who knows how many times we have said each of them in our lifetime, but more than likely you have not heard them said together.  I know I never had, until the other day.  I walked into an office in a hospital that I had been in before.  I was making a delivery and after I opened the door I said, "good morning."  Immediately, the woman closest to me, who had her back to me, said, "thank you."

I started laughing and I told her I had never had someone thank me for saying good morning.  She told me that a lot of people just walk into the room without saying anything so she was happy to get a greeting like that.  I told her  how amazed I am at how friendly and polite people are in the south and she was one more example of southern hospitality.

Several times a week I have people going out of their way to hold a door for me.  I have said many times that people here are falling over themselves to be helpful.  Last week I had a heavy load on a hand truck and I had to push it inside a front door over a bump.  Before I could even push it over, a guy in front of me bent down to pick the hand truck over and I stopped him.  I told him I could do it, but when my first push didn't make it, he wasted no time to bend over and lift it over the bump.

Way back in 1980 I asked a girl if I could kiss her and the two words she said were....."I'm engaged." I was certainly surprised, but eventually that girl was engaged to me and we've been married for 35 years.  You never know what someone will reply to you, but I'm guessing that you won't have same experience I had in 1980 or the one I had the other day in 2019 when I said, "good morning".

You're welcome.

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