Thursday, August 27, 2020

I Found The Girl

 When you're a child you have all kinds of questions that you ask other people such as: "are we there yet?" and "when are we eating?" and "why do we have to do that?" As we get older and we're in middle school and certainly high school we start asking more important questions to ourselves.  I remember asking myself, "what am I going to do after high school?" and "what am I going to study?" and, "what kind of work will I end of doing?" and "where will I live?"

However, probably the toughest question was, "is there someone out there who is perfect for me?" and "will I find her and where will she be?" I found the girl at Burger King of all places.  But how it happened really began in the spring of 1980 in my human sexuality class.  If I recall, I didn't do particularly well in that class, however, I do remember one assignment that we should write down some goals for the coming year.

Being relatively shy and quiet I decided that I was going to go home for the summer and date some girls. I had dated a couple previously, but I decided that this would be a good goal.  About the first week or so in May I sat down after working at Burger King with a few co-workers and met Monika, my future wife.  I knew I wanted to date her and we did start dating.

Just over three years later on August 28th, 1983, we said I do and it was the most important and best decision of my life. It's now 37 years later to the day and she has made every day a great day for me. She is the most talented person I've ever met and not a week goes by that she amazes me on what she can do and what she knows.  She has given me three terrific kids and there is no doubt she's been a great mom. And somehow, 37 years later, she really is more beautiful than she was when I married her.

There's nothing I enjoy more than coming home and seeing her smiling face. I love seeing her next to me when I say good night and I say, "I love you." Happy Anniversary, Princess, and thank you for all the sunshine these 37 years. Every day I am grateful that I found the girl.

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