Tuesday, August 11, 2020

It's Biden and Harris!

 It's time for me to brag and boast.  I picked Senator Harris two years ago to be Biden's pick for Vice-President. In September of 2018 we had a hurricaine here and we went south and visited some of our relatives.  I had a pretty lengthy and enjoyable discussion with my cousin Nan, an attorney.(and Democrat)  I told her about Senator Harris and that I was pretty impressed with some of the articles I read about her and also a few interviews I saw.

Senator Harris is smart and articluate and she definitely has an outgoing personaltiy and a good sense of humor.  She is a moderate like Joe Biden and the two of them have had a friendly relationship.  He made the right choice for what he needs, someone he knows, a woman, and an African-American.  She will not be scary to those midwesterners and PA. voters who voted for President Trump last time.

Just a few things to look for:

1. Senator Harris will be in the news a lot and will be spending more time "campaigning" than Joe Biden.  The campaign will keep Biden back some to avoid his mistakes and the questioning of his age and ability.  She is going to be carrying more of the load than a V.P. candidate would in the last 80 days.

2. How much fire will she take from the left in the Democratic Party? There will be some and I will enjoy seeing them go after an African American woman, especially these days.  If the attacks or criticism are minor that would be a good sign for the election for the Democrats.

3. Will Biden's campaign copy a "Donald Trump" 2016 campaign idea? The Trump campaign did a great job last time to show off that Trump was a conservative and listed potential conservative, Supreme Court Justices and they have followed through from that list.  Will Biden select a sitting senator for a cabinet postion like Warren or Sanders to appeal to the left? I think they will and If he can get Warren to agree to a cabinet position it would be ideal for him.  It would be impressive if he in some way would list some of his potential cabinet.  Susan Rice will probably be one of those picks.

4. Senator Harris will be a big favorite in the VP debate against VP Pence.  As a prosecutor she will have a big advantage and if she wins significantly it could take some of the focus away for the Biden-Trump debates if Joe Biden has some problems.

5. The Trump campaign will focus on Biden/Harris as liberals, although they are not. That is called- politics.

6. If Biden/Harris wins, I'm going to predict right now that the two presidential nominees in 2024 will be Senator Harris and former Governor Nikii Haley. Don't forget, you read it hear first. (no I'm not going to pick their running mates yet)

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