Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What You Haven't Read About The Presidential Debate

 I haven't blogged about politics for awhile and after the first Presidential Debate last night, it would be difficult not to write a few things.  I've watched a lot of debates over the years and I've read a lot about them too.(I just read about a very contentious debate that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had in the 2008 primary. The debate was in Myrtle Beach too!) 

It was an extraordinary night last night and a debate that will certainly be remembered for a long time.  When it ended I told my wife that if you thought the President got bad press now, wait until tomorrow.  Let's face it, it is difficult to find much praise for President Trump in the press and it's understandable-they mostly disagree with his views and he's made them an adversary from the very beginning of his campaign. So, here are a few positive things about President Trump's performance last night:

1.THE DEBATE WAS NOT BORING: All too often the complaint that people have is that it's not interesting.  When President Trump is on stage it is never dull and it's difficult to walk away because you're afraid you'll miss something.  He did this four years ago and last night was a repeat performance, but as President.

2. PRESIDENT TRUMP LOOKS PRETTY HEALTHY: A few weeks ago there were a lot of stories about his health.  I'm sure he's got some ailments that haven't been disclosed(physical), but for a 73 year-old man to perform at a peak energy/intensity level for ninety minutes with millions watching, I thought it was remarkable.  He would have been good with 70% of that intensity, but there are people twenty years younger who would have difficulty doing what he did last night.

3. WAS HE "SLEEPY JOE?" President Trump gave Joe Biden that nickname as he gave Jeb Bush four years ago the name, "low energy Jeb." I think President Trump's strategy was to be very animated which would make Joe Biden look very docile and for the most part it worked. This is his personality and Joe Biden's personality is very reserved and it was very visible last night.

4. JOE BIDEN DISAGREEING WITH THE FAR-LEFT: It was a strategy either President Trump came up with or someone in the campaign.  Several times Joe Biden was pushed to disagree with things the left want.  President Trump knows that maybe as many as 13% of Bernie Sanders supporters four years ago voted for President Trump and who knows how many of them did not vote at all.  If he can get the left to complain about Biden it can make all the difference in some of the critical states.  President Trump made it work last night several times.

5. PRESIDENT TRUMP TALKS DIFFERENTLY: You would think after five years in the political world, the media would recognize that President Trump does not answer questions directly and he doesn't like to give the person who asks the question, exactly what they want.  When he was asked to disavow White Supremacists, he said he would be willing to do it and when Joe Biden said, "The Proud Boys, " he told them they should, "stand down and stand by."  What does that exactly mean? It's anyone's guess, but to suggest he agrees with white supremacists or he is one, it's pure fantasy.

I have a funny Father's Day card hanging near my desk from my kids that makes fun of how he talks and it is funny. "You are the best father in the history of fathers. All the other Dad's? LOSERS! Total Disasters! Ask anyone.  They all know.  BELIEVE ME...  everyone agrees."

Four years ago Donald Trump was asked in a debate if he would accept the results of the election on election night and he answered, "I'll look at it then." He was crucified for refusing to say he would accept the results, but that's not what he said.  This year again he has been asked several times and he's giving pretty much the same answer-he'll look at it then. Considering how different this election is with so many ballots being mailed in, there's nothing wrong with his answer, except the way he communicates it. Let's face it, the chance of fraud will be much higher this year and the number of ballots that will be disqualified is also much higher.(over 1 million disqualified in 2016 Presidential Election)

Also, the media had no problem with Democrat Stacey Abrams refusing to concede her governor's rack in Georgia two years ago.  Recently Hillary Clinton publicly said that Joe Biden "should not concede the election if it's close." What President Trump said should be no big deal.

6. PRESIDENT TRUMP GOES ALL OUT TO WIN: One of the reasons President Trump was elected was that he outworked Hillary Clinton.  He gave more interviews, did more events, and put himself in front of more people. There are some of the same similarities in this election and last night he went all out in that debate and it was noticeable.

7. SUPREME COURT CHOICE: Finally, President Trump's first answer he handled well. I'll give him a lot of credit if he can get this done, but I personally don't think they should be doing it now. He did say last night that the Democrats would do the same thing in the same situation and he's absolutely right. It's called politics and this is the move to make for anyone if they can get it done.

Who won the debate? Joe Biden did have some good moments, especially defending his son and looking directly at the camera frequently. President Trump's personality makes it difficult for him to win a debate, but at times Joe Biden was rattled and stumbled over his words.  He did get through 90 minutes with President Trump, but he's going to have to do it two more times. Can he do it? Probably, but what if.....?

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