Thursday, July 15, 2021

What Is On Their Car?

 At some point when I first started this blog, I wrote about seeing a bizarre group of sentences on a white van.  I couldn't find the blog, but it got me scratching my head and trying to figure out, "what is on their car?" I've wanted to write about some of the things I've seen on people's cars for quite awhile, so this is my first blog on three different cars I've seen this year.

I think the strangest one was the car that had a large piece of cardboard covering the entire back window. (although it looks like it's written on the window) I'm not sure I've ever seen that, but in big letters it said, "Honk, if you are horny, I K(know) you are," with a smiley face. I did not see the driver, because I was too busy taking the picture.  I think it looks like a female wrote it, but I'm just guessing. Is the driver trying to be funny? You have to figure this is someone young, but you can't help but ask the question, why?

My second favorite car with words on the back is a quote from 1981, which was 40 years ago.  It is a political quote that is printed on the back window and it's from the former CIA Director, William Casey. It reads, "We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." At first I thought this was someone from the left using a quote from the Reagan Administration, but it looks like it's someone who got it from a conservative or libertarian.  There is a website also listed which has anti-mask info on it.  Still, someone with a forty year old quote printed on their back window, has to be pretty odd. 

Thirdly, we go further back over 300 years, for a quote on a van from John Paul Jones, the American Naval Commander in the Revolutionary War.  The quote says, "I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harms way."  It's a great quote, but would you put it on your van? This person is probably either a big history buff or big boat/water person and probably a guy.

So, the next time you see something on someone's vehicle and you think it's odd, there are odder things here on vehicles in South Carolina.  Maybe, it's a southern thing?

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