Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Odin's First Birthday

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing a dog blog, but it's difficult to pass up on our dog's first birthday.  For anyone new, we got Odin from a breeder and he is a cockapoo, a mixture of cocker spaniel and poodle. Today, he is one year old, but I really have a problem with how birthdays are counted.

It's his first birthday, but what happened a year ago? It was his birth day, but not his birthday? How can we celebrate his first birthday, when he really had one last year which was a lot more important?  I'm 61 years old and I've been around 62 days that were August 19th.  I'm probably the only one with this hang-up.

How is a dog's birthday different than a child's birthday? We didn't have any decorations up and it's one of the only birthday's I've been to that I didn't have a piece of cake or two or three.  Below are two pictures of Odin and you can see the cake on the floor, which I think a lot of children would like to do with their cake.  Also, take note that he is wearing a birthday scarf(my wife said it was) and a pin that says, "birthday boy." (I'm not sure I buy that one either)

Did he get to pick his favorite meal? No, not happening. My wife made my favorite meal, a big chicken roaster.  Odin did get a big plate of it, but I got all the bones and that's the way it's always going to be. 

Finally, Odin got his haircut at the groomer, he got a lot of hair cut.  She took a birthday picture that she staged and he looks like something you would see in the window of a store.  I don't think he looks real in this picture.  But the cake, I think that was real. I wonder what it would taste like?



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