Tuesday, August 9, 2022


We had an amazing trip out west and saw some beautiful and incredible scenery which I will tell you about in my next blog.  However, the most unusual and unique thing we saw was a real fluke that we actually saw it. We were driving up a winding road which was a mountain, when I glanced over to a house that had a mannequin in the front yard. I just barely saw it, but my wife said it was a female mannequin wearing a yellow dress and blue hair. You would think I would focus on that, but next to it was a sign that said, "Don't Fake The Funk." 

I laughed at the phrase, but first thought it was a safety sign that was saying something like, "be careful on the turns." It didn't make a lot of sense, but I was puzzled as to what it meant and why someone would put it in their front yard.  And, what did the mannequin have to do with it?

Unfortunately, I could not get a picture of this and since I am "technically challenged", this is the best I can do below.  Use your imagination and put the blue hair on the mannequin and the words on the sign. This will drive the techies in Colorado and New Jersey and the graphic artist in Highland Park, NJ., absolutely crazy.  They could have put this together in about five minutes.  Just imagine what we saw:



We did get a glance of it again on the way down the mountain, but could not get a picture.  Could it be a song? There are a few songs with this name and also some quotes online too.  Here are some of the definitions that I found: 1."You're either cool or not, you can't fake it."  2.  "To perform below one's abilities". 3. "To promise more than you can deliver."   But, here's the one I like most of all:

"To act with a false ethos surrounding yourself  in an attempt to win respect from a certain influential party. Antonym: keep it real."  I agree that we should be who we are, authentic.  However, that still leads to a puzzling question: what did the mannequin have to do with the sign, or did it at all? 

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