Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Some Things You Normally Don't See

While on vacation, I do make it a point to look for unusual things and I already told you about the female mannequin with the sign that said, "Don't Fake The Funk." However, not too far from that house, on top of a hill there was a large, fake chicken. I'm not sure what it was made of and I don't know if they had a sign too, but why would people put a fake chicken on their lawn? Do they sell eggs or are they advertising for Chick-fil-A? I think I've see the same large chicken on a lawn somewhere before.

Another oddity out in the west was the number of "Antique Malls" that we saw advertised.  Pennsylvania is known as having the most antique places in the country.  On a list of the top 15 places in the country for antiquing, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, made that list from the mid-west.  However, on the highway, we kept seeing signs for these antique malls, one of which looked like an overgrown storage unit.

Here are some different pictures, the first one is a very unusual rainbow which was at Royal Gorge Bridge&Park in Colorado:

From Coors field is a picture of three cameraman, one standing on the ground, another on a pallet and the one further away is standing on two pallets for some reason.

Also, from Coors field is one empty seat which is always empty. It says POW-MIA on it and the plaque says that 92,000 Americans since World War 1 are still missing.  The plaque was dedicated two years ago.

One of our first stops on our trip was in a mall where there was a McDonalds. I took Odin for a walk and when he saw himself in the window he was barking continuously.  Did he think it was another dog like him or did he know it was him? I have no idea, but he was barking too much. Maybe he was barking because he saw me in the window?

This next picture is pretty awful looking.  It was a sign that I found at one of the scenic mountain views which is called "Garden of the Gods."  We did not see any of these ants, because fortunately they live underground in the southwest. The next time you see some bug or fly in your house, remember, it could look a lot worse.

I know that people hang stuffed deer heads in their house. Some people like seeing fake or formerly real animals around their house, but would you feel comfortable looking out into your backyard and seeing this thing? It is not for me, but it was in a very nicely decorated backyard.

Finally, It was very noticeable to me that there weren't as many gas stations in Colorado as I'm used to in Myrtle Beach or in New Jersey.  However, Joe's Barbecue in Kansas City, Kansas, in addition to having great barbecue, they also had two gas pumps, one which was working.  It had a good price to, so we filled up on barbecue and gas at the same time. The barbecue cost more and tasted better. (I'm guessing)

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