Saturday, September 3, 2022


BREAKING NEWS FROM MYRTLE BEACH: Jeff and Monika Hoenig, who have owned a house here for more than four years, finally got their first television in the south. Below are pictures as the television set arrived at their home.


REPORTER: Jeff, how did this finally happen?

JEFF: About a month ago, we decided we were going to get a television in the near future, but a few days ago we changed our mind.  We decided we can wait longer, it wasn't a big deal.

REPORTER: Yet, there it is, what is that?

JEFF: We got a great deal on this.  A few years ago, we bought a small television for $10 for my mother-in-law, but she said it didn't work and just gave it back to me.

REPORTER: What are you going to do with it? 

JEFF: Well I'd be interested in testing it out to see if it works, but my wife said, "It's crap."  It's an Insignia and from selling televisions a long time ago, I know it's not the best brand. Besides, there is no remote which would be a problem I think.

REPORTER: So, you're going to recycle your first television?

JEFF: It looks that way, unless my wife changes her mind.  By the way that's a great picture with the flag.  I had a rider just this morning who said, "It's unamerican to not have a television." There's proof that I have a television, today.

REPORTER: When do you think you're going to actually watch television in your house? 

JEFF: Well, first we have to sell the couch and get a television stand and maybe get cable.... Well, 2023 is just around the corner, that could be the year!

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