Sunday, November 17, 2024

Have You Ever Been To A Cake Picnic?


We have all been to a picnic.  Maybe there are sandwiches, subs, or cooking on the grill.  You can smell the cooking on the grill- steak, chicken, hot dogs, or burgers. Sure, you get around to the end and you might have some cake.  What if it was all cake and you weren't dreaming?

In San Francisco they had a picnic with 613 cakes.  They didn't say how much milk and coffee they had. It was a community event that you had to bring some kind of cake to get in and people came from everywhere just to attend. Many of the cakes were homemade.

Elisa Sunga got the idea after attending a cookie exchange and had a cake exchange where she expected to invite a few friends who brought a few more friends.  She put an invitation on social media and 183 people showed up with a cake. She did another one in Los Angeles and New York and had around 300 people with cakes for each one.

This last event was a little different because a museum was celebrating its 100th anniversary and asked if she could bring cakes and 1,000 people wanted to come.  The cakes were put down on many tables and each person received a color-coded name tag and had an hour to wander around looking at all the cakes. Groups were called up and they had five minutes to get as many slices of cake before the next group was called.

This was a lot of fun I'm sure, but I was thinking-what if everyone brought different kinds of chicken?

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