Tuesday, March 31, 2020


It was an unusual month to say the least.  I drove for Uber/Lyft only on three days and here are my three favorite stories:

THE DON JUAN OF CHARLESTON?: It was unfortunately a short ride.  The College of Charleston has a very unusual ratio of 70-30 women to men.  I have a lot of fun talking to men and women about what life is like on campus.  I asked my male passenger how he was managing with the 70-30% ratio of women to men.  He may have been joking, but his answer was, "I have five girlfriends, I'm doing the best I can to keep everyone happy."  He was very entertaining and I guess it's possible he was being serious, but I'll never know.  He said there's a saying in Charleston, "you can't love them here."  Just before I dropped him off he showed me a picture of a pretty girl and said it was his girlfriend. "She wouldn't give me the time of day at most schools, but here it's slim pickings."  I told him he should stick with one girl, but he didn't show me pictures of the other girls, if there were any.  I'm pretty sure he's enjoying college.

SHE BOUGHT AN ISLAND:  My rider did not buy an island, but her great grandmother did.  In the 1940's she bought an island that wasn't very large, I think 13 acres.  She paid $30,000 which at the time was a very large amount.  Her husband at the time wanted to know if she could get her money back, but she made it work.  She started her own restaurant on the island and it is still very popular today.  My rider helps run the restaurant with her Dad.  There are only a small number of houses on the island and most of them are owned by their family.  Today the island is worth a lot of money and they've turned down offers in the past.  I think her great grandmother made a good investment.

THE PACEMAKER SALESMAN: He started working as a nurse which he did for five years.  He had an opportunity to go into sales due to his outgoing personality.  He supervises five other sales people including having his own territory.  When he sells a pacemaker he has to be in the operating room when the pacemaker is put in, something I would definitely not want to see.  I picked him up to take him to the airport to go back home to Ohio.  He was in South Carolina to pick up a little puppy for his two boys.  I could tell he was successful due to his outgoing personality.  Sometimes you just don't know where a career will lead to.

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