Monday, December 21, 2020

I'm "URL-ing" It

 It was bound to happen, I have entered the modern age of computer technology. Okay, I'm exaggerating just a bit.  I admit that although a ran a business on my computer and have spent many, many hours over the years on a computer, I'm still a novice.  Today however, something important changed.  I learned something.

I send out a lot of articles to my Dad and occasionally to others.  I've always just copied the whole article and sent it.  I have realized that sometimes the article does not come out at all and it's my fault.  My daughter has showed me in the past how to copy the URL and that's it and send it, but it really went in one ear and out the other.

I've got it down now and have started "URL-ing" all over.  It is faster and more efficient and I have no idea what URL stands for and I don't care, because I won't remember it.  What a year it's been! I learned how to put a picture on a blog and how to "URL-ing" it.  What am I going to learn next year?

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