Tuesday, July 19, 2022


I love to drive, but driving on a long road trip is different than doing normal driving. You make a lot of plans for your trip, you pack snacks, you look up places to stop and eat, unless of course you just like to "wing it."

This morning I came across an article by Hannah Doolin which was written six years and I was amused by the comments she made in this article entitled, "8 Things You Should Never Eat On A Long Car Ride."

1.  Let's start with the first one- "Greasy fast food- burgers, fries, and breakfast sandwiches can make you sluggish." They also can keep you from starving and enjoying a break on the road.  Does this look good or what? It has pickles which I would get rid of and it looks like a beer to the right, but no burgers and fries, really?

2. No soft drinks and seltzer? I'm fine with the seltzer, do people really drink that? She said you could get "bloating, gas, indigestion, nausea, and general abdominal pain." I know soda is not good for you, however, this seems a bit extreme to me. If she said it caused your face to break out with pimples, okay, I'm staying away.

3. Tomatoes? Okay, I can stay away from tomatoes and pizza and salsa, but pasta sauce and ketchup? What am I going to put on the burger or the chicken parmesan? According to her this could, "irritate your bladder?" We might have "frantic searches for a rest stop?"  If you're driving with my wife and my puppy, there will always be frantic searches for some bathroom or some patch of grass. (For our dog)

4. Citrus foods like grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes will make you go to the bathroom? Would you be peeling an orange in a car on a long drive? No way, but grapes and peaches sound like a good and healthy choice.

5. Milkshakes may cause an upset stomach? I can go without a milkshake, but driving 70 mph on a highway can cause an upset stomach too. She also includes ice cream as bad for you. You know that burger and milkshake, not a bad combo in my book. But, a long trip without ice cream? I wouldn't count on that happening.

6. Can you really go on a long trip without chips or pretzels? It's possible, but why not make a mess in the car? It's a lot more fun holding the steering wheel with dirty hands, my wife loves that when I do it. Driving while eating ribs and chicken, that's the best-trust me. According to the writer, this may cause you to "retain water." Do we want to hold the water or stop frequently to get rid of it? I'm confused about this one. I'm voting for retaining the water for many hours, at least 8 or 9.

7. You should not drink excessive amounts of coffee and tea. Wouldn't it be better if you don't drink and just fast the whole trip? If everyone did that, wouldn't that mean that bathrooms along the way would be empty? I'd like to see that, wouldn't you?

8. We can't have candy either? No hard candy? Does that include chocolate? They "Might give you a burst of energy, but you could pay in discomfort later." When she indicates that they may cause discomfort, in my view if you avoid all these things, you will have discomfort for sure.

I'm not sure where she lives, but I would love to pick her up and go on a three-day, 27 hour road trip and watch very closely to see what she eats and drinks. Unfortunately, I can not find out where she lives, so my wife and puppy and I will have to make the journey ourselves out to the mid-west.

Coming in August: more travel adventures for Odin.

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