Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Five Tacos In A Month?

If you told me a few months ago that I would eat five tacos in one month I would have told you that you were crazy. I'm not sure I have ever eaten a taco before this month, but it's possible I've had one, maybe.  When we were up in New Jersey visiting our daughter a few weeks ago, I went through "Taco Training." Yes, I just made that up.  They brought out the below "Taco Holder" and then had to explain to me that the Taco sits in the holder until you're ready to pick it up.  I thought you eat it out of the holder, but it's already difficult enough to eat a taco.  When I eat food I go right at it, but turning your head and hoping the insides don't fall out all over the place? This is some messy eating for sure.

I ate three tacos that night, but I have no idea what was in them. It was pretty good, although I kept thinking it was a deformed Matzah. Did you know there is a "right" time to eat tacos? Yes, it is lunchtime, because the word taco means "light lunch." I thought it might mean, "You're going to be hungry later." The biggest taco was made in Queretaro, Mexico on November 20, 2011.  The taco was 335 feet long and it was made with carnitas as the filling.  I don't know what carnitas is, but it doesn't sound good at all.  About 15,000 people ate this taco, so I guess it was really big deal.

The other night we went out with friends and we ate at Taco Mundo and I was faced with the choice of getting tacos or tacos.  I chose wisely and I went for the healthy tacos, one was meat and the other was brisket.  They were both pretty good. Here's a picture to make you hungry, now or later.

Americans eat 4.5 billion tacos each year. Supposedly, half of the country visits a Taco Bell every 11 days.  I think I was at one once when my wife had a craving when she was expecting, which was about 26 years ago.  I know I'm overdue for a visit, but National Taco Day is October 4th. Do people celebrate National Taco Day? 

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