Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"Kind" Ellen DeGeneres Hits a Home Run

Every once in a while someone in Hollywood says something and they really deserve an award or a standing ovation.  In case you missed this story earlier in the month, it is worth repeating.  Comedian and television talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres, was with her wife at a Dallas Cowboy football game and she was sitting in the owner's box.(Jerry Jones)  Sitting with them all was former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura.

Several times the cameras showed Ellen and the former President laughing together and some people got upset about it.  Since Ellen is a liberal and George W. Bush is a conservative, there were a number of people who were angry about it.  One of the celebrities who scolded Ellen was actor, Mark Ruffalo, best known for playing The Hulk.  This is what he said:

"Sorry, until George W. Bush is brought to justice for the crimes of the Iraq War, (including American-lead torture, Iraqi deaths & displacement, and the deep scars—emotional & otherwise—inflicted on our military that served his folly), we can’t even begin to talk about kindness."

In response to some of the negative feedback she got, Ellen's reply was this:

"Here’s the thing. I’m friends with George Bush,” who has appeared on her talk show. “In fact, I’m friends with a lot of people who don’t share the same beliefs that I have. We’re all different, and I think we’ve forgotten that that’s OK that we’re all different.”  “But just because I don’t agree with someone on everything doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be friends with them. When I say, ‘Be kind to one another,’ I don’t only mean the people that think the same way that you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Doesn’t matter [who].”

She could not have said it any better.  She did have some people who supported her, but comments like Mark Ruffalo's unfortunately show how out of touch some people in Hollywood are.  When a Conservative hears comments like those, they immediately think that's how most people in Hollywood and liberals think.  These are the comments that make the news and turn a lot of people off.

Ellen's comments did make the news, but when someone criticizes and condemns today, it's unfortunately a lot more newsworthy. 

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