Tuesday, January 30, 2024



Myrtle Beach is one of those places that people keep coming back to.  My first ride of the day was a woman who had lived and practiced in Las Vegas for six years. Her son, also a doctor, told her, "You shouldn't tell people that you lived in Vegas, because they'll think you lived with the whores." She made me laugh many times. I told her that my mannequin was a gift from a passenger and she said, "Is that because you're bald?" I think she'd be a lot of fun having her as a doctor, because you would never know what would come out of her mouth.


He lives in Houston, Texas and I had a great conversation with him.  He works in the environmental field and has been seeing a good part of the country as he travels for work. I asked, "Have you always wanted to come here?" He said, "Actually, it's the one place I never wanted to visit." He doesn't like the cities he's been to, except Washington D.C. He related very well to The South due to the slower pace of life and the friendliness which he is used to in Australia.  He was very interested in our Presidential Election and I enjoyed talking with him among some other topics. I think he likes this country more than he used to.


My last ride of the night was to pick up a Lilly and I couldn't wait to introduce her to my mannequin Lily.  As she got in the car I said, "Lilly, this is Lily from Kansas." She started laughing and told me, "Our first stop is to pick up my friend Lily." I could not believe it, but when Lily got in the car I introduced her to Lily, with only one "L". The other two Lilly's were good friends so I got them to pose with my mannequin Lily in between them. It's the best selfie I've ever taken, with three Lilly's behind me.  I promised not to post it, but we all have big smiles, except my mannequin.


As awful as COVID has been the past few years, I continue to drive people who had very positive COVID experiences.(Excuse the pun) The couple met online during COVID and planned their first date on the beach because it was open. They hit if off immediately and she said, "I moved in after the first date and haven't left." Two weeks later he bought a car and they decided to drive across the country while they worked remotely. He said, "When do you ever get a chance to do that?" I asked him if they were able to avoid COVID and he said, "Yes, but when I went back to work, I got it." They've been married one year and it all started because of COVID.


They say it only takes a few seconds to make a good impression.  However, as an Uber driver, it usually takes only a minute or two to be very impressed with someone. A realtor for five years, the woman in her mid to late twenties was obviously a professional. Poised, well spoken and personable, she told me that she, "Goes by the book," and has helped many of her friends and has gotten many referrals. I asked her where she had gotten her positive attitude and she told me a friend of hers did not think she was an achiever. She seemed to be motivated by that.  I have no doubt she will continue to be successful in the future. She's definitely an achiever and I think she knows that the only person that she really needs to impress-is herself.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Shoeless Jeff Goes to Hall's Chophouse

(Shoeless Joe Jackson was one of the all-time great hitters in major league baseball.  He would have been in The Baseball Hall of Fame, but he was banned due to the Chicago White Sox scandal of 1919 and his guilt is still questionable today) Author W.P. Kinsella wrote a book "Shoeless Joe" in 1982 which was turned into the movie, "Field of Dreams" in 1989. The movie starred Keven Costner and is considered one of the best sports movies of all-time and it is my favorite movie.)

I was looking forward to speaking to the Exchange Club of Charleston for a couple months.  The men's service group has been supporting children for fifty years. They were meeting at Hall's Chophouse, one of the top restaurants in Downtown Charleston and they invited me to speak about my book and "Celebrating Strangers".  I have always wanted to eat there and this was my chance and they were treating me to lunch. What could go wrong?

I planned everything out so I would be there about 45 minutes early. I went down to Charleston and drove four hours "Ubering" before making a last stop and then I was headed to the restaurant.  I was concerned about getting a parking space and I had never used a credit card for a parking,  I was wearing dress shoes, dress pants and a purple, long sleeved, dress shirt.

Walking out of a library to my car 90 minutes before lunch, my shoe felt funny and seemed like the sole was loose.  I was thinking I would be fine for about a minute and then I left half of my shoe in the parking lot. I picked up the half of shoe and hobbled to my car.  Sitting there with half a shoe in my hand and half on my foot, I needed a plan and I need it fast.

There was a Walmart on the way. I could hobble into the store and find a shoe, buy it and make it to Halls in plenty of time for lunch, if everything went right.  Arriving at the Walmart, I realized my sock was a little wet on the bottom since I was missing half the shoe. I hobbled in and found the shoe department in the back of the store.  Miraculously, there was an employee right there who brought me over to the few dress shoes.  The second shoe I saw was black, a loafer, about my size and around $30-SOLD! I asked the guy to cut off all the things from the shoe, so I could walk out of the store with them on. They fit well and I was on my way to Halls.  Below is how the two half shoes looked at home.

If the sole of the shoe was just loose I would have tried to glue it together. I thought I would be able to get away with it, since I was just talking.  I pulled up to Halls and there was a parking space in front of the door and money already in the meter.  I through in fifty cents and I didn't have to use my card.  When I walked into Halls, our room was on the second floor and I had to walk up maybe twenty steps.  My half shoe would not have made it.

I talked for twenty-five minutes and it went very well.  There were 30-40 people and if you look to the left in the below picture you can see a guy with my bright orange book.  They bought a copy and raffled it off and the money went to the Boys Home that they support.  I sold a few copies and had a very good lunch. The restaurant was only open for this monthly meeting of the organization and everyone was very nice.  I am just happy I had two shoes on my feet.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Kindest Man In The USA?

This story comes out of San Francisco, California where a man, Bryan Tsiliacos, wanted to do something special for his 30th birthday. He decided he wanted to do 30 acts of kindness to celebrate his 30th year.  "I wanted to express gratitude for the blessings of my life through acts of kindness," he said.

He is a Senior Product Manager full-time and has recently been named by People magazine as one of the five kindest people in America.  His first act of kindness was making Flann desserts for four hundred fireman. He raised $12,000 and gave supplies to 150 middle school teachers, 167 care packages to animal shelters and gave medical scrubs to nurses.

How is he able to make this happen? He said, "When you have a burning desire to do something, doors will open."  He believes that, "The kindness that we show others makes for a more purposeful life.  He is inspiring people around the country, including Maxx, the almost ten-year old pictured below.  He wanted to do ten acts of kindness by his 10th birthday and Bryan helped him make 260 sandwiches to give to a large shelter.

Bryan is working on a contest to inspire more acts of kindness across the country.  It's called, "The Decade of Kindness" and details can be found at decadeofkindness.com. The winner will receive $10,000 and monthly winners can earn $1,000.  Congratulation Bryan on your idea and inspiration.

Researchers have found that every act of kindness or good deed can affect three or more people removed from you. Why not do something kind today?

Friday, January 19, 2024

Non-Partisan Advice For An Election Year

One year from today the next President of the United States will be sworn in for the next four years.  As a former political science major and a political junkie for the last forty years, I love presidential elections. However, there are very few people who are genuinely looking forward to this election.  The last two presidential elections in 2016 and 2020 will go down in history as two of the most unusual in history.

A little history lesson: The first inauguration of George Washington happened on April 30, 1789 and afterwards until 1933, inaugurations took place on March 4. (When the federal government began operations)  It is always on January 20th now, unless the date falls on a Sunday and then it is on January 21.

On November 5th, 2024 will be the next presidential election.  Most people would say that on that day, or days and weeks later, either President Biden will be re-elected or former President Trump will be elected again.  Below are some suggestions on how to get through the next ten months and few things to look for:


1. If someone starts talking about the election or politics and you don't want to talk about it, tell them politely, "I'd rather discuss something or anything else."

2. If you're having a discussion with someone who you disagree with, let them talk.  You can learn a lot if you really listen to someone else's opinion.

3. Find something that you can agree on.

4. If someone asks you who you are going to vote for and you don't want to tell them, say, "I'll make my final choice on election day or in the voting booth."

5. When it gets down to the last couple months of the race, be very aware of the things you read.  Who wrote it? Is it an opinion or is it a fact?

6. Lastly, it's your vote-do what you want to.


1. Expect the unexpected; this will not be a normal election.

2.  Almost every four years the number of people who vote goes up.  In 2020, due to the pandemic and new rules on voting, more people voted than ever before, 159.6 million people.  This was a 16% increase over four years earlier, also a record.  It's very likely that less people will vote this year than four years ago.

2. I've believed for more than a year that President Biden and President Trump will both not be on the final ballot. I don't know which one won't be on it, but it could be that both will not be there in the end.

3. Four years ago, third party candidates made no difference in the results.  There is a very good chance that they will make a difference this year in who wins the popular vote and in some of the close states.

4. The Democratic nominee will win California and New York by at least 5 million votes combined, as they have the past three elections. (5-7 million)


Monday, January 15, 2024

Lily Goes To Breakfast

There are a lot of local Facebook sites here in the Myrtle Beach area. When my book came out, the response I received on a number of these sites was absolutely crazy. I responded to over 800 actual comments and I really appreciated all of their support.

One of the sites in Pawleys Island (Just south of where I live), is run by Dave and his rule is that if you want to advertise something you have to text him first.  I had an event coming up, so I texted him and he wanted to interview me. After I agreed to meet him. he gave me permission to post the ad. We decided to meet nearby for breakfast.

The morning that Dave and I were going to meet, he texted me that he was excited to meet me.  Naturally, I asked if I should bring my mannequin, Lily, in for breakfast and his reply was, "Sure, that would be fun."  So, I checked her hair, (She still has more than I do), skipped any make-up, and we left for breakfast.

As I pulled up at the pancake house, I had a flashback from over forty years ago.  In college, I ran for the student senate and I appeared in the school newspaper with a paper bag over my head.  No one really knew me, so wearing a bag on my head didn't hurt my chances. I campaigned by putting a paper bag with a face on each shoulder of my winter coat and I walked around campus like that.  For a twenty-year-old who was still pretty shy, it was challenging. I lost that race, but a year later I was elected president of the student senate. The below picture was for my last column in the school paper. The column was called. "The Prez Sez."

Now, at 63 years old, I was about to walk into a breakfast place holding a woman's head and meeting someone for the first time. There was only a few people around, but everyone's head turned to look at Lily and her head. Dave was amused and the below picture was taken by our server, who was also very amused.

We had a nice breakfast and I found out that the story of his life was incredibly inspirating.   He definitely would have been in my book if I had given him a ride before last April.  He's a semi-retired car salesman of twenty years and has an advertising/promotions/video business.  We sat in my car and he did about a thirty minute interview and video which included me going all around the world showing off all of my foreign currency. A few hours later, he posted it on his site and it got a lot of positive feedback- thanks Dave, I do appreciate it!

Thursday, January 11, 2024


One last look at 2023. I thought I would re-post five rides that made my day and my year. It was not easy picking only five out of over 2,600 rides.  Only the "Comedic Physicist" made my book, but I wrote a short intro for each one of these below:

INTRO: The couple was perfectly matched and had the most unusual beginning a couple can have.  I love picking up people from Minnesota and they were funny, interesting and a joy to drive.

                             "WE MET GOING THROUGH 

                             A WINDSHIELD TOGETHER"  

It wasn't 100% accurate, but it was very close.  The couple from Minnesota married close to thirty years, made my day.  I asked them my standard question to couples who have been married a long time, "What is the secret of a successful marriage?" His answer was hilarious and her answer may have been the best serious answer I've ever heard. He is a welder and once when he was young told a priest that the most important thing in a marriage is, "Not going to Church and having a lot of sex."  She's a nurse and she said the secret was, "Seven words, please, thank you, I love you, and I'm sorry."

The two of them were riding in the front seat of a vehicle driven by a mutual friend who he wanted to date. According to him, the woman crashed into a wall sending he and his future wife through the windshield and back inside the car.  His future wife broke her neck and had two surgeries and he came out fine and went on vacation in Mexico. They started dating sometime afterwards.

He was one of the most enthusiastic and outgoing people I've ever met.  He told me, "I love life, people are awesome." I wish this ride was fifteen minutes longer.  He was having as much fun as I was.  As he got out of the car he was telling me that their daughter tattooed their wedding anniversary date on him so he would remember it.  However, he said he wanted it there, because his wife didn't like it.  The end of the story was that he pulled up his shirt and showed me the tattoo on his upper chest.  He said he was a really good welder, but he could have been a comic who had an unlimited amount of stories.


INTRO: She was extraordinary.  An ambitious and creative entrepreneur and a mother to three girls. Her enthusiasm for life was absolutely delightful.  By giving me her mannequin she gave me and many other riders a good laugh and I've had many rides that we have actually talked about their mannequin.    I'm sure that she knew it would be a lot of fun. Without a doubt, one of the best rides I'll ever have.

                                          AND THEN THERE'S THAT!

When you have a great, great ride, you don't want it to end.  And then, at the end of the ride, there is just one more thing which puts the icing on the cake.  My rider was from the great state of Kansas. (where I love their wind turbines.)  She had just been in an accident in another Uber who was side swapped.  Everyone seemed to be okay, but she needed another ride which turned into a fifty-nine minute extravaganza.

Having just taught some hair styling, the salon owner entered my car with a suitcase a couple bags and a pole with the above mannequin and a male mannequin head.  My rider's initials are JK and at the end of the ride she thanked me, "For turning her night around." She was my 80th ride in three days and she will be remembered as long as I am driving.

One paragraph cannot explain this successful, entertaining, inspirational woman. She runs at least four businesses, two which are a salon/coffeeshop in the same building with have separate entrances, but are joined together. A boutique and an event center are the other two businesses and last year she did make-up and hair for 190 weddings. She talks fast, works hard, and obviously loves what she does.  She regularly uses social media and does videos on what she's doing which she calls, "Jen Live." She interviewed and recorded me for several minutes about the ride and the things in my car. She has three girls who are growing up with an incredible role model. (One daughter, who was wearing a mask in kindergarten during COVID, also wore lipstick to school.)

When we reached her destination, she handed me the above head, whose name is Lily. She said, "I want you to have this to display in your museum." She signed it and wrote, "And then there's that," her favorite saying. We took some pictures together and I walked towards the car holding this head and a guy walking on the sidewalk gave me the strangest look.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Two years ago, another woman from Kansas, pulled out her Super Bowl ring and the picture of that ring has entertained thousands of riders.  Will history repeat itself! Thank you JK., I'll take care of Lily for you.    


INTRO: I'm not sure I could have driven her an hour as I did JK.  She was very successful in sales and it was clearly due to her personality and sense of humor.  One of the most unique passengers I've ever had the pleasure to drive and she was truly unforgettable.

                             THE VALLEY GIRL FROM MICHIGAN

I thought I was going to cheer her up and make her day better, but it turned out that she was easily my best ride of the weekend.  I found her sitting on a bench in front of her hotel.  She had had a rough night.  She had been meeting a girlfriend she hadn't seen in ten years, but their airbnb reservation near the beach was canceled. Her friend got mad at her last night and wouldn't let her stay in the hotel room so she slept in the lobby of the hotel.

She is very successful in selling alarm systems on the phone and explained, "I beat out all 18 men who sell in the field and I've won two trips to Hawaii and one to Mexico." The secret to her success is her personality, from her voice to her infectious laugh. She said, "They call me a Valley Girl and think I come from California." Her name is Trisha, but one guy couldn't understand her, so she says, "Pippa is my stage name." I threatened to record her laugh and play it for other riders when they don't laugh at something I say and that just made her laugh more.

I brought her to a hotel on the beach, but we were both laughing even when she got out of the car. She told me that a week before her honeymoon, she told her husband, "You're too hairy." Straight from a scene from the movie, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" with Steve Carrell, she tortured her husband by removing his hair and making his nipples bleed and him cry. She has never seen the movie and I told her that it was her homework.  Will I remember her? She told me that people say, "I look like Elaine from Seinfeld and I dance like her too." And, she has an unforgettable laugh.


INTRO:  I apologized to him at the end of the ride that I wouldn't be able to put him in my book since I just finished it.  He said, "Put me in your next book." After reviewing the ride I had to force his ride into my book.  I should have given him an award when I dropped him off, he was that great.                             


It was another terrific ride from the airport. My rider said he was in physics and he spent twenty years fixing nuclear cameras. What he does now is different, but since I didn't do well in Physics class forty years ago, I don't really know. I only have a few words to explain it: atomic particles and radioactive isotopes.  I don't know his job title, but I'm going to say he is a Comedic Physicist. (He may be the only one and I'm sure he'll love his new title.)

It was clear immediately that he was not just some intelligent scientist with no personality. His performance in my car should have been filmed.  He did tell me he's never performed in front of people, but explained, "When I drive in an Uber, I figure if I make them laugh, they won't hit me." His education was different, because his dad wanted two kids and he had five. "There was no money for me for college, so I borrowed $5,000 from a bank" and he had his uncle co-sign for it. He went to an electronics school for two years and said, "You can get a good education without going to college." Whatever his job is, he does make a six figure salary.

At the age of 62, he has two adult children around 40 years old. He said, "My wife kissed a lot of toads before she found her prince. I married the first girl I kissed-I didn't think it would happen again. On our honeymoon, my wife's antibiotics messed up our family planning." And to top it off-he's been married 42 years.

Here's a few more of his greatest bits: "My dad taught me all about physics in how he disciplined. His hands were as big as dinner plates and his fingers were like sausages." "I thought it was odd that my grandparents in Kentucky were first cousins also, until I realized that in Kentucky the only options you have are cows, corn, coal and cousins."  "My dad never told me about the four rings of marriage, the telephone ring, the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering."

I didn't want to end the ride and I'm sure he enjoyed me laughing at everything.  He said, "The ride is on a company account, so if you want to take a few left turns you can." I think he could talk about anything and make it funny, even physics.

INTRO: I have told her story and her friend's story many times in the last few months since meeting her. A role model for anyone and she had a great personality also.  I'll talk about her and her friend for a very long time, you don't get to meet and talk to people like her very often.

                            A GOAL SETTER EXTRAORDINAIRRE

My ride with the woman who lives in Charleston, South Carolina was terrific immediately. She was delightful and had a wonderful laugh that I heard for most of the ride.  After graduating with a journalism degree in communications, she found out pretty quickly that the money was not what she wanted to make.  She switched over to the telecommunications industry and had a very successful career in it. Her main goal her whole career was to retire early and start the career she really wanted-to be an artist.

Retiring in her early fifties, she spent three years training to be a painter and she succeeded.  She told me, "An encore career is the best career, because it's the one you really want." She's a fast painter and keeps two galleries stocked with paintings and she also travels around the country doing art exhibits. She's just a regular person with extraordinary determination, skill, and a very fun personality.

I didn't want to drop her off at the airport when she told me about one of her oldest friends. Her story is inspiration for everyone and her friend's story is just absolutely amazing. Her friend was a successful dentist for 37 years and decided she wanted to be a lawyer.  After getting her law degree, this woman who is five feet tall and maybe 95 pounds, takes clients who have been wronged by dentists. When she puts a dentist on the stand, she becomes her own expert witness and dentists can't defend themselves.  In her spare time her friend hunts alligators, skins them, and has a house full alligator-made things.  My rider showed me a picture of the two of them and another friend in front of a twelve foot alligator on her wall. My rider said of her friend, "She is not someone to play with."

I joked with her that I was disappointed she was in my car instead of her friend, and got a huge laugh out of her. In five years I've had about 60-70 truly great rides and this was one of them.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Did You Know About This?

Over the few years of Ubering, I've had fun giving some trivia questions, such as, "What did they build the Ravenel Bridge to look like in 2005?." (Two sailboats in the distance) For people from Colorado, I ask them about one of their amazing places, "Garden of the Gods," a National Natural Landmark for its amazing rock formations. "How did the "Garden of the Gods" get it's name? (In 1859, two land surveyors walked into the area. One said it would be a great place to drink beer and the other said it was a place that Gods would come to)

My riders have enjoyed the questions, but what if I had trivia for every state? This year, I have prepared a couple unique things about each state typed on a page and I'm going to have some fun telling some tourists about their own state.

I've always believed that one person can make a difference, but how about one person turning a small town into one of the most unique places in the world? Casey, Illinois is 2.6 square miles long with a population of around 3,000 people. Jim Bolin was born and raised in Casey and, "He felt like he owed something to the community that has given him the opportunity to build a life, home and business." 

The town of Casey is known as "A small town full of big things." The Guiness Book of World Records recognizes 12 items in this town as "The World's Largest."  There are another twenty large things that are not world records. You have to look this town up to appreciate how incredible these things look.  Due to space I can't post all twelve of the world record holders, but below are a few of them.  

The world's largest chime was the first large item that Bolin built in 2011 and it is 42 feet long and it works. What happens on a windy day?

The rocking chair weighs 46,200 pounds and it does rock. It took two years to build and it is 56 feet tall.  Paul Bunyan would be comfortable in this.

You can walk into the mailbox and it's a functional mailbox. It is 5,743.41 cubic-feet. If you drove into this mailbox you would have a very big problem.

The golf driver weighs 731 pounds and it's 45 feet tall.  A quote from Martin Luther King is inscribed on it, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

This is the kind of key you cannot lose.  It's 28 feet tall, how big would the car have to be for this key?

There's nothing like a big pitchfork to work with.  This one is 60 feet long and it weighs 1,940 pounds.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

My Most Memorable Rider Comments in December

Retired Army guy: "Every male in my family since the Revolutionary War has been in the military and no one was talked into it.""

I asked her, "What do you do for work?" She answered, "I'm a lazy ex-mother of four."

His friend is a Cleveland Browns fan and told him, "When I die I want 6 pallbearers who are Cleveland Browns players, so they can let me down one more time."

The man from Haiti, "In my country women always comes first.  If you want to make love, she has to start it."

His first name is King and he said, "My sons' names are King Khamai and King Khari. My first son I didn't name and it's Alexander, but I would have named him King Alexander."

She: "An upscale cosmetics store in downtown Charleston did $900,000 in sales on Good Friday from 10 am to 7 pm."

Talking about the two bridges before the Ravenel Bridge in Charleston was built, he said, "One of those bridges got an official rating of 2 out of 100. I was stuck on it during an accident and when I looked down I could actually see through the concrete."

She: "My mother-in-law had 19 kids and they all are great people, no problems. When the ambulance was coming for her, they used to tell them to keep the siren off so it wouldn't wake the kids."

She: "My parents were sitting in a McDonalds when they decided to name me, "September." When I was younger my mom tried to set me up with a guy whose last name was October.  I could have been, September October."

He: "When I was 15, I caddied for Mickey Mantle at a charity event. He bet me that he would birdie a hole and when he didn't he took out a dollar bill and signed it, 'You were lucky Kevin."

He: "I was a Bush Pilot in Alaska for two years. It may be the only place in the world it's safe flying ten feet from earth in bad weather. They say when you go to Alaska to be a Bush Pilot you bring a bag of luck and you fill the bag up with experience before your luck runs out."

He: "I've lost about 100 pounds at work the last two years." He's a concrete crusher.

"The mayor of Mt. Pleasant wanted the Ravenel Bridge to have an option for tracks to go over it twenty years down the road, but it didn't go through."

He: "My birth certificate says Mrman, because my parents were supportive of The Black Panthers in New York." 

Woman from Texas: "I've sat in a restaurant many times and wondered how everyone else in the restaurant got to be in that restaurant at that point in their life."

He: "My older brother always told me that only bad things happen in small moments."

He: "I hope the real estate market crashes, they make too much money."

When his sister moved to Alaska, she told her son one day, "We have to sign up tomorrow for school." Her eight-year-old said, "We have to go to school here?"

He: "I went to school in Montana on a snowboarding full scholarship."

In the healthcare field he said, "I know of one Behavioral Hospital advertising a nursing job for $100,000."

She: "I named my dog sunny, because he brings sunshine into my life."

Him: "I grew my duck feathers a long time ago." (You can say anything you want it, it won't bother me)

She used to work on movies as an assistant director and said, "Actors are ass-." I told Harrison Ford that I haven't watched him in "Star Wars" or "Indiana Jones" and I think that's why he liked me. He was one of the best I worked with."

She: "I'm going somewhere else on New Year's Eve, because I can't make Hoppin' John to save my life."

As his wife was buying my book from me, he made us laugh when he said, "I read to her when she takes a bath."

The judge said, "Getting old is like a roll of toilet paper. When you get close to the end, it goes quicker."

On the app he sent me, "Will tip you $5 if you do this." My reply in person, "We're not going to rob a bank are we?" Him: "No, I have money." (Tipped $10)

                                                            MORE COMMENTS

After ten years in the military, he said, "It's not all rainbows and butterflies. They don't prepare you for getting out."

Coming from Brazil five years ago, he said, "South Carolina saved my life."

She: "My grandmother gave me the name Pitchenellia, because she had a friend with that name."

She said, "We tried for three straight days to sign up with Lyft so we could get rides, but they wouldn't let us. Lyft sucks."

National guardsman: "When I was in Kuwait, the temperature could go up to 115-125 degrees.  I didn't mind getting up early and getting some things done before the sun came up."

Pastor today: "When I became legally blind I lost my job and went on short-term disability.  When it was ending, I was surprised to find out I was going to be put on long-term disability because they had taken a dollar or so out of my paycheck every time for it.  I wound up getting 60% of my pay."

He: "When I was kid my dad loved Dan Marino and I sent him a letter and he sent me an autographed picture and my dad still has it hanging on a wall today."

"I build scaffolds; sometimes I go up 400 feet."

The British guy in the United States for three years, "I lean more to being American. I love being free. You can do almost anything you want as long as you're not hurting anyone."

The dentist said, "When I was 16, I was painting houses and decided I wanted to be a dentist.  I took off from work and spent a week in a dental office. I've had a number of people shadow me over the years."

The young, female ER nurse said, "I absolutely love my job. It's so interesting and I get to learn something every day."

He said, "Music is like a decoration of time." (There is a famous quote similar to this by Jean-Michel Basquiat- "Music is how we decorate time.")

A mom: "Things are so expensive. My eight-year-old wants a toy boat and it cost $55."

The Uber driver told him, "Only three of the last 100 riders were originally from South Carolina."

Him: "I brought a Navy sword here for a military wedding, it's a tradition."

Cadvan: "It's a Welsh family name that means defender of faith. With it you either become a fighter or a politician."

She:" I've been an organ procurer for twenty years."

He: "Unique is good."

Living near Philly he became a Yankee fan because, "Of the sports culture in Philly.  Players voted Philly the worst sports town."


As he got in the car, he said, "Who's this?" I told him that her name was Lily and she was from Kansas.  He said, "My name is Lilly and my cat is Lillian."  When he was in his twenties, he had a friend who had a big mannequin that he called Fifi. "He used to dress her up in different clothes."

She said, "I have a mannequin too, but she doesn't have a head, her name is Magnolia.  I dressed up a second mannequin with a head as Ms. Piggy for Halloween and a guy who had too much too drink sat down and tried to talk to her and had a picture taken with her."

"Wow, you have an interesting car."

She: "Your car is so beautiful."

After looking at everything in my car, he said, "There's no way you're not going to have a conversation."

Getting out of the car he said, "Keep getting these collectibles."


Getting out of the car, he said, "Keep choosing to be the sunshine, because so few people do."

He said, "You're the best Uber driver in the world."

She said, "You really love your job."

"It was such a pleasure talking with you."

"This was a great ride."

On her birthday she said, "This is the best ride ever."

"This was the best Uber experience I've ever had."

"Thanks for the conversation."

He said, "The conversation was lovely."

She: "This was a wonderful ride, a great ride. Continue being your awesome self."

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

My Favorite Riders in December


I have had the unique experience of driving a number of people who have or had unusual occupations, and this guy in his twenties fits in that category.  A bush pilot is someone who flies a plane in dangerous or remote locations.  He told me, "I was a bush pilot in Alaska for two years. It may be the only place in the world it's safe flying ten feet from earth in bad weather." We didn't talk about it, but the average salary for a bush pilot in the country is $130,000 or over $60 an hour.  

He worked for a company with a bunch of other guys in a group of trailers and each one flew alone.  They would bring supplies, rescue people, transport people to hospitals and other missions like that.  This is a very common and important thing in Alaska.  He explained, "When you go to Alaska to be a Bush Pilot, you bring a bag of luck and you fill the bag up with experience before your luck runs out." 

I asked him what he planned to do after such a difficult and challenging couple years and he said, "I'm still trying to figure that out." I gave him advice that he needs to find something else that will challenge him and he should look back at his experience as a bush pilot as inspiration that he can do great things in his life. Getting out of the car, he said, "This was a great ride." I said to him, "I was just going to say the same thing."


My mannequin Lily has been enjoyed by many of my riders, but this rider was very different.  As he got in the car, he said, "Who is this?" I said, "Her name is Lily and she's from Kansas." He laughed and said, "My last name is Lilly and my cat is Lillian." As amusing as that was, the eight minute ride got better. He told me that in his twenties, one of his best friends had a large mannequin from a department store and, "He used to dress her up all the time."  They called her Fifi and they were best of friends with her. He talked a little bit about Fifi and he definitely enjoyed the fond memories that he had. As the eight minute ride ended, he handed me a twenty dollar bill and I said, "Thank you, that's very generous." He said, "Yes it is." Getting out, he looked back at us and said, "I love you."  I'm not sure if he was talking to me or Lily, but I'm pretty sure the tip was for Lily.


The ten minute ride ended with surprises. When she got in the car she was going to a friend's house and they were going to go shopping. She saw Lily, my mannequin, and said a couple things to her. She was amazed at the museum in my car and I went through all the countries with her saying several times, "This is wonderful." As we pulled up to her destination, I told her that my gift to her was my list of top comments of the year, which surprised her. She surprised me when she pulled out the above bill from Japan and said a friend gave it to her and it might be worth $500. I said, "I have to get a picture of it." She replied, "I want to give it to you. This has been a great ride. I just broke up with someone and I didn't think I would smile all day. You made my day, thank you."  I was going to give her last year's comments too, but I only gave her one list and forgot she had something in the trunk. I was stunned.

I'm still researching the bill. It is not in good shape, but the Japanese government produced this Philippines bill. It's invasion money issued between 1942-1945.  It might only be worth $5-$10, although I did see a bill in better shape going for $700 on E-bay.  It's a very old bill and it was very kind of her to give it to me.  She made my day with her gift. I'm sending out lots of good karma to her for a wonderful 2024.


She had a plan for the day, it was her day. It was still dark when I picked her up and she was getting a ride to downtown Charleston. The most interesting thing about her was not that she was a server, but she was going for a walk, but not just any kind of walk. She had been doing this for two years, once a week she had a similar routine. She sits down and gets some coffee and then she walks. She walks through the town until she gets hungry for breakfast and then sits down at a place and has breakfast. She starts walking and walks through the town looking at everything and has lunch when she's hungry.  At some point she stops in the afternoon and gets in an Uber to take her home. It's her day, almost always by herself unless she meets a relative in her travels. I admired the young woman for her diligence and persistence to have a mental and physical day all to herself. 


A second rider this month had a job doing something I've never heard of.  His company turns old concrete into new concrete.  It's such a demanding and physical job, he said, "I've lost about 100 pounds in the last two years working there." He was off for ten days for the holiday and said, "I'm decompressing." He operates a machine that crushes the old concrete and he also is lifted 25 feet in the air and watches the crushing take place, making sure there is nothing that interferes with the process. It's loud so they all wear earplugs and there is some danger involved also. He had no big plans for the holiday, just some peace and quiet.


She was in a hurry and running a few minutes late for a wedding rehearsal.  In her mid to late twenties, she was used to being under pressure since she was an E/R nurse. She told me, "I absolutely love what I do, I get to learn so much each day." She is very enthusiastic about her work and she explained that they need to keep nurses with, "Young energy" and good people skills.  She is engaged to be married and her and her fiance have decided to elope and and not have a reception.  They plan on buying a house in the spring and have a house warming and wedding party at that time. They feel it's a better use of their time and money. We arrived at the rehearsal only ten minutes late. We made good time and had a good time getting there also. 


He was excited as soon as he saw all the bills hanging in my car.  When I showed him the Brazil bill, the country he left five years ago, he made my day.  As I went through all the bills, he asked me several questions about them and the countries, which people rarely do. His enthusiasm made him blurt out, "You're the best Uber driver in the world!" He has his own construction business and was just as enthusiastic about his work and being in South Carolina.  He said, "South Carolina saved my life. I can always get work and help out my family and send money home." I wanted him to ride with me longer; he was my favorite ride of the day.  He surprised me at the end by saying, "I don't have any other bills," and he handed me $10 and I thanked him.

Monday, January 1, 2024

NEW FOR 2024


With so many things happening this year involving my book being published, I decided to do a few things to make myself more visible. Above is my new business card. I'm not sure I've ever seen a square business card, but I wanted it to be different. The card shows I'm an Uber driver in Myrtle Beach and Charleston and it shows a business email and a website.

The website is a combination of several things:

1. I'm advertising my book and telling people what it's about and where to go to buy it.

2. The first section also explains why I have the website. My philosophy is to "Celebrate Strangers," which I've done giving over 12,000 rides since 2018.  Living on the sunny side is important for our health and it can make a difference to others also.

3. As new things happen, I will share them in my "What's New" section.

4. The story of the museum in my car and an awesome picture of it is also here.

5. A little bit of my background is explained which is the least interesting part of the website.

6. "Magnificent Monday" Every Monday by 6 am. I'm going to have something that is short, but positive or inspiring that anyone can read. If you do, great and if you don't, that is great too.

7. What events have I been to and where am I going which will include some pictures.

8. All three television interviews are there to watch.  The very first one is the one that used a drone; I still think that was really cool.

9. My blog is right there that you can check out or see previous blogs also.  Typically I write a couple each week, unless I'm on vacation and then it could be four or five.  And at the end of the month I will have blogs with stories of my favorite riders and my favorite rider comments.

10. Lastly, is a comments page that anyone can send me a comment or question on any subject.  I won't know an answer to most questions, but I'll ask my wife for you.

So, if you want to check out my new website, the address is below to put in your browser:
