Sunday, June 30, 2019

My June Riders

The month of June was busy and these are the highlights from my rides this month:

THE FRENCH NAVY: When was the last time you spoke to someone in the French Navy?  Most likely the answer is never, but I picked up two guys who had been on a ship for the past five months.  One of them spoke no English and the other spoke some English and was using a translator.  I dug deep into my memory and found about 6-10 French words I learned forty years ago.  I was able to communicate a little with them.  I gave them a brochure to visit a US Battleship nearby thinking they would be interested.  Was that ridiculous since they had been at sea for months?  Au revoir!

"MYRTLE BEACH IS LIKE VEGAS ON WATER" My rider from California said this and I told her that we have to go directly to the Myrtle Beach Tourism Office.  I said it was a great line and she should get paid for it.  I also told her that it was such a great line that it had to be in my blog and she's going to be looking for this.

"WHAT HAPPENS IN MYRTLE BEACH, STAYS IN MYRTLE BEACH"  I got the call early on a Sunday morning and found a guy walking near the football stadium.  He may have been up all night.  He said he was trying to walk back to his hotel, but he was in no shape to do so.  Both his knees were bloodied, but he wasn't bleeding.  He had a very nasty cut on one arm and said he had fell.  When he told me he was from Las Vegas, I had to use the above line since it's typically said about Las Vegas.  I have no idea what happened to him, but it will take him awhile to heal the way he looked.

THE KOREAN TEACHER: The history teacher could not get a job in the United States, so for the past ten years she has been teaching in South Korea and enjoying it.  She was in Myrtle Beach for a reunion with teacher friends who are also teaching in other countries. Did you know people do this?

"I'M MORE EXCITED ABOUT YOU SEEING THE MOVIE!": This past Saturday night I took a couple from New Jersey to the movies.  They could not get home due to storms in New Jersey so they decided to see the movie, "Yesterday" which is about the Beatles' music.  I told them I've been waiting for months to see it and was going the next day with my wife.  After giving them some Beatle trivia and info, the man invited me to see the movie with them.  The wife made me laugh when she said, "I'm more excited about you seeing the movie!" I bet I enjoyed the movie more also.

REQUESTING MUSIC: When I drive riders I don't play any music.  It appears that many drivers
have music playing, but I want to be able to talk to my riders.  For tourist coming here, I'm giving them information and for tourists leaving I'm getting information from them on what they did and liked and didn't like.  There's no need to be playing music instead of talking to them- it is much more enjoyable.  I had a rider with family members ask me, "what tunes do you have?"  I asked him what he liked and told him I usually don't play music.  He wanted to hear Lionel Ritchie so I told him I once had two passengers singing, "Easy On A Sunday Morning" on a Sunday morning.  He had already had a few drinks so I told him I could sing my Uber song that I wrote, but when he said yes I decided it wasn't the right time.  I turned on my iPod and he heard a few songs which seemed to be okay.

"BLESS YOUR HEART"  Down here in the South people don't like to curse that much.  If you're having a conversation and someone says, "bless your heart," they are basically saying, "F-U", but in a nice way.  My rider explained this to me and I've heard it before also.

THE MEDIC- He is the first one in his family to go to college and he works as medic in Charleston on the road with one other person.  His schedule is: working for 24 straight hours and then 48 hours off and 24 hours on and 48 hours off.  Ultimately he is planning on being an anestisiologist and expects his starting salary to be $170,000 in a hospital.

THE PERSISTENT COLLEGE FINANCE STUDENT-He was from Long Island and he was in his final year at Ohio State University.  He was disappointed to find out that financial companies in New York did not recruit out in Ohio since many of the students would want to work in the mid-west.  He decided to contact hundreds of people working in Finance in New York and ask them if he could talk to them about their career.  Most people did not respond, but he was usually able to set-up one call a day and eventually led to him being hired in New York City last year.  I congratulated him for his persistence and told him that most students would not do that.  He already knew that because he has been contacted by many students and most of them showed no interest in doing what he did to get his dream job.

"THANK YOU-YOU'VE BEEN A GREAT AUDIENCE"  I was on a roll entertaining two women with my stories and when I finished I acted as if I was on stage and they got a good laugh out of that line.

SAVING RIDERS MONEY"  I picked up a guy in North Myrtle Beach who was going to the Myrtle Beach Airport to rent a car for the day.  It was a great ride 35 minutes away, but I cut it short by 5-10 minutes.  I told him that if he tried another place not near the airport it might be cheaper and he saved $40-$50.  He said his wife was turning 50 tomorrow and didn't want a party so she said she wanted to go away for the weekend.  They were going out to dinner and I told him to talk to the owner or manager and see if he can get everyone in the restaurant to sing Happy Birthday when they come in.  He liked the idea and gave me a $9 tip for my efforts.

"I PROMISED I WOULDN'T KEEP LOOKING AT MY WATCH AND JUST ENJOY MYSELF"  She was a busy person and was always pressed for time.  Our ride was no different since she thought her plane was an hour later.  I got her to the airport 20 minutes before her flight and I'll never know if she made it or not.  She was a third year medical student and a part-time dance teacher and I'm guessing she will be watching the clock even more now.

A WOMAN'S UNDERWEAR: If I made a list of 500 things I might write about, this would not be one of them.  All rides do not go well and this one was a problem.  I picked up a woman with two 10-year old boys and her Mom.  They were moving some things from one living place to another and had a large laundry basket I guess with dirty laundry?  They were all very nice, but where I pulled up in front their house was all dirt. Guess what wound up in my car? My mats were a mess.  After unloading everything I didn't notice the underwear until I got home.  What do you do with a woman's underwear when it's not your wife's?  I threw it in the garbage in the garage and then covered it up. Then, I decided I had to tell my wife, because somehow she would find it.  I told her I was driving a bunch of girls to The Country Music Festival and one of the girls thought it would be funny to leave me with something.  I tried, but could not keep a straight face.  I told her the truth-I like to wear them once in awhile.(ha ha)

"ALCOHOL IS NOT PART OF THE CURRICULUM": I picked up two guys who had already had a few drinks.  The engineer said that he was the only "cool" one in his department, because he knew how to have fun and everyone else were nerds.  The Department Chair at a college talked about how there are a number of his faculty he would like to fire because they were too easy on their students.  He explained that his department's main responsibility was to get people healthy.  I couldn't resist and said, "with alcohol"? The engineer started laughing and said, "he's roasting us."  I replied, "why should you guys be the only one to have fun tonight?"  Then the department head, who was amused also, said, "alcohol is okay for this week, but it's not part of our curriculum."

"THE SURPRISE WASN'T THE SURPRISE PARTY" The guy I picked up was upset and a little stunned at how his day had gone.  He had worked with several people to throw a surprise party for a friend that was attended by 100 people.  Everything went perfectly until he went to change his shirt and got a call that his girlfriend was thrown out of the restaurant/bar for yelling at the owner.  She had been drinking a lot and does not hold alcohol well.  He went to take her home in his car and somehow before they left she got the keys and locked the doors with herself in the car.  She drove away, completely drunk.  A friend called her and she refused to pull over.  She got to her parents house and was followed by a police car and they arrested her for DWI.  I took him to get his car and his girlfriend was going to jail for the night.  He missed most of the party.

THE ULTIMATUM: The couple worked together, she owned the spa and he worked for her doing all her marketing.  When I asked how long they've been married, the guy said, "not yet, I have an ultimatum for December 31st, but I may wait until the last minute."  When I dropped them off I said to him, "don't forget what you have to do before the end of the year."

Friday, June 28, 2019

Is This Normal?

I don't like the word normal, I'd rather not be normal.  Maybe a better word would be "common."  So I"m asking, "is this common?"  Our neighbors across the street moved a few weeks ago.  We liked them, but didn't get to spend much time talking with them.  At some point they had a friend staying with them and the guy parked his car directly behind our driveway.  This meant that every morning in the dark I would back out and have to watch for the car behind me.

If he had moved back a little or parked on the other side of their driveway there would have been no problem.  I didn't say anything, because I figured it was very temporary.  I also could not believe that someone would consistently park behind someone's driveway.  Wouldn't it have dawned on them that maybe they should not park there?

One day the car was gone and then the wife across the street started parking in the same place.  Still, I said nothing and then they moved.  A woman moved in across the street with two teenagers.  We're not sure how many cars are there, but they frequently park a big truck right behind our driveway.  There is a rule here that you can't park on the street, but they probably don't know that.

Is this really common or is it unusual?  Unless I was parking at a party I can't see ever parking directly behind someone's driveway.  Sooner or later I'm going to say something, but since we haven't met them yet, it's not about to happen. 

It's probably not normal to blog about this problem, but I do feel better now that it's off my chest.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Observations on Going North

We spent a few days in New Jersey this weekend and here are some observations my wife and I had:

1.  The grass is definitely different up there and with all the rain they've had, it's definitely greener than in Myrtle Beach.

2.  Cars drive a lot faster in the New Jersey area.  The funniest example was at 8 am Sunday morning as I drove up a hill at 30 mph into New Brunswick when the speed limit was 25 mph.  It wasn't fast enough so the van behind me went over the double line into the other lane of traffic and passed me-and then slowed down at the red light.  There were a lot of cars pulled over speeding on our trip, I wonder why?

3.  We watched television in the hotel room a little bit and we both said at different times that we didn't miss having a television in our house.  It might be years before we get one, who knows?

4.  When my wife went into the supermarket the cashier did not even say hello.  At Publix in Myrtle Beach, they are greeting us, taking our purchases out of our carts and offering to walk them to our car.  The only thing they don't do is come home with us, but it wouldn't surprise me if one day....

5.  After eating an obscene number of my sister's chicken drumsticks on Sunday, I'm convinced I could do that several times a week the rest of my life.  They were really good, I should have skipped the hamburger.

6.  Being around family is always special and we had a wonderful time seeing everyone.

7.  Finally, being together again with all three of our grown kids was a lot of fun.  And, watching them, I couldn't help but realize this: through all the years, the birthdays, the first days of school, the meals, the bedtimes, and the trips in the car-we did a pretty good job to have three special kids.


There's nothing more encouraging than hearing one of your children tell you that you shouldn't do something.  Up in New Jersey this weekend, I was told a couple times that I should not blog about certain things, but I can honestly only remember one of them. (must be my advancing age)

The one thing I should not blog about was definitely the bathroom activities that occur in China on a regular basis.  I won't give you any details, but I'm sure Mr. or Mrs. Google would spill all the details of how people go to the bathroom in China.  Warning though, you'd be better off if you were not eating when you read about it.

I will give you some details about Saturday night when I went out to eat with my favorite girls: my wife and two daughters.  Looking over the menu I decided to get the ribs although they were more expensive than usual.  I figured I would splurge a little since I did drive overnight to get there.

A few minutes after ordering, our waitress told me that the last ribs were just bought and most likely I'd have to pick something else.  As I took the menu I said something like, "it's a good thing it's not Father's Day."  Immediately both my daughters started talking to the waitress to make sure she didn't feel badly about my comments.  I was trying to be funny and it was still hours from being Father's Day anyway.

One of my daughters(who will remain nameless due to the instructions she has given me), had an even funnier line than mine when she said, "he drove from Myrtle Beach just to eat these ribs."  I laughed and then I told the waitress after I picked a steak sandwich, "you just saved me $13."  She topped my line by saying, "now that sounds like a "Dad" line."

I did notice that no one at the table tried to make me feel better after her comments.  It guess it wasn't Father's Day yet.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Celebrating Father's Day

As the weekend approaches I realize that Father's Day can be a challenging day for many people. (Mother's Day too)  A few years ago I saw Kelly Clarkson(the first American Idol winner) sing a song on "American Idol" called "Piece By Piece." (lyrics below) It's about her relationship with her absentee Dad and how he compares with her husband, the father of their child.

Father's Day is a day that many of us think about our Dads and spend time with him.  However, for other people it's a challenge because they didn't or don't have a good relationship with their Dad or good memories that other people have.

Some good memories of a Dad could be considered trivial such as:

Learning from your Dad to put blueberries in your sour cream,
Or, enjoying a great sports section in The New York Post, because your Dad brought it home every night
Or, having your Dad drive you to your little league game immediately after arriving home from a vacation in Lake Placid, NY when he drove all day,
Or, going with your Dad to the Exxon station to get a map for a vacation in Florida.

Some of the more important good memories of your Dad might be:

Him taking you to a baseball game every year and you get to pick the game.
Or, watching him work hard every day to support his family,
Or, taking care of his finances in such a way that he's in good shape for the rest of his life,
Or, admiring him taking care of your Mom in good times and bad.

Of course I'm talking about my memories of my Dad.  I hope that I can be as good of an example for my son as my Dad has been for me.

Love you Dad-Happy Father's Day.

"Piece By Piece"

And all I remember is your back
Walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past
I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you
Begged to yo want me, but you didn't want to

But piece by piece, he collected me up
Off the ground where you abandoned things and
Piece by piece he filled the holes that you burned in me
Six years old and you know                                                           CHORUS
He never walks away
He never asks for money
He takes care of me
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and Father could, stay

And all of your words fall flat
I made something of myself and now you wanna come back
But your love, it isn't free, it has to be earned
Back then I didn't have anything you needed so I was worthless


Piece by piece
Piece by piece
Piece by piece
Piece by piece
Piece by piece
Piece by piece

Piece by piece I fell far from the tree
I will never leave her like you left me
And she will never have to wonder her worth
Because unlike you I’m going to put her first and you know
He’ll never walk away,
He’ll never break her heart
He’ll take care of things, he’ll love her
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and the Father should be great

Piece by piece
Piece by piece
Piece by piece

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Courier Chuckles

You know how much I enjoy driving with Uber and Lyft and how often I'm laughing in my car.  However, during the week as a courier, I'm laughing a lot also.  Here are some recent adventures I've had as a courier making deliveries:

"THIS WILL BE EASIER FOR YOU"  I was unloading about thirty boxes in a hospital hallway when the Manager's Assistant said those magic words to me.  I thought he was going to help, but he had a better idea.  We put the few boxes back on the cart and he had me follow him to the other side of the hospital and once again he said, "this will be easier for you."  As we got out of the elevator, he decided to help me further by pulling the cart and as he did, half the boxes fell to the ground.  He said that would be as far as we'd have to go and he didn't repeat his magic words.  It wasn't easier for either one of us.

"I'LL MOVE IN SLOW MOTION FOR YOU"  I was in a hurry in the hospital hallway and I saw the elevator closing ahead of me.  I started jogging/running and made it inside.  I did notice another guy I deliver to sitting at the desk laughing while I was running.  When I came back downstairs I said to him, "were you laughing at me before when I was running."  He didn't deny it, but his laughter answered my question.  I told him the next time I deliver to him I'll be moving in slow motion.  He laughed a bit more, but wait until that day comes.  I'm going to milk that line even further.

"LIGHTS ON, LIGHTS OFF"  A woman was guiding me into a small office to leave the boxes.  It was really tight and as I turned the hand truck, my elbow shut off the light switch on the wall.  As I switched hands to turn it on, she was on the other side of the office flicking the light switch off.  We did this twice and after laughing we decided only one of us would turn the light on.  She was from Long Island, NY and a Met fan, so you could see how we clashed, but it was fun.

"THE MAGIC BOX" Sometimes I will make a delivery and someone will ask, "what is it?"  I look at the box and with a big smile on my face I say, "it's a box."  One lady recently said, "it's a magic box."  I added, "and anything you want is right inside."  I've used "the magic box" line many times and always get a good laugh.  I also tell them, "don't tell anyone."

"DO I REALLY NEED HELP?"  As I approached the front door with my heavy load on  my hand truck, I saw the man sitting in his walker very close to the door.  He started to move and I told him he was fine.  As I backed to the door and started opening it, I saw his wife pull up in the car and he stood up and started walking towards it.  Before I knew it, the wife had walked past her husband and reached out to my door to help me, which wasn't necessary.  I wanted to yell at her and say, "I'm fine-help him, he's got a walker."  I only said, "thank you" and shook my head in disbelief at another example of southern hospitality.

"ANOTHER ANGEL GOT HIS WINGS"  As I walked into the physical therapy section of the hospital to make a delivery, I heard the end of a conversation.  There was an older man surrounded by three women who worked there.  He said something to the effect, "my doctor said I really should stop doing it."  One of the women said, "that's the problem, so many women and so little time."  The man went over to a bell on the desk and hit it several times.  When I came out of the back room to get a signature I said, " I don't want to know what that whole conversation was about, but when that man started hitting that bell, all I could about was that another angel got his wings! (from the movie "A Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart}  Suddenly, and simultaneously, both women burst out laughing and it scared me.  I should have thanked them for being a great audience, but they really startled me.

"AMAZING"  Another delivery person was next to me as we delivered to a medical office this past Monday morning.  I asked him how he was doing and he said, "amazing."  When someone tells me that on a Monday morning, I had to find out why.  I told him that Monday was my favorite day of the week and he said, "every day I wake up is my favorite day."  We talked a total of two minutes, but the third thing he said that I loved was, "positivity is contagious."  I think if I spent fifteen minutes with him that I would have written a whole blog about him, maybe one day he'll need an Uber?

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Good Morning and Thank You

Imagine that we were on the television show, "Family Feud" and the question was: name the most popular two words that are said together.  You know that "good morning" and "thank you" would certainly make a top ten list and maybe one of them would be the most popular answer.

Who knows how many times we have said each of them in our lifetime, but more than likely you have not heard them said together.  I know I never had, until the other day.  I walked into an office in a hospital that I had been in before.  I was making a delivery and after I opened the door I said, "good morning."  Immediately, the woman closest to me, who had her back to me, said, "thank you."

I started laughing and I told her I had never had someone thank me for saying good morning.  She told me that a lot of people just walk into the room without saying anything so she was happy to get a greeting like that.  I told her  how amazed I am at how friendly and polite people are in the south and she was one more example of southern hospitality.

Several times a week I have people going out of their way to hold a door for me.  I have said many times that people here are falling over themselves to be helpful.  Last week I had a heavy load on a hand truck and I had to push it inside a front door over a bump.  Before I could even push it over, a guy in front of me bent down to pick the hand truck over and I stopped him.  I told him I could do it, but when my first push didn't make it, he wasted no time to bend over and lift it over the bump.

Way back in 1980 I asked a girl if I could kiss her and the two words she said were....."I'm engaged." I was certainly surprised, but eventually that girl was engaged to me and we've been married for 35 years.  You never know what someone will reply to you, but I'm guessing that you won't have same experience I had in 1980 or the one I had the other day in 2019 when I said, "good morning".

You're welcome.