Wednesday, December 27, 2023


In 2019, my first full year of driving, I wanted to give some of my passengers a gift around the end of the year for the holidays. I decided to put together a list of my favorite rider comments and people really enjoyed reading them.  I learned quickly I could only give them out when they were getting out of my car. The list I created at the end of 2020 I gave out the entire 2021 for some of my riders.  

Below is my list for 2023. Each year it has been difficult to narrow the best comments down to 20-24. These are 24 comments and some are strange and some are funny and some are both.  None of these comments were made under the influence of alcohol, as far as I could tell. Hundreds of my riders will enjoy this list in 2024 and I will enjoy giving it to them.


She: "One of the 6 tattoos I have is an eye on the back of my head-my neck. I used to tell my three kids that I needed eyes on the back of my head, and I've had one for twenty years."

She: "A week before our honeymoon I told my husband he was too hairy, and I waxed off a lot of his hair on his chest.  His nipples were bleeding, and he was crying." 

The man said, "When that balloon from China was flying over our area, it had chemicals that came out of it, because people started sneezing a lot afterwards."

"My wife had to kiss a lot of toads before she found her prince, I married the first person I kissed, I didn't think it was going to happen again." (Married 42 years)

Me: "How did you two meet?" Him: "It's a funny story.  She ran a stop sign and drove into me. We talked about the damage to my car for a couple weeks and I finally said, "How about I drop everything if you let me take you out to dinner." (Together 6 years, married one, from Wisconsin)

The woman from Minnesota said, "I'm a lawyer and a Danish Knight. I'm an Honorary Counsel to Denmark since 2014 and I'm going to be officially knighted in a ceremony soon."

The Cleveland Browns fan, "When they win the Super Bowl, they'll probably burn down the city. I may burn my house down."

She: "I once had to borrow my stepfather's hearse to go to work.  I stopped at a McDonalds and ordered two cheeseburgers at the drive thru.  The cashier asked, 'Is there anyone in the back?" I said, 'That's why I ordered two cheeseburgers.'"

Me: "My wife and I decided again not to buy a  TV, after five years without one." He said, "It's un-American, even people in third world countries have TV's." Later, I said, "I like to stop driving and head home between 6-7 pm." He replied, "Why go home, you don't even have a F'N TV."

When the rotisserie chickens are ready at the Lowes supermarket, the woman said, "We yell out, "Yi-ha, come and get it and then we do a chicken dance to music."

Physicist: "My dad taught me all about physics in how he disciplined. His hands were as big as dinner plates and his fingers were like sausages."

I told them that a Trauma nurse said she relieved stress at the end of the day by going into her car in the parking garage and taking her badge and bra off. The woman said, "That's what I do when I get home from work. If you wore a jockstrap all day, you would take it off immediately too." 

She: "My daughter was wearing a mask in kindergarten and when I cleaned the mask, I realized she had been wearing lipstick under it."

She: "My sister owns a dental lab.  My kids thought they didn't have to brush or floss because Aunty would get them new teeth."

Married 29 years, I asked the couple from Minnesota, how did you two meet? Him: "We met going through a windshield together. We were in the front seat with a mutual friend driving and she hit a brick wall and we both went through the windshield and back inside the car. I was okay and went to Mexico and she broke her neck." 

I asked the tall man, "How tall are you?" He said, "I'm 7 feet 8 inches tall. I once played against the Harlem Globetrotters."

He was a very busy executive, now retired: "I didn't watch TV for thirty years. I didn't even know what ABC and NBC were."

When he was younger he told a priest, "The most important things in a marriage are not going to church and having a lot of sex."

Married 29 years, I asked her, "What's the secret of a successful marriage?" She said, "7 words: please, thank you, I love you, and I'm sorry."

The intelligent and creative guy explained about a woman he used to date: "I fell in love with all the moons that circulated around her."

He got in the car in a good mood and told me he just took his name off the credit card that he shared with his wife of three years. "She bought a $9,500 Prada purse to get back at me, it's her responsibility now.

She: "My friend was a dentist for 37 years and then she became a lawyer, and she defends clients against dentists. Her hobby is hunting alligators, she skins them and makes things for her house."

A woman told me, "The best comment I ever heard in an Uber was when my male driver in Chicago asked me, 'Where is the closest Starbucks? I need to make a bowel movement."

Last year the young woman was going to a reptile convention; she helps rescue exotic animals. This year she said, "I  rescued three tarantulas and the first day the biggest one got loose and my sister found it crawling up my back.  I was screaming and gave them all to someone else that night."

Friday, December 22, 2023

My Hannukah Miracle

It was the eighth night of Hannukah and I got to experience a miracle.  I am Jewish and my wife and I celebrate Christmas also.  I had not lit any candles or said the prayer in front of the menorah until that night.  With a lot of help from my wife, who is my tech support, and a bit from Adam Sandler and Ray Charles, this was a special night for me.    

This is a different kind of Hannukah story and it involves a 63 year-old man, who was once called by a boss to be, "A technically deficient superstar."  The words, "Technically deficient" are an understatement, and my wife and three children will gladly testify to this.

My story begins about ten years ago when my youngest daughter gave me her old iPod. My two daughters put about 500 songs on it over the years for me and I drove thousands of miles with my iPod playing and me doing a good amount of singing.  Let's say fair amount, good is probably the wrong word to use about my singing.

But, in March, 2022, that all ended.  I bought a new car, a newer model, Ford Transit Passenger Van.  It was great, except there was no outlet for an iPod. My iPod, the chord, the charger, all sat in my wife's car for awhile and then in a drawer in my house. I missed my songs, an unusual mixture of The Beatles, country music, rock, sixties, seventies, ballads, Christmas music, Disney songs and show tunes.

Frequently, I asked my children and my wife, how can I still listen to my songs? I was told I could copy them and listen to them on iTunes or Spotify.  But to a technically deficient guy, that sounds as easy as building an igloo. I just wanted to listen to my iPod.

Twenty months later, in November, 2023, I threw the iPod, chord, and charger into a suitcase and took them to Colorado to plead once more with one of my technically superior children.  She gave me specific details on what to do when I got home. My wife had made a valiant attempt a few months earlier to revive my iPod, but she failed. Now, on the eighth night of Hannukah, I gave it one final shot and I came up empty also. 

My wife decided to make another attempt that night, but it wasn't working on my computer.  My wife  said to me, "Why don't you use headphones?" I said, "Ok, how does it work?" Yes, it's sad, but I have never used headphones for anything.  It took another fifteen minutes of trying a couple headphones my wife had, and she charged the headphones and turned the volume up on my iPod.  

It was a Hannukah miracle. After twenty-one months, my iPod came alive. The below picture is the only time in my life anyone has seen me with headphones on.  I think John Lennon was singing, "Yeah" in "Twist in Shout," or maybe it was, "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" from "Oklahoma." It did not matter, my iPod had returned from the dead and I was beyond thrilled.

But this ridiculous, true story has an even more bizarre ending. I was going to put the headphones on, but my wife turned the volume up all the way. I could hear the music through the headphones while they sat on my desk. Isn't this the way it's supposed to work?  I sat down in front of my computer and started writing this story while I listened to my iPod through the headphones on my desk.

The third song I heard was Adam Sandler singing the Hannukah song.  Three songs later it was Ray Charles singing, "America The Beautiful," and I knew this was meant to be.  After listening to my music for a couple hours, I ended the night and recited the Hannukah prayer, without the candles. What a great Hannukah gift from my wife-thank you princess!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What I Learned On My Colorado Vacation

 Here it is, my final vacation blog, I thought I posted it earlier.

1. Turkey brine is a different kind of turkey. My future son-in-law is an excellent cook. I learned that if you "brine" a turkey it will be moist and juicy. This means soaking it in salt water overnight and you can add extra flavors also.  It was a very good turkey as you can see above and I would eat it now.

2. Onesies are not just for babies. This is our dog modeling a onesie. I'm pretty sure I have never seen a dog in a onesie, but it kept him warm and he looked comfortable in it too.

3. Don't get too close to a big dog. By the look on his face you can tell this a gentle dog, however, if you get too close he's going to use that big tongue on your face and there's no way I'm going to let that happen to me.

4 I'm not a biscuit guy.  When I think of a biscuit, I think of something they bring out instead of bread and you put some butter on it.  I've never been a fan, but we went out to eat and I figured I would get a biscuit sandwich.  The chicken on it was very good and I had ham and swiss and bacon also on it.  The sandwich was good, but the biscuit was just okay.  I would have enjoyed a roll more, but I ate it.

5. Chicken toilet rocks? I heard there were rocks in Michigan that looked like toilets, but I couldn't find any online. I did find an article about toilets that rock, but it's just not the same thing. However, let's just say that they have some unusual rocks in Michigan.

6. Wind turbines cost $1 million each and Texas has more than any state. For some reason the pictures of turbines did not show here when I typed them, but when I check the preview of the post, it comes out fine.  Use your imagination if you can't see the turbines. (They are large, usually white and they go round and round just like the wheels on a bus)

7. McDonalds removed Apple Fritters and Cinnamon buns from their menu due to low sales last July.  Still, my wife checked at every store we went to. Below is one final apple fritter for her.

                                               a wrapping paper patter with koi fish print, | Stable Diffusion | OpenArt

8. I never heard of Koi Fish, but my wife educated me that they are very popular and they look something like this.

9.  I learned how to set-up a contact on my phone-seriously, I know how ridiculous that sounds.

Sunday, December 17, 2023


 Here is my list, some with pictures and some you have to use your imagination:

1. When you walk up to the urinal in the men's room at a rest stop on a highway, I'm guessing you've never seen this. Sure enough, in the lobby was the guest book and I signed it.  They wanted to know how long I was going to be in the state and I think I wrote, "30 minutes."

2. This was at a high school in Colorado. It's a combination of steps and a wheelchair/walkway path that circles around the steps.  You can use either one, but I've never seen them combined like this.

3. If you live in Colorado or a state with a lot of mountains, this might be normal. This is a tremendously large field/park that you can walk around, but the cool thing is the snow covered mountains in the background.  It was a beautiful site in person, it looks like a postcard.

4. This was in a hotel bathroom in our room.  I had to continue reading this many times to figure it out. I was thinking of a Seinfeld bit: I'm hanging my towel up to save water? But the water is already on the towel and it's going to dry. I had to get advisement for my wife to understand that they want us to use our towel a second day so they can save water on cleaning towels. How many towels do they need hanging to save money? Couldn't there be a different way of saying this?

5. You like to have a good view when you look out your hotel room, but I'm betting you've never seen this. You are looking not at one baseball field or two or three, but there are six baseball parks here. If you doubt it, look at how many of those big lights there are and how far back they go.

6. My daughter told me about this, but here she is modeling her treadmill while she works.  She insisted I post this picture and I am clearly lying about that.  I am amazed that some people will spend a couple hours a day exercising as they work.

7. Driving on a highway I saw a car for a driving school and it said, "Driving school trained by police officers only." I wonder if they train you while they are in uniform? Probably not, but unusual for sure.

8.Sitting in the backseat of a car I looked to my right and saw a young guy on a skateboard. He was dressed up, had a backpack on and in front of him on the skateboard was a suitcase.  I tried to get my phone out and snap a picture, but he was going too fast. Where was he going?

9.The sign on the highway said, "Spread Good Cheer, Not Covid."

10. Another sign said, "Drive As If Your Grandmother Is With You."

Thursday, December 14, 2023


I saw these words in my son and daughter-in-laws house in Colorado.  My first thought was when and my second thought was how? When I stood outside in Colorado in sixteen degree temperatures cheering my dog on, "Go potty, go potty, potty, potty, potty," I realized the answer. There are only so many times you can do that with a straight face in freezing temperatures without starting to laugh.  I did not take a selfie at that moment, sorry.

The next day, an article popped up and gave me more answers and none of them had to do with laughter. So, when I got home I did some research and this is what I found out:

1.  Dogs keep you more active and healthier. People who regularly walk their dog actually live longer and you, "Improve muscle tone, increase mental clarity, control obesity, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease." Why am I taking vitamins?


2. Pet owners have lower blood pressure? Is that what happens when I can't get our dog Odin inside at night from the yard? I don't feel my blood pressure diving. The article said that people who don't have dogs have a 20% better chance of getting a heart attack. But I'm picking up gallons of poop, is that really a good deal? And then, I have to put the little bags in the garbage bag to go out to be picked up!

3. It said, "Dogs reduce stress and improve mood." When they are asleep they do?  I was just in Colorado and there were four dogs running around me, four!  Okay, they do say it increases levels of serotonin which is associated with feelings of happiness.  So, when I go into the bedroom in the morning and Odin just woke up and I sing to him,

"Good morning, good morning, and how are you today.  

Good morning, Good morning Odin, it's gonna be a great day.

I guess I'm feeling happy, but my wife is listening to me sing and that is just annoying and it's Odin's fault. They say that playing with your dog, "Changes your brain chemistry." (For the better??) Pictured below is Odin trying to wake my wife up while she hiding under the blankets.

4. I love this one: "Dogs boost immunity and fight allergies." Again, I'm taking vitamins for that, do I really need more? Do they know what vitamins cost?  They say that having a dog you get used to some dirt which helps you build up immunities. Isn't it easier to take vitamins?

5. "Dogs help detect disease." Why am I going for a check-up with my doctor when I have a dog?  The article really says that dogs can detect cancer and changes in their owner's body including abnormal blood levels. You have got to be kidding me!


I understand that they are great for companionship and affection and for some people it helps also with depression.  But, if having a dog is so great, shouldn't everyone have two of them? NO!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

What Time Is It Really?

It all started this past month with The Beatles.  They put out a song that was written in 1977 and then it was worked on in 1995 and released in 2023.  That can be confusing enough, but going through daylight savings time and then driving out to Colorado and experiencing time changing on four different days? It was amusing and confusing and I'm not rhyming either.

On Sunday, November 5th, about a month ago, the clocks changed. My wife and I experience this very differently.  In my head, I'm thinking, spring forward and fall back.  All I want to do is make sure that when I wake up the next morning it's the right time and I know what devices have to be changed. My wife on the other hand, she spends the next week or so adjusting to the new time and I never give it a second thought. The next morning, I woke up and my phone and computer were right, but my car did not change-until hours after 2 am. I made things worse by changing my car time before it changed itself.

When we travel to Colorado from Myrtle Beach, we do it in three days.  The first day we stop in Tennessee and gain one hour in time, but on the second day to Kansas City, there is no time change.  I've confused the third day twice this year.  Heading to Colorado on the third day, we lose (really gain) only one hour while I expected to lose (really gain) two hours.  Once the time changes, it doesn't concern me.  My wife keeps saying things like, "It's really this time." Adjusting to the time change is no big deal to me, but my wife's sleeping and eating schedules are messed up.

When we turn around to head home of course, we lose an hour on two days. At one point my wife thought we were losing two hours and I said, "Really, it's just one hour. You trust me, right?" She said, "No." Time travel can be challenging and frustrating. The important thing to know is, what time is it really?

Sunday, December 10, 2023


I had to interrupt my endless vacation blogs with this shocking news: rotisserie chickens are missing at Costco! You have got to be kidding! If anyone is watching the news out there, I hope they are reporting on this.  How could Costco be short on chicken?

In 2022, they sold 117 million rotisserie chickens! Do you know how many that is a day? They sell over 320,000 a day, how could they be short? Where did it start? It started in Denver, Colorado and I was just in Colorado. I only ate one and I'm not sure if it was from Costco. The story I read listed New Jersey and Myrtle Beach as places that have shortages in their warehouses, but it's not a problem in all states.

What are people eating if there are no Costco rotisserie chickens for $4.99? I guess other people have rotisserie chicken that costs more, but it is chicken. There's still KFC, Bojangles, Zaxby's, and of course your local supermarkets.  In 2018, there were 900 million rotisserie chickens sold in this country, it's even more today.

Pictured below are some rotisserie chickens, I would gladly eat any one of Let's hope this shortage doesn't go into 2024.  What is the world coming to if there aren't enough rotisserie chickens?

Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 8, 1980

Today is a good day to be a little sappy and sentimental. Last month I blogged about the final Beatle song coming out, "Now and Then." I wasn't going to blog about it again until I realized that December 8th was just around the corner. It was forty-three years ago today that John Lennon was killed.

The first time I heard the song, I liked it.  It was haunting. John's voice was so clear it sounded as if he was in my house singing.  I think it's an appropriate and beautiful ending and a tribute to The Beatles. You can interpret "Now and Then" in many ways.  You can think about Beatlemania and how it exploded across the country and the world in 1964 and you can think about how important their music still is today. 

To hear John singing, "I miss you," is how we feel about him.  Was he talking about his fellow bandmates or his wife and son who he was re-starting his life with?  It's a simple love song and simplicity and love are common themes throughout their music. As far as I can tell, the song has hit number one in England, Austria, Japan and Germany and reached number two in The United States.  Not too shabby for a group that broke up fifty-three years ago.

On the night of December, 8, 1980, John returned home with his wife Yoko to the Dakota Apartments in New York City where they owned several units.  He signed an autograph for a fan and walked away.  The troubled fan shot John in the back four times at close range.

Thirty-four miles away, I sat in my college room in Madison, New Jersey. My roommate and I were watching the news.  They said, "A man reported to be John Lennon has been shot outside the Dakota apartments." Thirty minutes later, the news was over and John was gone. I remember they ended the news with a large picture of John and I'm pretty sure they played the song, "Yesterday."  Although it was clearly a "Paul" song, the words, "I believe in yesterday," seemed to fit the moment.


We missed you then, 

We miss you now,

And the world will always miss you.

And yet, your voice will be with us forever.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Too Much Meat?

When you take a long road trip with your spouse there are always a bunch of things to talk about.  One subject we discussed on our 27 hours of driving over three days from Myrtle Beach to Colorado, was our diet.  On the nine hour trip from Tennessee to Kansas City, my wife said that we eat, "Too much meat." She's probably right as she is usually, but it was funny hearing this since we were driving again to Joe's Barbecue. 

I think it's the only place we've eaten on the four stops in Kansas City the past 18 months and we were looking forward to this visit.  We had a light brunch and we figured we would eat well at Joe's.  When we arrived around 4 pm., I was hungry and I ordered more than I expected to get.  This slab of ribs was for 2-4 people and I ordered it for myself since I didn't eat a lot that day.

I could have finished the ribs, but the last three were the biggest ones in the middle and I figured it would make for a great breakfast the next day.  It was about 9:30 am and I had something to eat around 4 am, so it was close to lunch time for me.  We pulled into a McDonald's in Illinois and there wasn't really a place to go to eat it.  I knew the McRib had returned, but this was real ribs.

I was going to stand under the McDonald's sign and eat them, but instead settled for eating out of my trunk.  This was not the first time I've eaten ribs out of my trunk, but they were incredible.  I enjoyed every bite and it was messy.  

That would have been a great ending, however, you should know this: on the way home we stopped to eat in Kansas City and we did not go to Joe's Barbecue.  I knew I had enough ribs for the trip and somehow I didn't gain any weight.  They were good ribs, but I probably won't order as many next time.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Odin and I Enjoy The Snow in Colorado

Last summer, we were invited by two of our kids to spend Thanksgiving in Colorado.  After saying yes I immediately thought, "I just want a couple inches of snow." I love watching the snow fall and I hadn't shoveled snow in over six years when we were in New Jersey.  I brought a shovel to South Carolina, but who knows how long I'll have to wait until I use it.

When we arrived a few weeks ago in Colorado, I was constantly checking the forecast-and there it was! A possibility of snow on Black Friday and the temperature was going to be low enough.  I was excited to see it happen so I could shovel, but I also knew that our almost three-year old dog, Odin, had never seen snow. We knew he was going to enjoy it almost as much as I would. Here's how the forecast looked looked on that day:

Odin had a ball in the snow, he thought it was food.  I don't know how much he ate, but all the time he was outside he had a white beard.  This picture shows how much snow he had on him every time he went outside to play.  He ate for days.

We only got a couple inches, once in the morning and once a little later.  This is how it looked as I watched the snow fall.  It's very difficult to take a picture of snow, but you can see it here.  It was a very easy shoveling job, but still a lot of fun.

The above picture shows snow on our car which is right in front.  It is not as much fun brushing snow off the car, because you have to push it on to the driveway that you're shoveling.  Last winter or the winter before, we had snow flurries in Myrtle Beach, maybe this is the winter we get a couple of inches here? I'll be ready with my shovel.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Have You Ever Woke Up Looking Like an Alien?(spelling correction in title)

Have you ever woken up in the morning and looked in the mirror and you scared yourself? Did you look so bad or scary that you looked like an alien? Did you ever give it a thought that something was really wrong with you?

After our first day of driving nine hours to Tennessee, we went to sleep pretty exhausted.  The next morning I got up without an alarm and went into the bathroom.  Throwing some water on my face and stretching a little I did not notice who was in the mirror.

Of course I knew who it was, but when I looked in the mirror I was shocked. No, I didn't look like the alien pictured below, that would have been a bit much.  When I looked at my eyes, they looked odd.  My eyes were square, both of them.  I threw more water on my face and took another look-my eyes were square.

I'm not the most observant person, but even I would have noticed that my eyes were square. Did I eat something yesterday? Am I having a reaction to the medicine I'm taking? Am I imagining it? I'm not one to start listing negative answers, but I was 600 miles from home with 1,200 miles to go to Colorado.

About thirty minutes later my wife woke up and I broke the news to her gently, "I look like an alien. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and my eyes are square."  Very calmly and casually she said, "Your eyes are fine, it's the lights reflecting in the mirror, the lights are square." When I looked into the living room mirror, I knew she was right again.  The next night our bathroom mirror had two rows and that's how my eyes looked.  No problem, I knew I was fine. 

If I looked like the alien below, I'm sure my wife would not have responded so calmly.  The next time you look in the mirror after just getting up, remember, it could be much worse.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Mystery of The Missing Sweatpants

Happy Thanksgiving! I have returned from vacation and December will be a busy month for me blogging.

Columbo, Perry Mason, Jim Rockford and Adrian Monk, were all brilliant in figuring out who did it and explaining the unexplainable.  But, did they ever solve a mystery like this? How does a man lose 33% of his sweatpants at the same time?

The first of my vacation blogs occurred as I was packing to leave. I have six sweatpants, two old ones that I alternate sleeping in because they are thin.  Of the other four, two look very nice and two used to look nice.

The picture below is where my sweatpants go, and one from each group were missing.  I looked all over the house in the normal places and some of the other ones.

I checked the family room twice and the washer and dryer. I checked the bathroom, under the sink and in the bathroom closet, where they have never been. My wife looked in the house and my sweatpants were still missing. Did they run off together? Were they stolen? Did I leave them somewhere?

Arriving in Tennessee the next day on our way to Colorado, I opened the hotel bag we had packed and one of the missing sweatpants was right on top. The second missing pair was right below the first one. Before I started packing seriously, I took a couple things and put them in the hotel bag my wife was making. I completely forgot that I did it and I drove six hundred miles the first day trying to figure out where my sweatpants had gone.

Sometimes something lost is just something misplaced.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 This was a very short month for, but still there were some interesting and amusing comments: 

She: "It's one of the scariest things I've ever seen. It was still dark when I was driving and there were about twenty deer gathered in the church parking lot. It was like a deer cult and it looked like they were planning something deadly.'

The guy visiting Charleston from England said, "My pub is older than Charleston, founded in 1674."

I told him that we finally got a TV after five years and he said, "Now you can put music on it and dance with your wife in the kitchen." (She said no)

The four seamen in the British Navy, told me, "We had a successful trip. We confiscated 200 million pounds of cocaine from the cartel." 

The Yankee fan explained, "My dad and grandfather were both Yankee fans but they switched to the Red Sox when the Red Sox lost the World Series to the Cardinals in 1946 and in 1967. In 2004, the Red Sox beat the Cardinals, but I did not switch."

She: "I'm in customer service and I use some of the same skills I used when I was in mental health."

The longshoreman told me he was going to a six day conference. Me: "What do they do for six days?" Him: "They tell you how to stay out of jail and what their expectations are."

I asked the realtor what he does to succeed with this market and he replied, "You have to be the cutest girl at the dance."

The upper-end realtor has a new broker: "You always get your first hundred cards free, but they charged me $400 for them." She showed me the $4 business card and it's not worth it.

I told the two British guys that I thought the five most popular British people are John, Paul, George, Ringo, and Winston Churchill.  He said, "I'd have to put Queen Elizabeth in there and leave Ringo off."

Immediately after her brother's funeral, the woman took an Uber to the airport in Philadelphia.  She said, "The driver was Buddhist and for some reason he recited a prayer, the same prayer that was just said at the funeral.  He had lived in forty different countries and he somehow knew what I needed.  He told me that I was in the living stage and I needed to live."

She was From Denver, Colorado,  and she told me a great Christmas story that she read about in the paper: "A woman was at a gas station and saw a young woman crying in her car with two small children. The young woman said she had just gotten out of a bad relationship and was trying to get back to family in the mid-west but she had no more money.  The older woman took her credit card and filled up the young woman's tank and gave her money to get some food for her kids at McDonalds which was next store.  The young woman asked, 'Are you an angel?' The older woman said, "This time of year they are pretty busy up there, so sometimes angels take the form of humans."

He said, "My real name is Loch, it's Scottish."

He said, "My name is Cuan, it means "Chief of the World."


She: "I have a mannequin head too, Her name is Karen and my grandmother gave her to me ten years ago. She's on the shelf above my TV."

I told the guy that my mannequin Lily had great hair, much better than mine.  He said, "She looks good, you both do."


After hearing I was on TV, he said, "I'm in the, "Famous Uber."

Flight attendant talking with her husband on the phone in Charlotte: He said to me, "I saw you on TV." She said, "I'm so glad I got you."

She: "This is the most unique and coolest Uber I've ever been in."

She said, "You just don't give a ride, you give an experience."

Monday, November 13, 2023



   It was a short month, but here are my favorite riders of the month:                                                


The four British guys in the British Navy are docked in Charleston Harbor for a few more days and then will be heading home to England.  They told me they had a successful trip, capturing 200 million pounds of cocaine from the cartel.  I asked where they got it from and was told, "I can't tell you that."  The somewhat manager of the crew told me that his bar at home, "Was older than Charleston, founded in 1674."  I had to follow closely what he was saying due to the thick accent and words that don't mean the same thing here. 

They very generously gave me the beautiful bill above with a younger Queen Elizabeth on one side and one of my all-time favorite people in history, Winston Churchill.  I have it hanging in my car with Queen Elizabeth showing and with light behind the bill you can see Churchill right next to Queen Elizabeth.


What is a guest chef? My passenger is living here in South Carolina, but she's from the Bahamas where she has a fine seafood restaurant.  She's looking to open some kind of restaurant here and is busy doing research.  When I told her there's a lot of competition here, she said, "I love competition."  She told me she has substituted at several restaurants in the area and even cooks meals for some neighbors.  One of her neighbors has her cooking two to three times a week.  She said her neighbor told her, "My cooking sucks. I told my husband that he didn't marry me for my cooking." In addition to cooking and owning a restaurant she is a rap singer and a Music Ambassador for her country.  She's a woman of many talents including a terrific personality.


Three months ago, my passenger Jen Kelly, gave me a female mannequin to display in my museum.(my car)  It has been the gift that keeps on giving. I have talked about "Lily", on most rides, but recently I talked about someone else's mannequin head.  Probably in her mid twenties, she is a server and her mannequin head was given to her ten years ago by her grandmother who was going to Cosmetology school.

Her mannequin's name is Karen and she sits on top of a shelf over her television set.  She cuts and styles her hair and is seriously thinking about going to Cosmetology school.  I did think it was odd that she told me that she burns the "eyelids and eyelashes off" and paints them. Still, we did talk "mannequin", and it was fun.


When I was in college I was uncertain about what I was going to major in and what I would do for work. There are many college students who are in the same position, but not the college freshman I met down in Charleston.  He has always been fascinated by the weather and at a very early age he knew he was going to be a weatherman.  From Myrtle Beach, as a kid, he got to know the best known weatherman in the city and unofficially started working as an intern.  He has worked as an intern for a numbers of years now and basically does everything his mentor does.  His plan is simple: graduate from college and get a job at the local station where he knows everyone. It's going to happen and I'm certain one day he'll be "training" a young kid to be a weatherman.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Public Speaking Thirty Years Later

Many years ago, one of my full-time jobs was working at The Cittone Institute in Edison, New Jersey.  It was  a business and technical school and I was hired to go to high schools and talk about the careers we had, give out information, and bring home leads of possible future enrollments.  Public speaking is what I did and I gave thousands of talks to high school students.  I also gave some motivational talks at the school I worked for.

This past week, I gave my first two presentations about my book, one in a retirement home and the other to a Rotary Club.  The retirement community had about 25 people and they were an easy group to speak with. The first two people I spoke to before we started were from New York and New Jersey so I knew this would be pretty easy. The staff had set-up some snacks and wine and I spoke for a good 45 minutes. Below is a picture taken and although it looks like I'm selling the chair, I was not.  Half way through I pulled my mannequin, Lily, out of a bag and explained how my passenger gave it to me as a gift.  A few people asked questions and a couple bought books-it was a very nice afternoon.

My second talk was at a restaurant in front of a smaller group of Rotary members in North Myrtle Beach at the Mellow Mushroom restaurant. There were a number of people in the group from the northeast, so I felt right at home. My friend Neal, also an Uber driver, took these two pictures.  The first one was me clowning around before we got started with the yellow mushroom or maybe a peanut, behind me.  It looks like the pizza is coming out of my head.

It was a shorter talk than the first one and I told a couple stories from North Myrtle Beach.  I sold three books and had three people in my car afterwards showing off my museum.  They bought me dinner and I got to hear all the good things they were working on to make things better in the community.  Below is the action shot of me talking with the group and the pizza is still coming out of my head.  I kept Lily in the car for this one, but she will be on a table this Sunday when I do a small book event in North Charleston on Sunday.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Never Got A Cruise?

My friend Larry just wrote a very funny blog post called, "Confessions of a Plate Licker".  In it he talks about all the free meal requests he gets in the mail.  He's actually accepted a number of them and had a good time eating well and listening to financial seminars.  Once, he even pretended to be someone else. He was going to call the blog, "Never Had a Dinner," after the famous comedian Red Buttons, who had this whole routine about people who never got a dinner in history.  Since Larry's wife and my wife never want to go to these free dinner events, we decided to meet in Virginia in the future and he can show me how this is all done.

I have a better idea, Larry.  Have you ever gotten a free cruise? Guess what my wife was invited to? A FREE CRUISE! Take a look below and see the postcard she just received this week.

It's Courtyard by Marriott, so it's not some fly by night hotel.  All we have to do is check out the "Cruise exhibit at the Conference Center and learn how to prevent the rising cost of travel from dictating our future travel plans."  It's probably a two-hour sales pitch, but it does say, "This is not a Timeshare or Real Estate solicitation."

"Tell them Johnny, what are they going to get?"

1. "A five-day cruise and we pick the cruise line."

2. "All meals, snacks and entertainment for two adults."

3. "A two-night Marriott hotel stay."

4. "Promotional round trip airfare is available on select travel dates."

5."And if you're in the first 50 callers, you will also receive a $100.00 dining savings card valid at Red Robin, Chilis, Longhorn Steakhouse and many more."

We would have to pay resort fee, gratuities, and taxes on the trip, but are you kidding me?

Larry, my wife, Monika, doesn't want to go, I think you can pass for a Monika.  Get down here to Myrtle Beach and we'll go to the seminar and then plan our vacation. Or, she said she would go if you and your wife go.  She doesn't want to just go with me!

What do you think? We have until 11-9 to call. Let me know, you have my number.

Wait, there's more: I'm selling a book and the average cruise has 3,000 passengers.  If one out of ten buy my book, I can make money on this trip! Wouldn't that make anything I do tax deductible!

We have to do this Larry!

  Larry's post: