Saturday, October 5, 2024

"LOST" Again

It was twenty years ago that the television show "Lost" appeared.  When I heard that a show was going to begin where people were stuck on an island and it wasn't a comedy like "Gilligan's Island," I had no interest watching it.

However, that night I was flipping channels waiting for my youngest to fall asleep and I was mesmerized immediately.  The first thing that struck me was that it looked like a movie not a television show.  The pilot was the most expensive pilot ever made.  Secondly, it was full of unusual things such as a polar bear on a hot island. Third, the music was striking and a significant part of what was going on.

Our two oldest children and my wife and I watched the show every week for the six years it was on. I wish I had a dollar for every time we said, "What does that mean?" The characters were terrific.  The plot was extensive and fascinating.  It had everything you could possibly want in a television show or movie.  Everyone was trying to figure out what was going on.

On May 23, 2010, the final episode aired from 9-11:30 pm.  The local news was moved back thirty minutes.  Episode 121 had everything in it from the last six years.  Although some people panned it as disappointing, I remember when the show ended they had a special show on with some of the actors and a live audience. The first seconds of that show had an audience member crying after just watching the ending. (He was not the only one)

I've always considered "Lost" one of my top three favorite shows, with "Star Trek" and "The Twilight Zone being the other two.  I found it impossible to rate the three since "Lost" was so new and the others were from the sixties.  

In the fourteen years since the show ended, I have watched a couple shows again, but I've always thought about when I could watch the entire series again.  One hundred twenty-one shows of about forty minutes each is a lot of television.  "Lost" started on Netflix in the past year and my brother started watching it from the beginning. Surprisingly, my wife said that she would watch and in August we started by watching the incredible pilot.

This week, we watched the last show and it is clearly my favorite show of all time.  My wife said that she thought, "It was better watching a second time." The plot is still incredible, the humor was more than I remembered and the great and unforgettable moments were absolutely remarkable.  

When I first started watching this show, it reminded me of "The Twilight Zone."  One of my favorite songs is a one-hit wonder in 1969 by Zager & Evans called "The Year 2525."  I wrote the below song twenty years ago to the music of this song and I sang it probably a hundred or more times in my car.  

Congratulations to everyone involved in "Lost"-it is still a special show and I had a great time watching it again.

                                        LOST and FOUND?

                                          “The Year 2525”


There’s a place, oh so far away,

Where there are people, trapped today.

No one knows where they happen to be,

After their plane crashed tragically.


What did the psychic see in his head?

Is Jack’s father really dead?

What did Ethan want with Claire?

And how does a hot island have polar bears?


There are questions in our mind,

We’re looking for answers all the time.                   CHORUS

We don’t know what theories are true,

So we’ll keep watching until we do.


How did Locke get out of his chair?

How did he become a leader there?

What’s the story with Hurley’s weight?

And what will be Claire’s baby’s fate?


Is Sawyer really bad?

What will happen the next time he’s mad?

Will he go after Sayid or Jack?

And when will the monster next attack?




“No monsters,” Danielle said,

Is the rest of her party really dead?

Why would someone kill for a toy plane?

Or kill themselves with drugs-that’s insane!


Can the boy make things appear?

Who are the voices in the woods they hear?

Will each person find what they’re looking for?

Or will they find something much, much more?


So now it’s been about fifteen shows,

How it will end, no one knows.

Will they ever get back home?

Or, will they be stuck there, all alone?


Why is there magic in the air?

What is happening on that island down there?

Why do so many people care?

Can’t you just tell us about the polar bears?




There’s a place, oh so far away…..

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