Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What My Riders Said About Me

I've been telling you a lot about what my riders have said to me and what I have said to my riders, but I thought I'd tell you about a few comments that riders have submitted anonymously about me.  Fortunately or unfortunately, there aren't too many comments and there are no negative ones, although I'm sure a few people were unhappy.

"BEST UBER DRIVER EVER!" Obviously this is an exaggeration and I did not write it either.  What the rider probably meant was that I was their best Uber driver.  And, without any modesty, I feel certain that there have been a few riders at least who thought the same thing.

"ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING AND CONVERSATIONAL RIDES I'VE EVER HAD! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUCH AMAZING SERVICE!"  You can be sure I enjoyed this ride, because this person obviously did.  I wonder if I used some of my best lines on this rider, or if something happened during the ride to get this response.  I'll never know, but it's nice to see they had fun too.

" This man is a credit to the human race. I wish I could get more rides like this everytime I get a Lyft."  This comment was worth just pasting on since I laughed out loud when I read it.  This is the kind or remark you receive and take a bow and give a five minute thank you for.  This was the most recent comment and there's a good chance it came from when I was driving in Charleston.  I wish I could drive this person once a week, how much fun would that be!

I do have fun when I drive for Uber and Lyft, but I'm not "on" every single ride I take.  Sometimes I have passengers who are on the phone, listening to their music, or not interested in talking. And, if a ride is only a couple minutes, it's very difficult to have a good conversation or get a few laughs or give them much helpful information. However, I do believe that many of my riders leave my car with a smile, some information, or feel a little bit better than they did when they got in my car.

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