Tuesday, June 18, 2019


There's nothing more encouraging than hearing one of your children tell you that you shouldn't do something.  Up in New Jersey this weekend, I was told a couple times that I should not blog about certain things, but I can honestly only remember one of them. (must be my advancing age)

The one thing I should not blog about was definitely the bathroom activities that occur in China on a regular basis.  I won't give you any details, but I'm sure Mr. or Mrs. Google would spill all the details of how people go to the bathroom in China.  Warning though, you'd be better off if you were not eating when you read about it.

I will give you some details about Saturday night when I went out to eat with my favorite girls: my wife and two daughters.  Looking over the menu I decided to get the ribs although they were more expensive than usual.  I figured I would splurge a little since I did drive overnight to get there.

A few minutes after ordering, our waitress told me that the last ribs were just bought and most likely I'd have to pick something else.  As I took the menu I said something like, "it's a good thing it's not Father's Day."  Immediately both my daughters started talking to the waitress to make sure she didn't feel badly about my comments.  I was trying to be funny and it was still hours from being Father's Day anyway.

One of my daughters(who will remain nameless due to the instructions she has given me), had an even funnier line than mine when she said, "he drove from Myrtle Beach just to eat these ribs."  I laughed and then I told the waitress after I picked a steak sandwich, "you just saved me $13."  She topped my line by saying, "now that sounds like a "Dad" line."

I did notice that no one at the table tried to make me feel better after her comments.  It guess it wasn't Father's Day yet.

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