Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Observations on Going North

We spent a few days in New Jersey this weekend and here are some observations my wife and I had:

1.  The grass is definitely different up there and with all the rain they've had, it's definitely greener than in Myrtle Beach.

2.  Cars drive a lot faster in the New Jersey area.  The funniest example was at 8 am Sunday morning as I drove up a hill at 30 mph into New Brunswick when the speed limit was 25 mph.  It wasn't fast enough so the van behind me went over the double line into the other lane of traffic and passed me-and then slowed down at the red light.  There were a lot of cars pulled over speeding on our trip, I wonder why?

3.  We watched television in the hotel room a little bit and we both said at different times that we didn't miss having a television in our house.  It might be years before we get one, who knows?

4.  When my wife went into the supermarket the cashier did not even say hello.  At Publix in Myrtle Beach, they are greeting us, taking our purchases out of our carts and offering to walk them to our car.  The only thing they don't do is come home with us, but it wouldn't surprise me if one day....

5.  After eating an obscene number of my sister's chicken drumsticks on Sunday, I'm convinced I could do that several times a week the rest of my life.  They were really good, I should have skipped the hamburger.

6.  Being around family is always special and we had a wonderful time seeing everyone.

7.  Finally, being together again with all three of our grown kids was a lot of fun.  And, watching them, I couldn't help but realize this: through all the years, the birthdays, the first days of school, the meals, the bedtimes, and the trips in the car-we did a pretty good job to have three special kids.

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