Monday, May 20, 2024

Tired of Mowing The Lawn?

I never looked for an excuse when it came to mowing the lawn.  It was some exercise and it was easy and so I did it. But one couple in Vermont decided to stop mowing the lawn and the result has been incredible.  Neighbors are not complaining, instead they are enjoying it.

The couple came from Long Island, New York and had five acres of property in Vermont.  It took a whole day to mow and trim and during the pandemic a local suggested they plant a wildflower meadow.  They spent a couple hundred dollars, got rid of an acre of grass(Makes me think of the movie "Field of Dreams" where he dug up his crop to build a baseball field), got rid of stones, tilled the land, and put down a fifty pound bag of wildflowers with 27 species.

In the spring of 2021, "Baby's breath came first and then "red and yellow poppies, pink catchfly, bright orange sulphur cosmos, red columbine and purple foxglove." (I have only heard of poppies) This meadow became spectacular and the only thing missing was "The yellow brick road" for Dorothy to travel on.

Another acre of land has been seeded by a neighbor and they now have millions of wildflowers that are being loved by the whole town.  I wonder what would have happened if they didn't like taking the garbage out?

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