Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I picked up the young woman from Atlanta and I told her that I spread sunshine in my car and my business name is, "The Sunshine Man." She said, "What happens when you're in a bad mood, do they call you rain cloud?" 

Pointing to the large Boeing plant, he said, "That's where the bodies of the whistleblowers are buried."

The couple in their 60's (?) told me what they just did in 90-degree temperatures: "We just walked six miles in 2 1/2 hours and did 17,000 steps to go to this seafood place."

I asked the enthusiastic woman who had just opened a restaurant, "How are you today?" She said, "If I was any better, I'd be you. I'm as smooth as cream cheese on a bagel. I got up this morning and I didn't pee in my bed; it's a good day."

A young guy from New York, "I saw a mannequin in a car that you push a button and the head turns towards the window and raises its hand and gives you the finger."

I asked them how they met and she said, "He was staying next door to me and I needed someone to clean up from my three dogs and I paid him to do it. Later I asked him if he'd be interested in renting an extra room from me. He did and we became close friends before we started dating."

I asked the couple, "How long have you been dating?" She said, "Officially twenty minutes.  He flew me here from Louisville, Kentucky to ask me to be his girlfriend."

He: "Growing up in the ghetto in Texas they did not like the band Kiss very much."

"Good karma comes back to you in many different ways."

I asked the chef, "What is your favorite thing to cook?" She said, "I like to cook edible food for humans."

He: "I've had the same breakfast for a year, three pieces of peanut buttered toast, a banana and chocolate milk."

After three ankle surgeries, the young woman said, "With my luck I'd go in the water and a shark would bite my leg off."

Just after the couple got in my car, another man walked over to the front passenger window and wanted to tell me something. He said, "You know how you hear about those serial killers that you would never expect and sometimes an Uber driver disappears?" He pointed to the couple in the car-his neighbors.

I asked the Jamaican woman living in Myrtle Beach for two years, "How do you like living here?" She said, "It's just okay, " and started laughing.  Me: "It's just okay? People come here every year for decades. Should we put a big sign at the airport that says, "WELCOME-It's Just Okay Here."

I was picking up four young women at the beach and one of them flagged me down in the middle of the street in her bikini. She calls herself, "Fashionably Freddy." I told her she was easy to spot in her bikini and she said, "I do that all the time."

Talking about the car crash I was in where my wife's car was totaled, my rider said, "They can make another car, but they can't make another you."

The young woman told me, "I was a flight attendant first and then went to school for flight training.  I've been a pilot for five years and I love it. I had never been anywhere and I wasn't going anywhere before that."

I asked the young guy who is a Star Wars fanatic, "What are your favorite words in any of the Star Wars movies?" He said, "Move along." (From the stormtroopers)

I asked him, "How did you get the nickname of Bear?" He: "My family is the only one who calls me that and they started when I was born."

He: "I became a grandfather a couple months ago. When they visited us from another state, my wife cut in front of me at the door and held our granddaughter. After a while I took my granddaughter and walked out the back door telling them we were going for a walk. In the woods, my favorite place, I put dirt on her feet and returned to the house. I told them that's what happens when you walk in the woods. They weren't very happy with me the rest of the day."


The positive woman told me, "Whatever happens I don't let it bother me."

"I love being a grandma-it's a different kind of love."

She moved to a place that was not fun all the time because, "I like a balance of chill and fun."

I asked her, "How long have you been a Mortgage senior processor?" She said, "Since I was born, I like being part of someone's adventure."

"If you're bored in the Charleston area, there's something wrong with you."

The Spanish teacher is starting to do comedy. She told me, "I started doing voices when I was 5."

"Some people have champagne taste and a beer budget."

She: "The New York Times said that Augusta, Georgia was the worst place to raise a child in the country."

She: "I went to an auto parts store for a battery and they actually put it in backwards and damaged the car. I'm going to be without it for a week."

He: "A lot of traffic is the hazard of living in Houston, Texas."

The accountant did work for Turbo Tax and this surprised him, "There were a number of people making $300-$400,000 dollars who didn't trust an accountant to do their taxes."

She: "Moving to Myrtle Beach was the best move I've ever made. I haven't met a mean person in five years."

He: "One day at work a guy in sales brought in his son's Heisman Trophy. People kept going into his office to hold it and take a picture of it."

"My mom gave me advice that if someone is in a bad mood, ask them a question.  If they talk and answer you, their mood will get better."

The Cleveland Browns fan told me, "We enjoy pain."

Telling my Franco Harris story, the woman mistakenly thought I had Franco's son in my car and he didn't know about his dad's legendary catch."

The Uber driver from Honduras said, "There's a lot more traffic in Honduras."


"I love this, it's so unique."

"She is epic."

"My dad had a souvenir store and he had a bunch of mannequins in the back room. I asked him if I could have some and I took three. I painted them and named them Ms. Lewis, Mr. Galaxy butterfly and Mr. Styrofoam.  I have them in my room."

"Who is this lovely lady?"

"You don't talk to her, do you?"

The woman from Chicago as she was leaving said, "Goodbye Lily."

"She's a little annoying, I'm really scared of them."

"One day I'll have a mannequin to donate to an Uber driver."

"It's a little creepy."

"My friend kept a mannequin in her room and dressed her up when she was in high school."

"Is this your companion?"

"In my cosmetology class in high school we had mannequin heads. We had to shave the hair off so we could learn all the bones on the head."


"This just blows my marbles out of my pockets."

"This is a blast."

"A legendary Uber."

"This is so cool, I haven't even looked out the window."

"We need more Uber drivers like you, you're different."

"There should be more Ubers like this."

"This is the most interesting and entertaining Uber. You made my day."

"This is the best Uber ride I've ever had, I've never seen anything like this."

"I love you, you're awesome man."

"Your best self is being an Uber driver."

"You made my morning really good."

"That was wonderful."

Former Uber driver, "I'm very proud of you."

The two New Jersey girls wrote, "Thank you so much.  You made our experience so enjoyable. We hope to see you again."

After giving me the large tip she said, ""I am very grateful for your generosity and ease to help. In a world with so much hate and bitterness, and in a time where I needed a shift in outlook (after a personally dark year for me), it is the least I could do."

When the older woman got out of my car at her church on a Sunday morning, she patted me on the shoulder and said, "The lord is blessing you."

The Mexican man who spoke only a little English, asked, "Can I get your number, because this is a perfect car for my family.

"Thank you for brightening my day."

"Loved all the stories."

"I love it, such a fun Uber!"

"This makes the ride more interesting and enjoyable."

"Thanks for talking to me."

"I like your museum."

"I've never been in an Uber like this."

A guy from Ukraine, "Your Ukraine bill is very old, like a coupon. I can get you a newer one."

"I wish I had foreign money to give you."

"This is the most interesting Uber I've ever been in."

"It sounds like you're a fun driver."

"Can I have your autograph?"

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