Sunday, July 7, 2024

Strangers Saved Him

I have posted a number of times about people doing kind or generous things for complete strangers.  I like to do that as an Uber driver also, but I read this story and it is pretty special. 

This week a man possibly by the name of John, sent a thank you letter that was published in a few places.  He and his wife were at a boarding gate at Denver International Airport and his wife of 12 years passed out. Her heart stopped beating and her lungs stopped breathing.  He called out for someone to help.

Moments later two nurses and an ER doctor appeared since they were passing by. They did chest compressions and he gave mouth to mouth. A flight attendant got a defibrillator and hooked her up and soon after she started breathing.  Apparently, the early decompressions saved her life.

John's message was simple, "I don't know the names of my wife's lifesavers. I never had a chance to ask. I wouldn't recognize their faces. The whole episode was a blur.  I want to thank them.  They and all medical professional who instinctively rust to help when help in needed, knowing their skills can save lives."

He concluded by saying, "I'll probably never meet them; they'll probably never read this.  But lifesavers walk among us, and we all should be grateful."

I've made it a habit of thanking nurses and doctors who I drive in my car for all they did over the last few years during the pandemic.  Sometimes, they genuinely seem surprised-imagine if we all did that.

Sometimes we are put in the position to help a stranger and it's something we should do. A couple months ago when a car hit me head on, a guy who owns a painting shop came over immediately to see if I was okay.  Also, the car that hit me also hit another car and that woman asked if I was okay. One of them handed me my phone which was on the floor so I could call my wife. They weren't a lifesaver, but they helped me at a very difficult moment-they were there.

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