Sunday, July 28, 2024


I am on the longest vacation of my life (5 weeks). I have so much to write about I am starting my "vacation blogs" before I get home.  

During our lives, I am sure we have all had a couple good battles with a fly, wasp, bee, or something crawling on the ground. We win sometimes, we lose sometimes, but who's keeping score?

I can't remember exactly when my battles started, but I've been pretty good at getting flies.  I would grab a flyswatter, newspaper, or magazine, and I would go after that fly. I would show the fly how serious I was by taking off my shirt. (No picture or video is available) My secret was to trap the fly in the bathroom.  On some occasions my son would follow in my footsteps by removing his shirt and the two of us would search the house for the fly that was going to die.

Out here in Colorado, we are staying at our daughter's house and sleeping in a small bedroom. Last night, around 10:30 pm., we had a visitor, a BIG fly.  It may have been a "Queen fly" or a "King fly".  It was in a hurry and I got it into the small bathroom and it disappeared.  Here I am, with towel in hand, looking at the cabinet I think it went in to.  I shut the cabinet and had it trapped.

Ten minutes later it came out of nowhere and I got some good swings at it. I am pretty sure I heard the distress signal go out, "Mayday, Mayday, there's a large, old and tired human changing my wind currents. Need emergency landing, somewhere.  NOW!"

Once again it disappeared and then reappeared.  I had it where I wanted it, or it had me where it wanted me.  Four times he vanished and the last time I surrendered.  I closed the bathroom door to let it rest since it was getting tired and we went to sleep.

The next morning it was gone.  Where did it go?  There is a vent and the sink and shower drain, one of them had to be the escape route.  I was too big to check them out and Ant Man was not available.  But, if it returns, I'm taking my shirt off and I will complete my mission.

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