Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Southern St. Patrick's Day

It might be interesting to read how a comparison on how St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in the South compared to how it's celebrated in the North.  Unfortunately, you're not going to read about that here.  It would be difficult for me to do since I've never really "celebrated" St. Patrick's Day.

Sure, I've worn green as I did on Sunday, but is that really celebrating? It would be fair to say I've never had an alcoholic drink on St. Patrick's Day.  I just had a lot of trouble spelling "alcoholic."  (I did it again too)  I will start avoiding typing that word, as much as I do drinking it.

What observations can I make from the weekend? It was a weekend of drinking, more so than usual.  since the "holiday" fell on a Sunday and Saturday is typically a big "go and drink day". There were a lot of celebrations here in the Myrtle Beach area and in Charleston.  I'm reporting from what I saw in Myrtle Beach Sunday and my wife was telling me about what she saw in Charleston that day.

When I was in Charleston on Saturday it was obvious that there were more "celebrations" than usual.  I did have a number of rides going to bars or pubs or parties and some people were dressed with funny hats and of course wore green colors.  I was stopped at a light and could clearly see a mobbed pub with maybe 75 people outside holding a drink.  I did not think, I wish I was there.  My thoughts were, I hope to get out of here.  There were more celebrations on Saturday in Myrtle Beach also and I'm guess it was more St. Patrick's Weekend in a lot of the country too.

On Sunday, there might have been less celebrating than Saturday.  I did laugh when I picked up two guys in their twenties from Wisconsin around 9 am in North Myrtle Beach.  They were looking for an open bar and I dropped them off at a hotel to start drinking.  About a half hour later I picked them up again since that place hadn't opened yet and they found another one that was open.  I did ask them if they had alcohol in Wisconsin and they did confirm that they do.

Things will be different next year since St. Patrick's Day will be on a Tuesday.  There's still a very good chance I will not have a "you know what" on that day either.  However, it did appear that people enjoyed the holiday in the South as much as people enjoyed it in the North.  Just don't take my word for it.

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