Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Letter

Have you ever really looked at some of the junk that is in your mail? One letter recently caught my eye because it was from Louisville, Kentucky.  I don't know anyone there, but I have heard of it.  My name was spelled right on the envelope and it was very neatly done, but I'm not sure a human being did it.

It was great to hear from the Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dealership in Pawley's Island.  We live not too far away, so it made sense to get this letter.  Why did it come from Kentucky? Does this mean the sales person really didn't send it to me?

It looks like a very down to earth personal note that he suddenly decided to send me.  Here's what it said with my thoughts in parenthesis:  "We're under new management (it's about time, but I've never been there) and looking to build up our professional inventory. (how is inventory professional?)  If you still have your 2012 Jeep Patriot (I barely remember the car and have driven over 300,000 miles since I had it) we'd like to welcome you back to the dealership (I may have passed it on the road, but that's it) for an aggressive purchase offer! (I'd prefer a passive purchase offer which includes free food)  With no payments for up to 90 days (only 90 days, one year and you have a deal), and other great incentives,(food?) now would be a great time to trade! (what time isn't?) See enclosed offers!

Talk to you soon (the chances are slim and none, you pick) VD (his real initials, but I didn't spell his name out) 843-613-6817 ext. 24876 (I changed one number for privacy reasons)

The year is 2020 and they are looking for my 2012 Jeep Patriot? Good luck finding that, there's no chance it's in South Carolina. How desparate do you have to be to be looking for a car that is eight years old? What do you think the letter cost and how many do they send out? Do they actually get a few calls back? Is it possible that they make a sale like this?

I know it's too many questions, but the bottom line is that junk mail is the same in the South as it is in the North. It's also equally annoying.  I'm throwing the letter out right now.

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