Friday, April 16, 2021

The Passing of The Salami

 Let's face it, friends do weird stuff together.  When you visit someone's house for the first time it is customary to bring something, cookies, donuts, cake or a salami.  Sure, it's sounds odd, but why not bring a salami? When my friend Larry visited with his wife, he was carrying a small cooler.  My first thought was that he brought some beer for me(ha ha) or it was a heart that he was keeping cold? I was hoping he wasn't going to show that off. He did once where hospital scrubs visiting me in the hospital and I almost burst my stitches seeing that.

Larry remembered that I could not find a salami when I was in New Jersey which was one of my my favorite foods that I haven't been able to eat to celebrate my 60th birthday last year.  (I may only have two things left, gefilte fish and a Carvel flying Saucer-what a combo)

This salami was special.  Larry didn't just drive it down from New Jersey.  He drove from New Jersey down to Charleston, South Carolina and the salami spent a few days in Charleston before heading north to Myrtle Beach.

I rewarded the salami by cutting a few slices to eat at dinner and then making a great salami sandwich for the next day.  I love it, it was amazing.  Larry, who has a way with words, said, "I was hoping the salami would have lasted longer." Are you kidding? I could have eaten it all for dinner.

Below is the picture of Larry passing the salami to me, I'm going to have to find one on my next trip to bring home, or I could eat it on the way!

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