Sunday, August 1, 2021


Since I am now driving three days a week instead of two and July had five weekends, this is the most rides I've ever given in a month(over 300) and of course this is the longest number of rider comments.

 "I used to live in the capital of Mexico- Los Angeles. I decided I had to get back to the USA so I moved out of Los Angeles. One of the things I miss most from living there is real Mexican food."

The male college student seriously asked me, "Is there a place that has buffets on four floors?" Me: "Did you think of that when you were awake or sleeping-I think it's a great idea."

Truck driver from Texas: "I tell people that my marriage has lasted 12 years for three reasons: 1. I married my best friend. 2. I know that she's really trying to kill me slowly and I'm not going to make it easy for her.  3. She can leave anytime she wants, but I'm going to go with her."

"Paula Dean has killed more people with her recipes than anyone."

The older man was very impressed with our app.  He said, "I know everything about you, even your sex life."

When a woman's car moved into my lane to cut in front of me, the young guy in my car said, "I wish I had a milkshake to throw at her."

The woman said, "I'm a single parent with three children, I have 20 clients as a personal trainer, and I started being a body builder at the age of 48, six years ago. It is so enjoyable and I exercise one hour a day."

Woman from North Dakota: "In North Dakota there are 3 cows for every person."

Driving the man in his 50's to Wal Mart he said, "I 'm going to get some groceries and flirt with some women.  It's a great place to pick-up women."

He told me, "I got a job as a chef working a scientific vessel for the government.  Due to the bureaucracy, it took me a full year to get through the hiring process. They even had me take a blood test in the middle of nowhere at a truck stop."

School nurse: she said, "the kids were great during this past year, but some parents are stupid humans."

The guy was explaining what Top Golf was and how it worked and his girlfriend said, "it sounds like a foreign language." When he told her that the large net protects the car windshields from being hit, she said, "the car windshields being hit sounds more interesting than golf, it would be very entertaining to see."

He wanted to get back with his old girlfriend and told me, "I can see us sitting on a front porch in South Carolina cleaning our dentures."

Hairdresser: "About 20 years ago I put the Nike swoosh on the back of someone's head.  I thought at the time it was really weird."

Woman with two boys 6 and 8: "I don't do anything, but I started a business out of my garage providing healthy food for my neighbors.  Each week I cook a large salad and a main dish and I have about 50 customers who pick up meals for themselves and their family and I make about $800 a week."

Woman: "I tell my employees not to bring their work home and don't bring your home to work."

Rider stuck at Food Lion texted: "Please don't cancel, have been waiting long time, they keep canceling." Arriving there I said, "You've been through a lot so the ride is free, I'll just need a steak dinner instead." He replied, "I don't have steak, but I am grilling some pork chops, you can join me."

When I told the Navy guy about my last ride with the steak and the pork chops, I missed his turn and he said, "You missed my turn and you owe me a pork chop." Me: "I'm going to substitute a list of my top 20 comments instead of the pork chop, but if you ever get a pork chop in the mail in the future, you know where it came from."

Young woman from Massachusetts: "we call people from Massachusetts, "Assachusetters."

The female realtor said, "people have been working for a year at home and they don't like the home or who's in it."

When I asked the couple if they were ready for my Trivia Question about the Ravenel Bridge in front of us, the woman said, "is this like cash car and if we guess wrong we get left on the bridge." Me: "That is a good idea."

Getting in the car I said to her, "You must be Amelia, he doesn't look like an Amelia." Amelia: "Not tonight he doesn't." Me: "I don't need to know any more about that."

Young woman: "We're 20 years old, we're not teenagers."

Guy about a girl at school: "She's not a scientist, she may be a scientologist though."

Three college guys and a girl: Guy: "The three of us are all in the same fraternity." Girl: "Sadly, I am not in their fraternity."

"I bought the house without my husband seeing it. He says he trusts my taste since I married him."

Male with young kids: "The greatest thing about having kids is reliving your life and experiencing their joy."

College of Charleston male coach: "I have taught some of the guys here how to have a steady girlfriend, instead of just being "casual" as many of them want."

"The "Seattle Freeze" is when you're not acknowledged at all there."

Young mom: "I have a baby-free weekend. I'm going to drink wine and watch Grey's Anatomy."

Talking to him wife about raising their young daughter: "Once that tree fully grows, you can't bend it at all."

New residents of South Carolina: "We researched it and found that the weather here in April, May and October is very much like Hawaii."

Female: "When I worked at a concession stand at Yankee Stadium as a kid, I got a $50 tip from Denzel Washington."

Male: "Moving to the South from Long Island, NY. fit like a glove."

She: "Ice cream is like magic for me." I added, "you make it disappear?"

My rider Paul texted me, "I'm wearing a lime green dress." When I arrived I said, "You said you were wearing a lime green dress, what happened?" Him: "that was before, it looks better on my wife."

Female college student: "If my life depended on it, I would not go back to being in high school."

Female hotel front desk person: "I can't wait for the season to end.  People have been miserable and unhappy."

"I probably make more money than most people." Owner cyber security company

He said, "We're both "hangry."(hungry) I told him, "I thought I made that up."

Male tourist: "A bad day in Myrtle Beach is better than a good day at work."

Two young people from the Caribbean: "We stay young by drinking coconut water and working out."

Male: "I don't talk about work at home, I've already lived it once and I don't want to re-live it again."

27 year old black women with a lot of restaurant experience: "I tell them in an interview that you can low ball me for thirty days, but then you have to pay me."

She: "Sometimes the GPS doesn't let us be great."

Male sales manager: "I called American Airlines customer service and chose the option for them to call me back when someone was available.  They said it would be 21 hours. It turned out to be less time, but I missed the call because it was 3 am on a Saturday."

Chicago businessman: "My friend owns a nice restaurant in Chicago and when we heard there was going to be a protest rally there, about 50 of us grabbed are guns and knives and protected his place along with three police units and it was safe."

"Moving hear was a culture shock. Even fast food is not fast."

"Uber drivers are a lot friendlier here than they are in Michigan."

Telling several mid-twenties guys on Saturday who were here for a bachelor party: "If you're going out tonight demand and prices will be high for riders." Him: "Oh no, we're going to be in our rooms studying the bible." Me: "I'd like a picture of that."  Him: We can send you a lot of pictures."

She: "I've been getting up early my whole life."(25 years old)

Walgreens store manager: "My wife helps the world(social worker) and I make money off it."

When I told the woman that I had another woman say, "Our husbands are so needy, they don't even know how to feed themselves," she replied, "do they come home to dead husbands?"

Young, expecting Mom: "I'm worried about giving the baby a shower." Me: "Don't worry, babies don't get showers, only a bath. You might be thinking of a baby shower."

Years ago at work we all brought in food to share.  Two younger women wouldn't eat my food because I had a cat, so I told them that the cat sits on my shoulder and helps me cook."

Male: "A few years ago on an online game I was referred to as "Soup." The name stuck and I even call myself  "soup."

Nurse: "I was shocked when the Uber driver asked us not to wear a mask in his car, so we didn't."

College student: "I noticed there's a lot of wing places here. My Uber driver said they are probably money laundering places."

J-1 student: "you're the first Uber driver in the ten days I'm here to ask me to wear a mask."

Older male: "When I had Covid for three weeks I lost 24 pounds, it was not fun."

Male: "My wife and I were stuck with a layover at the Honolulu airport and we heard there were 27 seats on a plane going over to Maui.  I asked the woman at the desk if we could get on that flight and she said, "Did you pay for it? You got what you paid for, now go sit down. If they tell you to sit down twice they send you to jail."

When I told the three women I was giving them a small gift, one woman shrieked, “w-h-a-a-a-a-a-a-t?” Moments later, she found out that we had the same birthday and she shrieked again, “w-h-a-a-a-a-a-t?”

"My wife and I were at a Charleston baseball game and saw Bill Murray who is a part owner of the team.  I asked him for his autograph and handed him a pink bat I just bought my wife and a pen.  He looked at the pen and said, "I can't sign this with a pen.  Hold my beer, I'll be right back."  He came back with a sharpie and signed our bat and said, "give me my beer back."

The teacher went to sit down at the hotel pool just over an hour ago and said, "it felt like hot coals." When I got up a wasp flew out and I yelled out the "F" word, because I was in a lot of pain and my beer went up in the air and spilled on me. I tried to apologize to the people in the pool and the child, but they spoke another language."  Me: Did you tell your husband already?"(he was with their son) She: "I sent him a picture, I have a big welt."

"My friend's father was the photographer for The Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers.  He was a good friend of the late Roberto Clemente and had agreed to go with him on his fateful missionary trip to Nicaragua on New Year's Eve in 1972. When Franco Harris of the Steeler's caught "The Immaculate Reception" to win the game, his Dad had to work the next week instead of taking the trip and he says that Franco Harris saved his life."(the catch is recognized as the greatest play in NFL history)

Woman in South Carolina, "My ten brothers and sisters and I met at a nice restaurant in Georgia along with a few other spouses.  The older couple at the next table loved the fact that we were all family and having such a good time.  She said that she hadn't spoken to her two sisters in a long time and one of my brothers said he would pray for her that it work out.  When it came time to pay we were arguing about who was going to get the big check and the waitress told us it was taken care of by the older couple who even paid the tip for us."

Woman with third child going to college: "It's not where you go to college, but it what you do there."

Female: "I sell boxes, there are a lot of box salespeople because there are a lot of boxes."

Woman: "Your car smells great, our last few rides all smelled like smoke."`

Male entrepreneur: CEO means Chief of Everything."

Young woman after I told her she can't read my Favorite Comment list in the car, she said, "I feel like there's a lot of rules in this Uber." Making fun of her name Amelia that we were joking about I said, "That sounds a lot like the snooty "Emelia" we were talking about before."

Me: "Are you married?" Him: "No, we've been dating for two months although we've known each other for a long time.  She wants a ring." When they got out of the car I said to him, "I've been married almost 38 years, it's a good deal."

"I told the guy who wrote songs that I once wrote a song about "The Life of a Cigarette Butt", and a drummer told me last month, "that's genius." He replied, "He's right, it's genius." (How come no one told me this 40 years ago when I wrote it?)

Actress from New York City: "I was in a military family and the theatre became life preserving for me and today I'm in plays and do commercials."

Putting her suitcase in my trunk, I asked where she was headed.  She replied, Arkansas, it's a dreadful state."(lived there four years)

"A dog can't bark and bite at the same time."

"I'm as balanced as an elephant on a tightrope."

When I told him that a guy once waved at me behind his back when I was driving by, he said, "if that happened in Detroit(where he's from) or New Jersey(where I'm from), he would have been cursed out." 

"I probably make more money than most people." Owner cyber security company

I said to the young woman, "Are you from New York?" She said, "Yes, Long Island,  how did you know?' Me: I could tell from your accent."  Her: "I don't have an accent."

"I definitely needed your positivity today." She went to get a U-haul truck to move and they didn't have one for her.

Actress from New York City: "I was in a military family and the theatre became life preserving for me and today I'm in plays and do commercials."

"I'm a commercial diver-I do welding under water."

Young woman who wants to run a hotel like her mom, "hospitality runs in my family."

Asking the man from Chicago, "does this remind you of Chicago?"  He said: "hell no, I just needed to get out of the city."

26 year-old male: "I've been working since I was 16 and I never had much time for a life.  I don't have any hobbies and never did fun things."

Him: "We're going to San Diego." Me: "I'd love to go, do you have an extra seat?" Him: "Sure, you can come with us."

Male: "I would make a good hood ornament"

Him: "My Mom had a crush on someone named Houston in the 1976 Olympics, so that's what she named me."

She said, "It's easier to breathe down here." 

Male: "This is the perfect Uber vehicle."

"My husband and I don't ever talk politics because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican."

Pastor: "I took over our congregation in January after our Pastor was tragically killed by his son with a gun. We have a lot of healing to do. "

She said, "The best thing about living in Denver is the weather diversity."

Him: "My friend was working in New York City in a studio apartment and when the pandemic hit, he rented a house in Lake Tahoe and worked remotely and saved money."

He said, "Sometimes you just have to take chances with a career."

"California just has some stupid laws."

Military guy in school: "What do you think the political situation will be here over the next few years?"

"People in California are in their own bubble."

Me to young guy: "You could drive around with me all day today." Him: "That would be pretty boring." Me: "Don't you think I could entertain you all day?" Him laughing: "I have a doctor appointment."

Woman from New Jersey about living in the South: "I love it when people say, "have a blessed day."

Male: "Amazon now pays me $20 per hour to work in their warehouse and I usually get 50-60 hours a week."

Young woman raised in the south: "If I didn't show respect when I was a child I got spanked. I sometimes say sir and mam to people only a couple years older than me."

Me: "Don't leave anything back there." Him: "I was going to leave a tip." Me: "That is always acceptable and appreciated."

Him: "I have 12 years of customer service experience." I noticed he looked pretty young so I said, "You must have started when you were 14." He replied, "I actually started when I was 12 in my Grandfather's store and worked at McDonalds when I was 14."

Woman: "A job I used to have, the boss told me he only expects people to give 65% effort. I always give 100%, so I worked my way out of that job."

Therapist: "If someone doesn't finish their therapy after surgery, they could be a prisoner for the rest of their life."

Older woman: "We're not really big fans of golf."

Female college student on vacation at 8:30 am: "I have to start drinking right away."

Young New Yorker: "I love it down here, it's so quiet and calm."

"I had a guy working for me as a truck driver who called himself, "Unbelievable."  His first day of work he forgot his license and he wanted to know if I had a copy of it on me."

He said, "My Dad told me when I was young, whatever you do for work even if you're shoveling fishhooks, you should shovel more than anyone else."

Male business owner: "If someone doesn't like the rules that the company has, they should put their money down and start their own business."

"The truck driver called me and said he was having trouble with his truck and he was working on it.  On my way into work, I saw his truck in line at another construction company.  I called him and told him he should lose my number, because I was losing his."

Human Resources manager told me that she, "has been hiring like crazy since February and I'm trying to avoid turnovers."

Navy guy: "I didn't know what I could do in the Navy, but they said I had good math skills so I should be a Nuclear Engineer."

Him: "We're going to San Diego." Me: "I'd love to go, do you have an extra seat?" Him: "Sure, you can come."

"Every time I see the Boeing assembly room with all the planes lined up, it's like I'm seeing it for the first time."

"A friend of mine lived in an expensive studio apartment in New York City.  When the pandemic hit and he was going to work remotely, he rented a house in Lake Tahoe and worked there and saved money on rent."

Woman: "The best thing about Denver is the weather diversity."

Male: "Once you get out of the cities in California, the state is mostly conservative."

Pastor: "I just took over for our Pastor who was tragically killed by his son in a gun accident. We have a lot of healing still to do."

Woman looking for me at the airport, called me and said, "Are you talking on the phone?" I said, "Yes, I'm talking to you."

New York City Detective: "I work in the beautiful sections of Brooklyn, NY."

Me: "What does the Ravenel bridge look like to you?"  Him: "Two birthday hats."

The Iranian explained, "I live in Jersey in a neighborhood with a lot of Italians, I love it.  We have always had great relationships with Italians."

Me: What hotel do you work at?  Her: "Denny's". Me: "That's a really small hotel."

"There's no place like New York City, except maybe London."

"Omaha, Nebraska is a big city with a small vibe."

When I told the couple from Washington State that I've had people from Oregon tell me that Oregon is known for it's food, the guy said, "I just think of biscuits and gravy."

Young black male working for T-Mobile: "I call myself the Dr. Phil in T Mobile."(solving problems all the time)

Male: "Every time I walk into that Boeing assembly room and see all those planes being put together, it's just like the first time I ever saw it."

She: "I think sometimes people down here just lack the desire to work."

N.Y. City Detective: "The people leading the "Defund Police" campaign should be held responsible for the loss of life it's cost."

"It's 115 degrees in Phoenix, but we had to adjust to the humidity here."

Talking about unusual names, Ulysses told me that, "in school I knew a girl named Wednesday, we called her "Weed-nes-day."

"Hawaii has the most perfect weather on the planet."

Woman from New Jersey: "The "Jersey Shore" show made New Jersey seem trashy and gross."

Me: "Do you like your job in finance?" She: "Yes, but I'm not doing it for fun."

"I was in Hawaii and saw a petrified forest that had multi-colored trees."

The young engineer told me, "Going out in the field to help customers solve problems, helps me become a better engineer."

Young woman who did not have a mask on, but was willing to put one on: I haven't seen an Uber driver wear one for six months.  I had COVID three times!"`

"Music to me is like painting a picture."

I said to three female college students: "What year are you in?" They said, "We're rising Juniors."(between Sophomore and Junior year)

"We had a great time in Charleston seeing the fireworks on a boat."

He said as he got out of my car, "sorry to see you're a Knick and Giant fan."

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