Saturday, September 16, 2023

Where Did That Dream Come From?

When I was in college I was fascinated by the dreams I had.  I decided to write down all the dreams I could remember for about a year.  The only one I can remember today was that I dreamed I was the fifth Beatle.  It makes sense since I really can't sing, play an instrument, or read music. However, I had only been a Beatle fan for a couple years by that time and I did have hair. (It could have been cut like the Beatles)  Maybe, I could have written some songs?  One day, I'll find that notebook and I'm sure it will be entertaining to read, at least for me.

Over the last few months I've been having "delivery dreams." Considering I've made thousands of deliveries in my career and I'm still delivering people, this does makes some sense.  I had one dream that I was back in college. I went to FDU in Madison, New Jersey and in the dream I was in a building that is called the Mansion. I haven't been there in decades, but it looked the same in the dream.  I walked up this big flight of stairs from the main level and walked into a lecture hall, which looked larger than Carnegie Hall. 

This is where it definitely became a dream.  I was sitting way up on top which seemed more like a stadium looking down at the stage and to the right were very large windows that you would see in an airport.  Actually, outside the windows was an airport.  It was distracting as I watched planes taking off and landing right outside. I'm not sure what the lecture was about, but it wouldn't surprise me if the topic was, "This is stupid, it's time to wake up."

Early this morning I had a dream I was on a bicycle, which I haven't been on in thirty years? It was late at night, but it was light out. I must have been in Alaska when they have all that daylight. I was in a neighborhood riding close to where I grew up in Edison, NJ. I think I did ride my bike there about fifty years ago?

There were young kids riding also, maybe 8-13 years old and they all had small cardboard holders they were giving to people and they were all wearing red.  This wasn't something you mail. It looked like the picture below, it may or may not have been red.  One kid asked if I wanted one and I said, "No thanks."  As I rode away I realized what it was, a french fry holder.  After midnight they give out free fries if you have a fry holder! Where? I guess at the local McDonalds, which was not in that neighborhood. 

I woke up and did not have a holder, but I did think, where did that dream come from? So, if you wake up remembering a dream and you say to yourself, "Where did that dream come from?", you are not alone. However, if you wake up and you had my french fry dream, it means that we have to go visit McDonalds together and get some french fries.

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