Friday, February 2, 2024


As I grabbed the large and heavy suitcase, I said, "You didn't take furniture from the hotel, did you?" Her friend answered, "It's a body," and she added, "It's just the pieces." 

"If it looks bad and smells bad and it doesn't belong to you, don't eat it."

"I know someone not from this country and her name is Angela Angela Angela."

He: "Has anything good come from boozing? It makes your brain retarded and some people like that."

Uber driver: "It takes some thought to be a good person, it takes no thought to be an a-hole."

As he got in the car very early in the morning after a late night, I said, "How are you today?" He replied, "To be honest with you, I'm a degenerate today."

In her first Uber ride in Charleston where she's lived for thirty years, "I should take Uber more often just to see the town."

The Canadian told me, "Life is full of adventure and fun. The world needs to be more friendly."

He: "My dad always told me to do things that other people don't want to do."

She: "You have to give 100% in what you do in life."

Visiting her sister in Charleston the woman from Utah, said, "It's perfect here."

"My uncle went goose hunting in Maryland and found Terry Bradshaw's Super Bowl Ring. He spoke to him and was told that he hadn't lost one of them. The ring was legit and a couple years later, Bradshaw was on The Tonight Show saying he lost a Super Bowl Ring. My uncle still has it."

Talking about southern hospitality with a guy from New York who lives in South Carolina he said, "Sometimes on the way home I drive another way through my neighborhood to avoid waving at people."

He: "My girlfriend broke up with me to marry another guy. Ten years later I went to close on a house and saw them at the closing-it was their house. Two years later she left him and I started dating her again."

They met online during the pandemic and had their first date on the beach. She: "We went out on one date and moved in together." He: "Two weeks after we met, I bought a car and we drove around the country for 18 months while we worked remotely."

She graduated in communications from Syracuse, "Who is the most famous graduate from Syracuse?" She hit it out of the park a few minutes later by saying, "President Biden, Jim Brown, and Bob Costas."

He: "My sister got me my first engineering job. I was helping my dad build her house and she said if I stayed to finish it, she would find me a job and she did. My company sent me to Hawaii to train, working in Pearl Harbor the first six months."

From Indiana she explained, "Y'all is something said out in the country and we have a water tower in Indiana that says, 'Hey y'all."

She: "I have nothing to complain about here in Myrtle Beach, the grass is not always greener on the other side."

She: "My boyfriend has a creepy clown mask with blood on it that he keeps in his apartment. He's an acrobat and has worked in Vegas."

My rider was "Rider." He said, "My dad was a big Doors fan and he loved the song, "Riders on The Storm."

I asked her what her name Amoy means and she said, "In Jamaican, it's beautiful goddess."

I asked her how her parents came up with the name Kirby and she joked, "Maybe they just hated me."

She's from Kansas: "Every three months I order half a cow from Kansas and they cut it up just the way I want it. It cost $350 but it's worth it."

She: "I met my husband after college although we were at the same college at the same time. When we were married five years later, someone in my family pulled out a picture of our family at my college orientation. Walking behind us in the picture was my future husband."


She has her own business in the South: "Everyone comes down here with pocketfulls of money and I'm happy to take a little for me." I said, "For the right person, that would make a great commercial." She: "I'm not the right person."

She: "I used to have a big doll that I carried around until 4th grade and called her my sister."

The Washington Redskin fan said of his team, "It's been a rough last three decades." I said, "I remember when they were really good." He said, "I do too, but then I turned seven."

The woman from Long Island asked several family members to pick her up at the airport and drive her to the airport and drive her to Staten Island, NY to see her son compete in a race. "My sister said she was allergic to the Belt." (The Belt Parkway)

The retired Navy guy said, "I drove Uber in 2013, when no one knew what it was. I just started driving again and I try to give people what I would want."

"I was in an Uber talking with the driver and towards the end realized he was one of my good friends in high school."

She: Charleston is the best city I've ever been in."

They went to one of the Charleston plantations and she said, "It was sad." Her husband joked, "I'm Italian, we didn't have slaves."

She: I have a collection of 79 Starbucks mugs."

He: The 20 pesos in Mexican is plastic because of how much it's used."

"My grandfather used to say when he was tired, "I need to rest my neck."

She told me because of her personality, "I'm a different kind of accountant."


Picking up my last rider, Lilly, I told her that my mannequin's name was Lily, with one L, she said, "The friend we're picking up, her name is Lily, with one L too." We took a great selfie together.

I told her that Lily was a gift to me by a passenger from in Kansas who owns a salon and she said, "Is that because you're bald?"

She: "My uncle collected antique clothes and he had three mannequins in his house that he used to dress up all the time."


Looking at the money from 45 countries represented in my car, she said, "It's like Epcot."

He: "You're the man-so cool."

He: "This was the most enjoyable ride I've ever had."

She said about her short ride: "One of the most fun Ubers I've ever been in."

"You just made our morning."

"That was the best Uber experience I've ever had."

"This really is amazing."

"I love the experience, awesome."

"This is so dope, this is awesome."

After showing her friend she was talking to some video of the car her friend said that I was, "As a cool as a fan."

I told him I wasn't a psychologist, just an Uber driver.  He said, "Anyone with bills from 44 countries in their car, is not just an Uber driver."

The man from Chicago said, "It's good to see a driver who enjoys what he does.

"You're a character."

He: "Did I work with you in Atlanta? I guess there's another good looking person who looks like you."

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