Tuesday, January 30, 2024



Myrtle Beach is one of those places that people keep coming back to.  My first ride of the day was a woman who had lived and practiced in Las Vegas for six years. Her son, also a doctor, told her, "You shouldn't tell people that you lived in Vegas, because they'll think you lived with the whores." She made me laugh many times. I told her that my mannequin was a gift from a passenger and she said, "Is that because you're bald?" I think she'd be a lot of fun having her as a doctor, because you would never know what would come out of her mouth.


He lives in Houston, Texas and I had a great conversation with him.  He works in the environmental field and has been seeing a good part of the country as he travels for work. I asked, "Have you always wanted to come here?" He said, "Actually, it's the one place I never wanted to visit." He doesn't like the cities he's been to, except Washington D.C. He related very well to The South due to the slower pace of life and the friendliness which he is used to in Australia.  He was very interested in our Presidential Election and I enjoyed talking with him among some other topics. I think he likes this country more than he used to.


My last ride of the night was to pick up a Lilly and I couldn't wait to introduce her to my mannequin Lily.  As she got in the car I said, "Lilly, this is Lily from Kansas." She started laughing and told me, "Our first stop is to pick up my friend Lily." I could not believe it, but when Lily got in the car I introduced her to Lily, with only one "L". The other two Lilly's were good friends so I got them to pose with my mannequin Lily in between them. It's the best selfie I've ever taken, with three Lilly's behind me.  I promised not to post it, but we all have big smiles, except my mannequin.


As awful as COVID has been the past few years, I continue to drive people who had very positive COVID experiences.(Excuse the pun) The couple met online during COVID and planned their first date on the beach because it was open. They hit if off immediately and she said, "I moved in after the first date and haven't left." Two weeks later he bought a car and they decided to drive across the country while they worked remotely. He said, "When do you ever get a chance to do that?" I asked him if they were able to avoid COVID and he said, "Yes, but when I went back to work, I got it." They've been married one year and it all started because of COVID.


They say it only takes a few seconds to make a good impression.  However, as an Uber driver, it usually takes only a minute or two to be very impressed with someone. A realtor for five years, the woman in her mid to late twenties was obviously a professional. Poised, well spoken and personable, she told me that she, "Goes by the book," and has helped many of her friends and has gotten many referrals. I asked her where she had gotten her positive attitude and she told me a friend of hers did not think she was an achiever. She seemed to be motivated by that.  I have no doubt she will continue to be successful in the future. She's definitely an achiever and I think she knows that the only person that she really needs to impress-is herself.

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