Thursday, February 22, 2018

Goodbye Gladys

You didn't know Gladys and I didn't either.  It would be fair to say that no one knew Gladys, because she wasn't a person.  My youngest daughter and wife decided to name my wife's gall bladder Gladys, before it was removed.  It was probably the two G's that did it, but that's the name of her gall bladder.

When you have a planned surgery everything is very precise in what you have to do.  You get a call the day before telling you when to be at the hospital and you make sure you're there.  You know that they will be waiting for you and there's a timetable set-up for a number of surgeries that day.  The call came in and although they left a phone message to be at the hospital at 9:30 this morning, my wife and I both spoke with the person who told us 9:30.  We planned on getting there some time after 9 am.

At 8:15 the hospital called, because they were looking for us.  Gladys was scheduled to be removed at 9:20 am and we were 25-30 minutes away.  Gladys was going to survive a little bit longer than expected.  Although they were running 15-20 minutes behind, everything went smoothly, except for Gladys.

It just goes to show you, no matter who you're dealing with or what the situation is, everyone's human-except Gladys of course.

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