Monday, September 20, 2021


When each month ends the past few years, I have blogged about my favorite riders of the month. Some of these riders have been funny, strange, incredible people, or the ride itself was unforgettable. I would have waited until the end of this month to tell this story, but it was not only a good ride, but it had a very surprising ending.  This is one of those handful of rides I will always talk about and it will be enjoyed by at least hundreds of riders in my car.

Some of my best rides are my first ride of the day and when I picked up a woman at 6 am., I had a feeling this was going to be a great way to start the day.  She was heading to the airport to return home to Kansas City.  Getting a ride in the early hours can be difficult so we started discussing that and her vacation visiting with friends. She was definitely awake, friendly, and very easy to talk to her.  I thought she might be in sales or management, but I noticed she definitely had excellent communication skills to deal with the public.

She has worked for the Kansas City Chiefs football organization for the past twenty years.  As a big sports fan and football fan, I really enjoyed hearing about her work.  Her job is to make and keep Chief fans happy and her office handles requests of all kinds. Her office tracks all requests that are made and it helps them figure out what requests might not be legit.  It's a very rewarding job and I could tell that she enjoys it and she's very good at.

As we pulled up to the airport I was giving her my list of favorite rider comments when she said, "If you promise not to mug me, I can show you something." I said, "sure," and turned around to see her Super Bowl ring from two years ago.  I was shocked, but I took it and put it on my finger and took the below picture. I thanked her and told her I hope to see her the next time she visits.  I checked the picture, which may not be the best, but the ring is all that matters.  Two years ago it was worth $35,000 and today it may be worth as much as $70,000.

It was a very good ride with a great ending, but the best rides I have, never really end.  I showed a number of riders that day the picture of the ring and it was a big hit.  I told one guy an hour later, "you were this close to a Super Bowl ring, she was sitting right where you're sitting." Two young guys from Honduras who are not football fans, were thrilled since The Super Bowl is the only football game they ever watch. I'm printing this picture and hanging it up in my car for all my riders to enjoy.

As thrilled as I was to put a Super Bowl ring on my finger, it's really not the best thing about this ride.  When you come across someone who gives you great service, they stand out immediately.  She was literally in the last few minutes of her vacation and she went the extra mile to give a football fan an unforgettable experience. She probably did not consider how many other people would enjoy the moment, but this is what she does- she make people happy.

She does have my blog address, so there is a chance that she will read this.  However, when someone does something special for you, it's important to thank them in a special way.  I just have to figure out the best way of getting this blogpost to her-THANK YOU FOR A GREAT RIDE.

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